MPPlantOfficial's Forum Posts

  • i said that i have from 40 to 60 downloads every day and 35 to 70 impression

    normaly 1download = 5 to 10 impressions

    so i should have 300 impression minimum

    Based on your avatar it looks like you have no license.

    Are you allowed to put ads in game without a license?

  • Hello. I would like to request a multi-level template.

    I want to be able to save 100 Tilemap levels and remember all sprite instances and starting position of each.

  • Enemy.Count <= 10 |

    Every x seconds | spawn enemy

    • Post link icon


    C2 still exists.

  • Impressions I believe are relative to how many times a player plays your game.

    It's possible 60 players downloaded your game day 1, tested it and went back to other apps.

    I doubt 'hack' would be the issue here. I can imagine people try to hack Ketchapp or King for their impressions but indies like us??? FAT CHANCE.

  • Player character is always in the middle.

    Pressing right and left moves the platforms closer.

  • "...blazingly fast...Tutorials, games, forum posts the lot will not be lost and the goal is to move them all over to the new site..."

    Sounds good.

  • Badaboom Bump!

  • There might be one for sale but I don't want to have to pay just to look at a capx.

    But I'm not making a fighting game any time soon so that can wait.

  • I seem to have a fairly good idea but I have no clue how to make it work. I was thinking about something like "super crate box" but with more characters to make it harder. If you go and play it leave a reply and let me know how to make crates randomly spawn and how to make them change what you have as a gun....

    I'll be honest. Who's gonna play it? Probably me but I've been playing platformers since I was 3.

    There just is no market for platformers these days.

    You're better off creating a predictable jump scare game these days.

    Make your money first then you can create all the platformers you want as passion projects.

    I have ideas for new CRPGs myself. That's probably my favorite genre but no one plays those anymore.

    Much as I don't like the mobile market, it's a gold mine. I'm just trying to explore simple mechanics I can use to create addicting, compulsive games (not good games but many mediocre ones that people are gonna wanna play.) trying to keep it original.

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  • Question was

    "How do I determine my game is good enough to sell or is it only good for showcase?"

    Sales figures. I stay with my opinion.

    When then sales are good, the game is good enough to sell.

    True but in asking his question I'm assuming he's still trying to determine if his game is good enough to publish, probably still in beta phase, and therefore sales figures can't be a good answer unless of course you're proposing he launch it and use the data from that as feedback.

    Maybe I'm reading into his question too much though.

  • Either because they want to do better at playing the game or because there was something they missed that they wanted to explore for a different outcome.

    Or because their friends and/or Youtube Idol play it too.

  • Very, very hard to determine these days.

    First of all you have to understand that Games Journalism these days consists of companies making deals with various reviewers (IGN, Kotaku, Gamespot...) to give them a free review copy and an embargo date (this is the date when sites are allowed to post reviews before launch). A game company being disappointed with a site's review of a previous game would result in strained relationship between the two parties. There was a guy that got fired from his job because he gave an honest review of the game Kane and Lynch. Source ( ... -29097920/)

    Because of this sites are forced to **** developers' ------- before the launch of a game or else they wouldn't be able to put out a review and would lose site traffic on launch day. So even if a game is bad and riddled with bugs, there's a good chance sites would still give them 10/10 reviews.

    Now for mobile I don't know the exact parameters.

    I mean you could create Earwax and Snot and Undigested-Peas-and-Corn Kernel-clasts in-a-Turd versions of Candy Crush today and wake up a billionare tomorrow. (which itself is a clone of Bejeweled which itself is a clone of a Russian game called Shariki)

    Take Flappy Bird for example, it's not great, it's good mechanics-wise; does what it's supposed to do but somehow it generated a **** ton of money.

    I'd have to say the first thing you have to consider is learning curve. Flappy bird has zero learning curve just to play the game but there's the challenge of getting good AND getting consistently high scores.

    Start from creating a game that has virtually zero learning curve but gets progressively harder. If you're getting positive feedback from friends and random people then you only need better art and marketing to turn it into a success story.

  • youl probably get ideas ... but they'll end up dumped cause you will want to try all of them. stick with 1 then when your finished with that move to next 1.

    GOLD Advice right here.

    I probably have 3 or 4 abandoned games just because I want to implement too many mechanics and don't know how to make them all work together.

  • MPPlantOfficial


    was talking about the OP the post seems a troll...its like that thing "i want to write the next big book all i need is a writer with imagination to write it for me, a publisher to publish it for me, and a financial guy to pay for it. and im good to go. any help? "

    Depends on your definition of "Trolling" I guess.

    In this case I think he's really just uninspired and looking for ideas from someone else.

    I've done a bit of trolling myself about 7 or 8 years ago. Trolling used to be an art.

    Deliberate misdirection; Leaving people in a heated argument among each other.

    Ah those were the good old days...

    These days anything can be considered 'trolling', from a person (none-deliberately) being ignorant to expression of an unpopular opinion to simply disagreeing with someone else to spreading hate. That last one has to be the lowest form of things people consider 'trolling.'

    I just went off the rails.

    Anyway, OP, to answer your question, try playing some free games online. The ones from Gamejolt/Itchio/Kongregate heck maybe try some of those abandoned games in the Arcade...

    These usually contain great ideas that haven't been implemented for mass appeal yet.