Hi, I am working on a boss for Super Ubi Land and it's a simple boss overall but I am wondering how I make sprites move around the screen and follow certain path movements.
A 'Swoop' movement for the boss-
Basically I'm wanting the boss to be able to swoop down in a 'U' shape and turn around to do it again.
During that time the player can jump on the platforms to avoid being hit and hit the boss. and if the boss is hit, the boss will stop the 'u' pattern and fly off screen for a little while. Then come back to do it again (or even another pattern).
<img src="http://datboidrew.com/blog/wp-content/gallery/super-ubi-land-screenshots/bossfight_tutorial1.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="http://datboidrew.com/blog/wp-content/gallery/super-ubi-land-screenshots/bossfight_tutorial2.jpg" border="0" />
Thanks in advanced for any help!