newt's Forum Posts

  • One of my favorite sayings is "You don't go to war with what you want, you go with what you have."

    That being said, you just have to know when to pick the fight.

    The tools are there, you have to approach things differently.

    You plan out every little detail.

    Pick a platform, and if you can extend to others so be it.

    For example, memory is limited, so you do things small.

    Casual games are usually pretty small, but things like rts, and rpg's are huge. One way to deal with that is make the game in parts, episodic if you will. The net is perfect for that, once more that can work fairly well with Node-Webkit.

  • Something is definitely wrong.

    I dont have any or's, the preview works fine, but the export goes black, not even seeing the loader icon. Tried it with, and without minification.

  • Birthday, on a Friday the 13th?!

    Heh, have a good one, and don't accept any presents from people wearing hockey masks.

  • It shouldn't be bad, just stay away from physics.

  • If you must have a string I'd suggest saving it as a text file, and adding it to the projects resources like Ashley suggested.

    The Ajax plug will then have access to it, and you can use it in several ways.

    Also sometimes its easier to paste a string into a variable. It seems to handle things like that better, however it does seem to have a lower limit for the length of the string.

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  • Its the best idea they've had in years. To bad somebody else had it before they did.

    The idea of using it as a server to the PS3, or 4 is nice, and I think Nvida was planning on something similar, only with remote super computers you can rent, and stream content to your self, including your game.

    So basically you would be playing the game on a sever, not on your own console. Imagine Crysis all features at maxed.

    I just hope and pray someone does a open hardware thing with something like Boot to Gecko as an os.

    A modular console would be one heck of breath of fresh air.

  • That sprite trail effect is pretty sweet.

    Thanks again as always.

  • Its all Html5 standard. The idea was no dependencies, no plugs.

    Just think of each C2 game as blind mini server.

  • Yeah you can either have the server send a 0 after x amount of time, or have the client do it.

    Of course if the client does it you run the chance of getting out of sink.

    Then again the ideal method would be to do all the movement on the server, and just update the position data, then all the client would do is interpolate the xys, etc.

  • Well the reason I asked was because Chrome can have all those instances, and I guess Node-Webkit can as well.

    But if it only happens when using the image editor then it would have to either be C2 related, or something specific to your system.

    Hard to say which, Ashley hasn't told us much about what libs he uses for the editor, and there is a persistent bug with with C2 not closing properly after using the image editor.

    Perhaps this is somehow related.

  • ??? ????? ???? ??????

    Also what preview method are you using?

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  • You can add an action to the on start of layout to download the contents of the dictionary as json.

    This is what that string would look like:


    So basically you could just concatenate your data with an &:

    {"c2dictionary":true,"data":{&your data&}}

  • The mouse, keyboard as well as touch are all separate objects you have to add one by one.

    Also if you get the ribbon on top to maximize you should see the debugger icon which is available to all versions on preview. Not sure what the keyboard shortcuts are.