MoscowModder's Forum Posts

  • That could be helpful, too. The only trouble is that I'm bound to get the two tilemaps mixed up - sometimes walls (edges of hills) are solid (so you can wall-jump off of them), and sometimes they're not (in the background). I'll definitely keep that in mind, though.

  • Ah, hadn't thought of that! Wonder if that would be more or less efficient than my current system of placing invisible walls and platforms. Thanks.

  • Try creating each object manually (don't think there's an easy way to make one of each family member). Any object can be destroyed with the handy Destroy action, then you can end the game by checking System -> FamilyName.Count.

  • Simple question: is it possible for certain tiles in a tilemap to be solid? The latest beta release made it possible to adjust the collision polygons of each tile, but what's the point of that if you can't make tiles solid or interactive?

  • As I mentioned I'm rather new at this so I don't have a good feel for optimum 'wages'. However, I'd at least be willing to pay around $20-40 for just the first level's assets - around 8-12 small, repeatable objects.

  • Trying to think of a subtle way to bump the thread but coming up with nothing.

    The position is still open, and again, I am willing to pay for the work!

  • I don't have permission to PM yet. What exactly are you asking for?

  • I changed the game to let you move tiles to the empty space even if they're not right next to it.

    If that's not what you want, next time please describe exactly how the game should work.

  • Yes, but how do you move the tiles? Do you pick one up and drop it on another to switch their places? Pick one up and drag it into the empty space? Or something else?

  • I guess I didn't really understand how you wanted your game to work. Can you explain exactly how it is supposed to play out?

    If you want to convert your game to a native iPhone app, I'm pretty sure you'll need to have Apple's XCode software which requires an Apple developer license ($100 per year). If you don't want to pay that then you'll just have to release it as a web app.

  • Got the transfer.

    Spacibo bolshoye!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • My PayPal email address is

    Glad I could help!

  • I managed to get the game to check for solving the puzzle and also tidied it up in general. You move the tiles by just tapping them (makes it easier and makes less bug potential). Not all of the tiles will move for some reason, but testing on a touchscreen device is kind of a pain for me so I'll let you finish it.

    Here's my updated file.

    (File will be deleted after a while)

  • Hello Construct 2 community! Please go easy on me as I'm new to the whole hiring an artist thing. I've got this great game, Carnage in Space 2, and I want some great graphics to make it reality.

    As the name suggests, this is my second entry in my Carnage in Space series - I've already released 3 smaller games before now using a simpler game engine.

    I have a fairly large prototype available, which has many of the game's features implemented... but of course it's lacking on level assets.

    I am able to create player and weapon sprites for myself (though I wouldn't mind if you wanted to touch them up!); the biggest thing I'm lacking is level design and especially level graphics.

    But enough of what I'm missing. Here's what I have!

    <font size="6">Carnage in Space II Prototype</font>

    (Works best in Chrome; not tested in other browsers)

    The game in action

    <img src="" border="0">


    I'm hoping to complete this game in something reminiscent of SNES-era graphics - pixellated but not so much that you can't tell what everything is. Basically, something like what I've got right now.


    Up for debate! Take note I'm a poor college student without a full-time job, but I would be willing to work out some compensation for your work.

  • Hey, awesome! This should also make multiple save files much easier in the future. Thanks!