Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • pledged. Keep up the great work guys. The game is looking very fun.


  • Hi BluePhaze,

    This is Mike at BrashMonkey..

    I'm glad Spriter is already prooving itself useful to you and look forward to the many features yet to come drastically increasing the advantages Spriter will offer. Thanks very much for the kind words and support.

    Here is a link to high-res versions of Spriter's logo for anyone to use if they'd like: brashmonkeygames.com/brashmonkey/spriter/Spriter_Logos.zip

    I (and a few other artists) continue to work on the first two art packs: (Game effects and Basic Platformer), but will not be able to finish them until Spriter itself is a little closer to feature complete... So expect the official release of the art packs to be either durring the release of Spriter Pro 1.0 or slightly sooner.


  • My best guess is the framerate is not good enough and the objects never detect collision with the floor...but thats a wild guess.

    Hopefully someone with identical devices can look into it.

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  • Hi Knudle,

    This is Mike. Edgar (called ?Lucid? here on the forums) and I are the co-creators of Spriter.

    Spine is indeed a lot like Spriter, in fact it was at least inspired in part by Spriter. To paraphrase from their comments, they were excited about Spriter and had been part of Spriter's forums but felt Spriter was taking longer than they wanted to wait and they worried Spriter would lack some of the features they wanted in a modular editor for the purpose of making their game project, so they decided to make Spine.

    Here's some things you should know about Spriter when comparing the two tools:

    1) Spriter is indeed taking longer than Spine to get to a version 1.0, but this is in very large part due to the intended scope and feature set we have planned for Spriter as well as our commitment to cooperation with the game development community during its development. An example of theses points is Spriter's data format which we took the extra time to make open from the beginning and co-developed with the community to insure the most flexibility it could offer while also insuring it would be very easy to add new features later without breaking backward compatibility.

    While our next build (which is getting close to being released) has a feature-set similar to that of Spine, we consider it and even the first version of 1.0 to be very much just the beginning of Spriter's development. Spriter is not just a tertiary product we're releasing on the way to making games, we are very dedicated to its continued growth, increased flexibility and useability. We both love designing and making tools which empower creativity and reduce the need for tedious aspects of game creation, and Spriter is the focal-point of that passion.

    2) Even though Spriter isn't at 1.0 yet, we have always provided and will continue to provide a well-featured free version of Spriter with the ability to export the actual optimized Spriter data for use in games. You can download the current beta version from here :


    Many people and game studios are publishing games with animations create with Spriter, and many more are doing so by the day.

    3) I think this point is the most important. Full Spriter support for Construct is already in the works and is a very high priority for us. See here:

    Spriter Plug for Construct 2

    Both Edgar (Lucid) and myself (Brashmonkey) are long time Construct users and supporters. (Check out how many plug-ins, feature improvements and bug-fixes Lucid has contributed to Construct Classic). I'm not mentioning this to pander for community support, but pointing out that Edgar and I have always had full, easy, and extremely flexible Spriter support for Construct 2 (and classic) very much in mind from the very inception of Spriter. In fact, the original Kickstarter campaign release of Spriter was made using Construct Classic. Because we are making our games with Construct 2 ourselves, its most definitely in our own best interest to get and keep Spriter and all of its up-coming features fully supported in Construct.

    As you can see, we've already begun working (with Ashley I should add) to not just add full Spriter support for Construct 2, but to do so in as flexible and optimized a way as possible...not just a quick logic-port of generic Spriter API to get it working...We want it working as best as possible, specifically for Construct...and as nicely integrated into Constructs plug-in UI as possible.


    Thanks for the kind words about Spriter's intuitiveness. It actually will be further improved in that regard after all the 1.0 features are in, once Edgar has the chance to put in all the mouse-over descriptions and first time user pop-up dialogues etc. Also, While currently Spine has a few features we do not, the next and future build releases will quickly rectify that.



  • I can't wait to see, BluePhaze. As a C2 user myself, I'm just as excited at the prospects of a finished Spriter and C2 plug!


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  • Thanks again guys,

    The C2 plug wont be ready at the same time as the next build is released, but its one of our highest priorities once the build is out. In fact, one of the important features we added to this build (a small part of what was taking so long;) ) is the feature to auto-name all objects within Spriter so that importing Spriter projects into C2 will be much faster and easier.. it will even auto-name objects in currently existing projects which include objects that were not named.

    Construct2, Construct Classic, and the Scirra community have been a big part of Spriter's birth and will definitely be a big part of Spriter's future.

  • BluePlaze,

    Thanks for hte kinds words on Spriter. Right now the work being done on Nnar is all concept and game art.. but not the engine as of yet... The game in question is for a client of mine. (dayjob) Thats all I can say about it until the game is released. ;)

    Thanks for mentioning dt.


    Thans very much for the useful link.



  • I looked at some options and see there's a function to compare the "time". I assume this would be the ideal way to regulate events to make them happen at very percise intervals. this right?

    That still leaves the issue of animation speeds and movement speeds...is there a simple way to insure they don't vary greatly depending on browser and computer speed (FPS)?


  • Hi,

    I'm working in a game which will run at drastically diferent frame rates depending on which browser the player uses and how good their computer is.

    I noticed even events set to run every X seconds are actually based on Frame Rate. Is ther eany way to overcome this situation and make things happen at specific intervals instead of being frame-rate dependant?


  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm making a running game with an infinitely looping environment.

    The way I'm making the environment infinitely loop is to instantly teleport the Sprite that the scrolling follows to x coordinate 400, while simultaniously teleporting all game sprites 1 screen width back as well using "for each" to make sure it all happens hopefully before the next screen draw.

    It works ALMOST perfectly, but there's a split secong graphical glitch, especially noticeable on the player character, but also some times part of the background made with sprites (which aren't being teleported). This graphic glitch is NOT the sprites simply not being in the new spot yet and therfore being invisible for a split second.. It's hard to see exactly what its displaying, but it almost seems like its displaying enlarged versions of the sprites or something like that.

    Has anyone else come across such a problem?

    Yes, my graphics drivers are up to date.



  • You're going to need to supply a lot more information abot your game.. what screen resolution, how many objects on screen, etc etc.

  • Fantastic Plug-in SirG! Thanks for making it.

  • Hi Ashley,

    Please don't close this thread. I also notice an odd flickering of a sprite since build 103. A lot of us can only use Construct2 on our free time so sometimes it can take a while for a user to be able to create a simplified project file which demonstrates a bug. Keeping this post alive lets us discuss the bug and hopefully we can figure out the exact conditions to reproduce it.

    I suggest instead of closing threads like this, just remind us until the bug is reproducible you can't do much about it and leave it to us to report to you when we finally figure out how to reproduce it or at least have a simple project file which sows the bug.


  • I third. Great and simple idea. :)

  • You'll hear it here first, and soon ;) As the plug-ins get a little more developed we'll list them directly at BrashMonkey.com. The whole website is getting overhauled atm as well, so we're not up-keeping the current one very much.