MoscowModder's Forum Posts

  • Update: I had an alternative idea - adding an extra login button which will open up the Kongregate login page. However, that doesn't work on my preview. Does it only work on live servers? Do you need to add your game's API key? Where do you do that?


    Since the last post, I've added 2 new levels! Besides that, tons of refinements to EVERYTHING. Gameplay, login, menus, etc. Check it out, and tell me what you think!


  • My game, Carnage in Space II, has a custom login system that lets players (optionally) sign in, automatically sync their save files between computers, and view highscores and achievements all on my website regardless of where it's being played from. Currently, you can play the game from my website ( or Newgrounds; I plan to add Chrome Store and Kongregate.

    The problem is, Kongregate doesn't want any games to have login systems outside of their own.

    What I'd like is to have the game check if you're on Kongregate, and then send you to the custom login or the Kongregate login. I can customize my website to allow Kongregate accounts alongside normal ones, storing their Kongregate name instead of an email address.

    My problem: I don't see a way to detect that the game is Kongregate. How do I do that?

  • I'm not sure how possible this is, but it would help make my game more professional.

    What I have:

    During cutscenes, text is sent several "blocks" at a time to a message queue.

    While the queue is not empty, the blocks are sent one at a time to a textbox.

    The textbox starts displaying the text, adding one letter at a time.

    When you press a button after the text is all written out, the text is cleared and the next block is filled in.

    When the last block is finished, the textbox disappears.

    What I want:

    While a block is being written out, if there is any overflow (it doesn't fit into the textbox), it will automatically remove the top line of the textbox. This way, the text will be filled in line by line and the blocks don't have to be short enough to all fit on screen at once.

    So, in short: I want to:

    a) Detect that the current text doesn't fit in the textbox

    b) When that happens, find the substring that makes up the first line of the textbox and remove it

    Is this possible?

    It looks like this plugin can handle scrolling to the next line, but how do I detect overflow?

    EDIT: Solved it! I looked around at rex's samples for the Scrolling behavior and found that I can accomplish this by always scrolling to the bottom (scroll by percent: 1.0).

  • Hey, that looks like it should work! Thanks!

    Edit: And it did. Thanks again!

  • You don't seem to get what I'm asking.

    I know how to hide the cursor. I know how to tell when the user is using the keyboard. What I don't know is how to tell when the mouse moves.

    I want the mouse to re-enable when it moves. That's what I want to know. How do I tell when the mouse is moving so I can stop ignoring it?

  • Yeah, I do that for the actual gameplay. The trouble is not how I will disable the mouse but how I will tell that it needs re-enabling.

  • In my game, I have several menus that can be navigated with either keyboard or mouse. You can move the menu cursor by pressing the directional keys to move and Enter to select, or moving the mouse and clicking on the chosen option.

    The trouble is, if the mouse cursor is sitting on top of a menu item, then the game will think you're trying to select it with the mouse, and if you press the arrow keys you'll just go right back to the one under the mouse.

    What I'd like to do to fix this is to somehow disable the mouse (like setting a flag on the menu cursor) when you press any key on the keyboard, and have the menu ignore it, but then re-enable the mouse as soon as the mouse cursor moves.

    The trouble is, there doesn't seem to be an "On mouse moved" event. How do I pull this off without it?

    You can try out the menus in the game (or just play the game, heh) here. One of the menus in question is on the title screen. Put your mouse over an item and try to move off of it using the arrow keys.

  • It's been a while since I last looked at this thread. Since then, I've added two more levels, cloud sync, and a ton of enhancements.

    Also, I've started a dev blog (which features as a changelog) detailing my work on the game, plans for the future, and of course the latest updates.

    I could really use some feedback to help me make the game feel more professional. Balancing, graphics/audio, polishing touches, etc.

    What do you think?


  • : Thanks for the tip! Didn't know that existed. That's simpler than my previous fix.

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  • During a level, I keep track of the time spent in that level as a seconds counter (every 1 second, increase counter by 1). After the level, I want to display the time spent as a minutes:seconds counter.

    This is what I'm doing:

    Text = floor(seconds/60) & ":" & seconds%60

    The problem is that a single-digit seconds value will display as one digit. Example: 1:3 instead of 1:03. How do I fix this?

    EDIT: Figured it out! Wasn't too hard, even.

    1. Set text to minutes and separator: floor(seconds/60) & ":"

    2. If seconds < 10 (seconds%60 < 10), append "0"

    3. Append seconds: seconds%60

  • I've been developing and lurking and posting for a while, but have never formally introduced myself it seems.

    Hello, World!

    I'm MoscowModder, and I make games. Ha ha, silly me - we all make games here. I have a few cool ideas for big games (all in different genres) that I'd like to make in Construct 2 (all in the same series for now), but my current project is a 'little' game I like to call Carnage in Space 2 (sequel to a game I made in a different engine). I like feedback, I like hearing ideas from folks, and I LOVE making pointless, flashy features in games. No wonder I haven't released very many so far (3 finished games in 5 years).

  • Does the player's pin to the PlayerMovement apply after the weapon's manual move to the player? What's the order in which events and behaviors are acted on?

  • Well, that felt a lot more painful than it needed to be, but I got it working! HUZZAH!

    If anyone feels like trying it out, you can do so at

    If anyone wants to make their own online save files, I'll freely provide snippets of the Construct and PHP code used to make it.

  • Ahh, I didn't see the LastData expression in there before.

    Does this plan sound feasible and doable, then?