NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Also I think there is alot wrong with number 2. You don't need the for eaches , you dont need the every tick, the greater less than conditions are set up kinda funny and you are using else in a strange way that I would never consider (but maybe possible).

  • Im not sure and I haven't tested it but I have a feeling your jittery one is a combination of using a lerp zoom and lerp pan with pixel rounding on. Try turning pixel rounding off during the pan zoom.

  • I have come to totally despise mobile gaming. All that freemium micro transaction pay to win, pay not to grind pay for extra lives crap that developers are forced to ruin their games with. Either that or intrusive adds..... or both. So many potentially good games, even good established franchises, just destroyed because of it. Its killing games on mobile and must be killing development teams. The bigger companies now employ full time behavioural analysts, gambling and addiction experts to help design new and devious ways to hook you into making those micro transactions. Yes you could argue that the arcades of the 80s were just another form of micro transactions but its wasn't the same. now, on just feels so........desperate.

    So no I don't bother with mobile these days..... Sorry If I am offending any devs here, its not personal, do what you have to do, the kids these days dont seem to mind. ... but damn there has to be a better way.......

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    Ashley, its great to have devs respond in forums but I think you will drive yourself mad replying to the same arguments again and again in this thread.

    Just make C3 robust, stable and at least as good as C2 for now (with the extra C3 features) and it will sell. If it needs to change in the future then it needs to change. I am still pretty new to C2 but I have used enough software over the years to know that the guy who created C2 is a god damn genius and I trust his vision going forward.

  • Magistross

    You can do that !!! I didn't know. Wow....

    and that would be exactly what you need to make a music sequencer .....

    damn I wish I knew that before it might have saved me a few complications in my game......

    I need to go away and look at your pastebin...


  • Unless I am mistaken....your main problem is that you are trying to load 3 or 4 arrays all into the same array at the same time.

    each time you see "{""c2array"":true,""size"":[X, Y,Z ],""data"":[[[datablablabla....... that is the start of a new array you should only see this once at the start of your json text string.

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  • I think the tile map object already works like this, as it allows you to create huge levels with small draw calls only rendering what is on the screen. For enemies you can just create spawn points in your level that spawn when a certain distance from screen and destroy after screen.

    Otherwise the only way I can think of to do what you want is to use arrays to store your level tile positions and enemy positions and keep looking up the array to create tiles and enemies in the right position when the player is close.

    But to do this you will first need to create a level editor to create your levels and enemy positions then store them to arrays and make code so your game can read the arrays produced by the editor.

    Creating a level editor could, potentially, be more complex than creating the game itself, but it is a common thing to do and construct gives you nice form tools to use for such a thing.

    as GenkiGenga said though run some tests with the tools that Construct 2 gives you first before you start thinking about other ways.

  • What happens if you compile with minify ?

    I ask because according to Ashley the minify/obfuscate option on compile uses Google's Closure Compiler in advanced mode.

    and according to Google info, the advanced mode goes through looking for simple functions and "inlines" them.

    So if the functions as used in events appear as functions in the JS output then maybe these types of simple functions will not even be functions in compiled code.

    "....Compilation with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS replaces the call to displayNoteTitle() with the single alert() that composes the function's body. This replacement of a function call with the function's body is known as "inlining". If the function were longer or more complicated, inlining it might change the behavior of the code, but the Closure Compiler determines that in this case inlining is safe and saves space. Compilation with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS also inlines constants and some variables when it determines that it can do so safely...."

  • Yea I get It. Sorry, crappy post. Not helpful.

    Not having a go. I was just getting a bit worried. I want C3 to be rock solid as much as anyone.

    Ill try the bullet pattern thing I was trying this morning a few times over the next few days.

    If I manage to repro something / get a crash report Ill get back. Cheers.

  • I've tried C3 a few times over the last few days.

    I'm getting a crash / freeze on every use after a while losing all unsaved work. Doing different things from scratch. No demos or C2 files. Using Google drive but Not doing anything I wouldn't confidently do in C2 without issue. Eg this morning just messing with bullet patterns with for loops.

    This is on both android sonyz1 and windows 10 surface pro4. Once I got a crash dump text on the sp but all others just froze.

    I guess I'm posting because I love the C3 browser /cloud concept and do understand that it is beta but these crashes are not encouraging me to be an early adopter. There's nothing really to report except an aparant general instability.

    Also I think closing the bug forum and mandating github at this beta time is a really bad idea. Yes definitely use it for serious bug reporting and management and sure use it once C3 is out there and stable but during beta you guys need all the feedback you can get on how C3 is doing no matter how many abstract sh1t posts you receive.

  • Depends what you are doing

    You shouldn't have any errors on default plug ins or conditions if you are using them correctly

    A common one is not having the sprite you are calling not already in the layout at the start of the layout.

    All the sprites and other layout objects have to be in the layout at the start. YOu can then destroy them or re use them but they have to exist at the start.

    Other errors can crop up from not using arrays correctly or while loops etc, if you are using 3rd party plug ins then that is a whole different issue.

    You can post a pic or details maybe someone can help

    but basically if you read through the manual you should be able to use all the default plug ins and conditions without too much fuss.

  • Maybe...

  • >

    > ...

    > How do you find the time???



    If you love something you always find time to spend

    For me I always have to steal it from tomorrow.....

  • cjbruce

    Cool. Its very enlightening to see these alternative approaches.

    HTML export clearly has some great advantages that, in general, IMO, are still very much untapped.


  • There are 1000s of awesome pixel artists animators on diviantart , pixelation and other similar sites dying to have their work in a good game.

    Most will work for money, but many will work for free for fan art games, or profit share > IF < you can demo a competent game engine / alpha build.

    Don't go to those sites empty handed with half a page of "awesome game idea, need some artwork" you will get no response. Build up your engine with rudimentary sprites, get the mechanics working and formulate some ideas on the art style. Then at least you will have something talk about.

    ...Or you can lead with cold hard cash. that will work 99.9% of the time....