Nefaru's Forum Posts

  • The resolution should be fine. I will upload a demo version soon! If the performance is good enough for smart phones, I will definitly make a version for them too, but then I have to change some ingame content. Because the bosses are too hard if you have to shoot and jump just with touch events. Thanks!

  • PixelPower I don't think so. I will make some tests when it's finished, but I think the levels are too big, with too many objects for mobile devices :/

  • Hey guys, I just want to show you some pictures from my game ULTRA FRED.

    At the moment the game contains 9 Levels ( 3 Bosslevels ) in 2 worlds ( jungle and snow ).

    There are 3 weapons ( lasergun, rocket launcher and minethrower ) and a lot of unsolved puzzles.

    Fred is the maincharacter. He had an accident with his spaceship and landed on a unknown planet.

    There are some nice guys, who give you tipps, but there are also a lot of enemies and bosses.

    Soon I will upload a playable demo version. Here are some pictures, need some feedback.

    Thanks and have a nice day <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Demo with first 12 Levels:

  • Wrangler Love your style! Nice work, do you have a demo or something?

  • Give the player the "platform" behavior and "solid" just to the car. If I understood your problem right, that should work.

  • I'm making a pixel platform game and my player shoots with a rocket launcher.

    So if a rocket collides with a wall or something, it explodes. I made a little explosion effect with particles.

    But it's more or less just a yellow pixel explosion, like a circle, nothing special.

    How can I make a nice looking explosion with paticles? Are there any capx-files or tutorials here that I missed? Or can you guys help me?


  • Oh I had to reload C2, now it works. Thank you!

  • 99Instances2Go Thats exactly what I have looked for! But at the moment i just have 3 collision points, and I need 4 for my box ^^

    Do you know how to add one more point? Thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh I will try it, thanks!

  • So I have a problem in my platform game. I made some new solid boxes. Here's a picture:

    But they are not really "solid". You can see it on the picture. The left side from the box is solid till the top of the box.

    But on the right side, the solid part just start in the middle from the box.. Where's the problem?

    I also made other items like the box with a solid behaivor and it worked perfect...


  • Looks great, nice work dude!

  • Kyatric You are my hero! It works, thanks man Really really nice!

  • Okey first thank you guys <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Kyatric I tried it with the IS NOT playing subevent but it still doesnt work..

    So I made a short capx for you, ignore the bad normal walking animation, it's just to show you my problem after you took the gun. ... .capx?dl=0

    Thank you!

  • Thank you, I tried some but I think theres nothing who really helps me now :/ My basic animations for my character working perfect.

    If i move left and right, the "walk" animation works fine. Now to the problem. If he collides with a gun, I add one to a global variable called "Gun_ready".

    So now I know, the player got his gun. I also change now the player animation to "Lazer". Thats also working. My problem now is, if the player wonna walk with the gun, the animation "Lazerwalk" just shows the first frame. I think it's because my global variable "Gun_ready" is always true now. So it repeats always just the first frame from my animation. You can see it in the screenshot. I tried so many things, with the trigger once and other stuff but nothing helped..

  • ... n.png.html

    Here's a pic from my events. If the player gets the gun, the variable "Gun_ready" will change to 1.

    Now if I press left or right arrow, the player switches to the right animation "Lazerwalk" but it shows just the first sprite from the animation...

    I already tried it with trigger once and other things but I really don't know how to fix it...