Nitro187's Forum Posts

  • Just a quick note to say that the mouse-over image for the 'change font' button above the "Logout <username>" is missing. (-A+)

  • Yeah; sounds ridiculous... but I'm curious if this is even possible.

    My game when it starts, is quick... but as you get into the first level, the frame-rate drops a lot as it's loading, then it's perfect 60fps throughout.... it's just that first couple of seconds where it hesitates which leads me to believe it's the loading stage. I'm not 100% sure if it's possible, as the browser may not allow this to happen... but in case someone else has figured out a way, I thought I would ask.


  • Quit hitting enter... LOL Just sayin...

    Hahaha... hard to break the habit.

  • Blah, was hoping it wouldn't, but it still happens on the stable release r163.

  • Happens on r162 still.

  • Oh wow... so simple, but man... complicating at the same time. Makes total sense though; thanks so much. :)

  • No problem, try doing this in your example:

    Vote once for #1, once for #2, and once for #3.

    Then click "Click me"

    It says "Level 1 voted x1 times"

    Level 2 and Level 3 both have 1 votes too... what I would like, is for it to pick one of the highest voted levels that have the same amount of votes. For example:

    Level 1 has 3 votes

    Level 2 has 3 votes

    Level 3 has 1 votes

    Levels with same amount of votes = 2, LevelPicked=(random (1,2))

    ...perhaps this is impossible. :) Maybe I'll just make this work.

  • Thanks! The only catch is, there is no randomizing 'tied' votes... is that possible?

  • Sounds easy, but I'm a bit stumped. What I'm doing is sort of like a voting system...

    Say that I have 3 levels, and 3 players... right now I have the following:

    Local Number Level1=0

    Local Number Level2=0

    Local Number Level3=0

    Then it checks to see which player has selected which level, so lets assume that they have selected it like this:

    Local Number Level1=0

    Local Number Level2=2

    Local Number Level3=1

    How would I write an action sequence, that would let me know "Level2 is the greatest"?... and if there is a tie in 'first place', to randomly pick one? Perhaps not using Local Numbers would be an easier ways... thoughts?

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  • If you see the animation sprite jumping all over the place, then it's likely because the main body in each of the frames aren't lined up.

    Yeah, they have the origin of each frame in different spots. I wonder why that would be.... strange.

  • If you're positive your video card drivers are up to date, why not try setting your settings back to default, and see if that works? Perhaps there is a bug in the UI which causes the new version to crash with the old settings?

  • Nitro187 Yeah im sure :D

    Why do you have a button called "Start" instead of a round orb?

    Like in here:

    Perhaps your video card can't support "Aero" windows features, which would default you to the old "start" button. And if that's the case, then it could also be the cause to your construct crashing.

  • I'm sure everyone has tried this out already. :) But has anyone tried enabling animation on the bird? The bird looks fine, but doesn't 'flap'... so when you enable the animation into a 'loop' via the sprite editor, and try to run the game... does anyone else notice how it jumps all over the place?

    Is this a bug... or is by design again? :)

  • i work on win 7 32 bit

    Are you sure you're using Windows 7? You have a "start" button, instead of an orb... just making sure.

  • Just tried it... works fine. Perhaps update your video card drivers? I even tried the same template you attempted.