oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Your title said unique touch event for instances, so you would need a unique identifier for each instance to determine what unique event to run. You can set an instance variable when creating objects via events as well no problem.

    If you want a generic event for flipping the card, then a simple on touched object would suffice - only the touched instance would be picked, and only that instance would flip.

    I don't know why your previous event with for each doesn't work, as I have no idea why you would want to use for each in this situation to begin with, since for each doesn't really have anything to do with what I understand your question to be.

  • Yes, it's just an invisible sprite, similar to how the base object is just an invisible rectangle

  • Loopindex is a system expression, and only works on system loops.

    For arrays, you need to use array.curx and array.cury instead.

    Or use a system repeat or for loop instead, from 0 to array.width-1.

  • You want to have an instance variable on each instance that ddetermines what happens when you interact with it.

  • Hitboxes are often separated into their own invisible helper objects as well. You would create and destroy these hitboxes as necessary on the correct animation frame. This goes for hurtboxes, terrain checks, ect as well.

  • construct.net/en/tutorials/savegames-11

    You want to use it in conjunction with localstorage.

    When you save, also save something in a localstorage key saying you have something saved.

    You can then check the localstorage key to see if there is a save available.

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  • construct.net/en/tutorials/supporting-multiple-screen-17

    A common misconception is that you need to target a specific resolution, like 1280x720. However there are a huge range of resolutions in common use. It's much better to pick an aspect ratio, then scale the game to fit that.

    Events and functions are things you build yourself for your game. "Useful events for this type of game" might be premade libraries in traditional programming, they are loosely related to plugins and behaviors in Construct. Best to go through them in the manual to see what might be useful for you. The tilemap object and 8 direction behavior would likely be of interest.

    There's nothing special about making pixel art in Construct, there are a billion video guides to creating pixel art in general. Depends on the style you're looking for. You probably want dedicated image editing software to do so, as the animation editor in Construct is very bare bones. The only specific thing you might want to do is when creating a new project, make sure the "Optimize for pixel art" box is checked.

  • A loop gets completed on a single tick. Your i value isn't getting updated until .2 seconds later.

    Wait only delays actions from happening, not your events from running.

  • Well for starters... There is no loop.

    You need a repeat or for condition to make a loop.

  • It's a conditional expression if?then:else.

    You can use operators like & too, so ifa&ifb?then:else.

  • It is not very clear to me from your description what you've tried or how you want the result to be exactly.

  • dropbox.com/s/3mbjkjh35w4g98u/physicspushingexample.c3p

    Use an invisible helper sprite to define a "pushing" zone. Although this method is more suitable for platform behavior. This example uses 0 friction surfaces, and defining the physics velocity on a fixed, immobile surface. This will probably not be ideal in a situation where other outside forces will act upon the objects in question.

    Another way to get constant motion is to apply a force exactly equal to the amount of friction acting upon the object. I don't know how to get that number.

    To do it properly in a full physics environment, your conveyor should actually consist of moving elements, and apply forces on objects resting on them via friction.

  • You can use clamp() or max() as suggested earlier in the thread to make sure x can never be a negative number, or you can change your formula to not use a fractional exponent.

  • Off the top of my head, you can, but you have to do it one frame at a time, and each frame of your animation needs to be an individual resource. Also I think you have to have the correct number of frames in your object ahead of time, as I don't think there is a way to add them dynamically with actions.