newt's Forum Posts

  • You can extract the resources from any game, that doesn't mean that it happens to that many games.

    Usually for it to occur, it has to be quite popular, In which case these types of ripping are beneficial, as they draw attention to your game, and the fact that it's practically impossible to hide your identity and make a huge profit off of someone else's work.

  • I don't think that's how Uid's work.

    Try assigning a variable to each instance, and picking by that.

  • Anglediff(angle(touch.x,touch.y,sprite.x,sprite.y),sprite.angle)


    Or would it be sprite.angle-180 to get the vector coming from the third point?

  • You should google copyright law, and check out how all that works.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Those using the system conditions are likely iterating over all instances, and possible objects that you aren't even picking.

    Is on screen, and other filters can help with that.

    The object / instance triggers are the best method, as they would likely pick the fewest instances.

  • All right, I'll give that a try.


  • Getting ready to try to create an xdk export, But I don't have a website, and thus no domain for an id.

    So the question is, can I just make some unique id up, or does it have to be a reverse domain?

  • I think the choice of this particular subforum is questionable.

    How about Job Offers and Team Requests, rather than Tools and Resources?

  • Im guessing you're talking about inline comparisons, In which case I agree that it's frustrating.

    That's probably why or only works one way when making multiple conditions.

  • You can use line of sight with a very small cone of view, and change the angle to the bullet angle.

  • My first paid game:

  • Null probably means it's a plugin as C2 itself doesn't use that by default.

    Getting it every second would means its running every tick.

    I would start by updating any third party plugs.

    Spriter being the most obvious place to start.

  • It's just splitting hairs.

    If you were to go by what it really does you would say drawn, or not drawn.

    While it has the advantage of not being seen, it also has the feature of not being rendered.

    You're saying it should say "visibility: visibility/invisible", but that doesn't fit either.

    If you were to keep visibility you need "visibility: visibility/invisibility"

    "Visible: visible/invisible" makes more sense imo, and is correct grammatically, it's just not expected in its context.

    "Drawn, not drawn" is probably confusing to a beginner.

    Also: erased

  • He's talking about a headless server to run as the host for multiplayer games.

    The answer is no.

    You can however create a c2 app that is minimalistic to run separately from the real app.