oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Global variable: right click on your event sheet and add variable (text).

    Event condition:

    Button - On button clicked

    Event action:

    System - Set variable to TextBox.Text

  • First, to save a name you probably want to save it in a global variable. To build a string, you can use &. So set text to "Hi "&NameVariable&"! How are you?"

    To save and load, the simplest method is to use the system save and load actions. Local storage is more complex, but gives you more fine control over what to save and load.

  • https://www.scirra.com/manual/75/how-events-work

    Picking - conditions pick, or "filter" instances. When your specify on object clicked, only the one that was clicked is applicable to the actions, thus allowing you to get that one UID. If you didn't narrow down to only one instance, it wouldn't work right. Therefore watch out for situations where you might click two of the same overlapping object - you would only get the UID of one of them. To fix that, you would need an additional condition to figure out which one you wanted (pick by z order to get the one on top is one solution).

  • UID works perfectly fine for identifying specific instances, and in some cases is more reliable than using IID. But the process is similar. On clicked object, set variable to object.uid.

    IID: Best when dealing with order - first, second, third, next to last, last ect...

    UID: Best when needing to reliably identify specific instance of any object.

  • Gamepad compare axis = 0,

    Trigger once - reset animation

  • Might be an iOS limitation, bit I'm not really familiar with that.

  • More specifically, the bullet behaviour has a gravity property.

    To regenerate: on Sprite exits layout, destroy Sprite and create Sprite.

    On Sprite collide with player, destroy Sprite, add to score.

  • Thanks for the detailed response! You're my hero.

    Just some perspective the interface is already most excellent, I'm really just nitpicking at whatever I can here...

    For the color picker, maybe it is easier to explain visually.

    And here are Paint.net's and Gimp's pickers respectively:

    It really isn't anything particularly important, I understand especially as you mentioned the graphics editor is a secondary feature. But again it was something that I definitely noticed right away.

  • >

    > Please note that you will require lag compensation (rewinding time) if you try to create a real-time shooter or something similiar.

    > https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... pts/page-8


    > Ashley covered that already in his tutorial.



    I had implemented this, and other user's suggestions on how to work around it using functions.

    Bullets were easy to sync; one set of instructions were synced to all players. But because each player's platform position was inconsistent on each machine, none of that mattered.

    The big problem was that the player's position was never the same. Especially when jumping. There was a discussion about this some time ago.

    Disclaimer: I've never actually completed any multiplayer projects myself, so please excuse me if I'm missing something specific to your situation or saying something that was obvious to you already. My hope is to possibly give you an approach or idea that you might not have thought of to try.

    Position will always be inconsistent/different on every peer due to the limitations of latency, there is pretty much no way around this. The only thing you can do is fudge it with lag compensation and input prediction. All multiplayer engines need to deal with this in one way or another.

    One method that looked decent for me was to have all "real" (read: host synced) sprites invisible (top down projectile shooter). Every visible sprite object (on each peer's device) was tied to the invisible master one, but by doing it this way I could set up my own rules for how the object looked and behaved (interpolation and input prediction) from each peer's point of view. Then I could make any small tweaks I needed to hide the latency factor. On the host side for lag compensation, I allowed small "burst movement" after an input is received to catch up to the peer's local input prediction position. Because the host version was invisible, it didn't look unnatural to the player. On the peer side, I also added a tiny bit of consistent, simulated input delay rather than instant local input predicted feedback, so the discrepancy between host and peer didn't get too far apart.

    Most of that is done by the built in actions in the plugin, but those don't allow for much fine tuning, which is why I ended up trying to make my own.

  • Sorry I used another example as the base for this one, I forgot to delete the array, it isn't being used.

    Let me know if you have any other questions I'll be happy to explain further.

  • Here's how I would approach this - https://www.dropbox.com/s/tro6kj5txzeeb ... s.PNG?dl=0

    There are a few prerequisites:

    You're going to need to manually crop out each area to be colored individually, and import them all and line them up together.

    Each "coloring block" and "coloring area" needs to have its own layer with the "Force own texture" layer property set.

    The color picker is actually just an illusion, its not really unlimited - you can import as many colors into your color block sprite as you can handle (128 would probably give a suitable illusion that it is "unlimited"). I'm pretty sure the link you sent me doesn't have truly unlimited colors either. You can probably get away with just 64 and no one would be able to tell. Seems tedious to set up that many frames, but you only have to do it one time. (Making 12 took me about one minute).

  • Hm welp my experiment to create a set of distance joints across a series of sprites with immovable drag and drop behaviored sprites at each end did not go well =[ Sorry!

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  • Physics/gravity chain?

  • Ok just to be clear you're trying to display a chat log, the data of which is stored in the array? I'd like to help you, but you still haven't provided either the source array/data or an example of how you want it to look (don't need your whole project). Can you take a screenshot of what your current solution outputs and looks like? And an example of the data you are importing to your array via AJAX?

    Any reason why your array is 150 specifically? Is that the maximum amount of lines you want to have displayed or history to be stored?

    Edit: Most of us use Dropbox to upload and share files. Or Google Drive.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tzan36yhnpjg ... .capx?dl=0

    There are two layouts with the two ways I mentioned to handle it.