Nevesbr's Forum Posts

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  • Thanks Thanks, I understood then that for a pixel art game that the layout has a maximum of 640px I can always use until8 because 255 information is too much... I only collect clicks and positions... whose positions are int16 by default.

  • Hello community, I'm working on a multiplayer and I'm doing well, I would like to get help with the precisions I don't understand the difference and because I have to decide one...

    I noticed that even putting "HIGH DOUBLE 8BYTE" would not be the best since the INT16 2 Byte is supporting more than 255 values...

    Why, then, what shelters the most is further down?

  • PLAY IT.


    The world is no longer as we know it, people struggle to survive in the wreckage of cities that are managed by an artificial intelligence that works for the government controlling the existence of humans and the way they live in these prisons.

    Austin is the survivor you will control, Survive the waves of attacks from marauders, extermination cyborgs, drones and more.

    This future game will feature item collection, inventory, looting, crafting and much more.

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  • This whole animation is ~700 bytes. This is nothing.

    Hmm... Really No is a problem...

  • I am not sure I understand your question.

    If you need 3 blocks appear and disappear one after another, the easiest way to do this is with an animation.

    The idea is to be extremely light this screen, so I don't want to use animations or more than 1 object.

    I got it in a simple way.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I managed to solve my way ... See now just put to go to another layout when loading is done.

    See Example...

  • Hello community,

    Sorry if there is already topic for this, I would like a loading system as light as possible, so because I developed this example, I want the squares to be created one after another and then destroyed one after another creating an infinite effect. .

    The code can not have anything that makes the game heavier for example I do not use animation so even if it was 1px ... And no effects.

  • What "font capx"?

    Sorry it's ok. Thank

  • Reupload the fonts capx plz.

  • Do you need to generate the whole map on start of the level? Or do you want to pick a new random room every time the player exits the current room?

    Take a look at this post, it may be relevant:

    I make on the player movment.

  • Hello veterans and beginners ... Once again I need your help ...

    I've sent the .capx, I need a "rooms" generator for a game of rpg 3 dice,

    What should happen:

    After the "movement" of the player, a new room must be chosen by the system.

    These are with 1 2 or 3 outputs randomly.


    I need to read the rooms created, after generating a room with no exit you could at some point could return and the side could generate a room that would give this "closed" (should be impossible). The image explains better ...



    Lastly I need a 192px grid-based room generation system.!Am1B1EgvpxXNgrALrxxUjs4pEmOvSQ

    Ashley - this is incredible. I can confirm it works. I got the achievement on the mac version, about to reset my achievements for my steam user and test again on the windows version now. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY COOL and infinite thank you from me. I've been dreaming of this since i was first in greenlight in January So amped the day is here.

    Came up with the notification box and everything. <3

    Thank you again

    Hi How do I prove the achievements? because I put the game in steam and now that the achievement is done I can not edit ... Steam does not let you reset the achievements.

  • For C2 you can adapt this raycasting axample for really fast bullets or lasers.

    it does pretty much the same thing as bullet stepping

    It works perfectly and no major performance impact ... raycasting

    Thk <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">