Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Menu screen (had to add a 'play' button, so audio would work on iOS, an age old work around.)

  • Just a question - why using 3 touchpoints (instead of 2)?

    Good question!

    It's because of the C3JAM: "Good Things Come in Threes."

    Beyond that, this is just an early example level (which yes could have been done with just two touchpoints), having three touch points allows for more control of more parameters for more puzzles. For example distance between multiple touchpoints, whether a third touch point is in between the other two, different 'angles' between touchpoints, etc.

    So, I'll have an angle control sculpting angle, another angle control color, a distance control size, another distance control a warp effect. Lots of different changes to figure out.

  • tritouch, C3Jam WIP


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  • Just verifying something: the correct format for doing Sprite Font spacing seems to be:


    [9, "Il"],[10, "i.,'("],[11, ";:!-)[\\/"],[12, "J]<>"],[14, "1"],[15, "j"],[16, "frt*"],[17, "?"],[18, "FLacs_\\"+="],[19, "ESehnz27"],[20, "NPUbdquv358$"],[21, "BCDHZop069"],[22, "Gky4#£"],[23, "KOQRTgx"],[24, "AVX€"],[25, "Y"],[27, "Mw&%"],[30, "m"],[31, "@"],[32, "W"]]

    I tried both of the below in the Spacing Data property of the Sprite Font object, however the spacing is not changing, I imagine it's the incorrect format.

    {"data": [[9, "Il"],[10, "i.,'("],[11, ";:!-)[\/"],[12, "J]<>"],[14, "1"],[15, "j"],[16, "frt*"],[17, "?"],[18, "FLacs_\"+="],[19, "ESehnz27"],[20, "NPUbdquv358$"],[21, "BCDHZop069"],[22, "Gky4#£"],[23, "KOQRTgx"],[24, "AVX€"],[25, "Y"],[27, "Mw&%"],[30, "m"],[31, "@"],[32, "W"]]}

    {""c2array"":true,""size"":[20,2,1],""data"":[[9, ""Il""],[10, ""i.,'(""],[11, "";:!-)[\/""],[12, ""J]<>""],[14, ""1""],[15, ""j""],[16, ""frt*""],[17, ""?""],[18, ""FLacs_\"+=""],[19, ""ESehnz27""],[20, ""NPUbdquv358$""],[21, ""BCDHZop069""],[22, ""Gky4#£""],[23, ""KOQRTgx""],[24, ""AVX€""],[25, ""Y""],[27, ""Mw&%""],[30, ""m""],[31, ""@""],[32, ""W""]]}

    i was referring to this blog post for info:

    [quote:1y3tzn14]Now there's a new 'Spacing data' property that accepts a JSON array of character widths. This is simply an array of a width in pixels, and a string of the characters with that width. For example [6, "il"] means the characters "i" and "l" will appear at six pixels wide instead of the default character width.

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/203/some-bo ... onstruct-3

  • Updated art in first post, same game mechanics.

    Used: Ancient_Temple_-_Ruins_of_Light art pack, nice set of tiles and sprites.

    Now move on to making level behavior, adding in bump map (I want to do full blow multi-light normal map, but C3 is not ready for custom fx), start screen, make levels programmable (with external level file) and procedural.

  • Devlog for tritouch C3Jam game entry for newgrounds.

    Playing with the game mechanism. Touch, puzzle, matching game.

    Requires multi-touch, so play on touchscreen PC, tablet or phone, it won't work w/ just mouse.

    First level only, touch and move the three points to change the top square to match the bottom (angle and size), must touch all three at the same time, figure out how the relation of the points change the square.

    On different levels, the relation between the orbs will change other aspects, which the player will need to figure out (color, contrast, lighting, shape, animation, FX parameters, etc.). The relation between the orbs will be based on angles, distances, number of rotations and velocity.

    In terms of art style will replace the circles w/ 'mystical orbs', the square will be replaced by something like a stone mask of some mythological creature and then throw on a theme about matching the masks and freezing the original mask, before it comes to life and devours, uh the world? So, add a timer count down for each level, if you go over, lose a life or something like that.

    Playable (touch screen, phone, ipad):


    Updated Art (Temple of Light Asset Pack)

    Original Art

  • Narrative through gameplay is the hot way to do this vs adding too many text boxes...

    Just two discussions on this:

    http://www.theastronauts.com/2014/07/ho ... -gameplay/

    https://prezi.com/upk_zlmzmmwh/storytel ... mechanics/

    I know it's a dreaded 'walking simulator', but:

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/50130 ... ith_Finch/

    Did a good job of bringing the player into narrative via user controlled flashbacks.

  • Cute little demo. Multiplayer working locally (3 tabs open in Chrome, Host, Player0, Player1). Looks like good sync between clients. Is the multiplayer peer-to-peer (so all local for my test) or is it client, server?

  • I liked watching the world generation.

    I played a little bit, but both in the tutorial and in the game, the second or third time I moved 3 times and ran out of moves, I could not advance the game using the spacebar or x, I was stuck, not moving. What am I missing?

  • Check out this link about procedurally generating levels for a platformer:

    http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1 ... dural_.php

  • That effect looks great and as you mention sounds like it's pretty cheap in terms of performance. Is this like Mario 'star' power mode, where it doesn't matter what color you are, you destroy all buildings (because it's obviously hard to know what color band to tap with rainbow effect.)

    Looking forward to the playable.

  • Added some more parameters to the level description:

    • How 'full' the trees are in terms of blossoms (e.g. from full blossom to bare branches, done through Animation of the branch sprite)
    • How many petals fall (so, few blossoms in tree, fewer blossoms falling.)
    • Added light mask over lamp, so trees are roughly lit based on distance from lamp
    • Overall looks a little dark so tweaking that.
    • I have a very rough narrative: start with full branches, lots of petals, go to less full branches and fewer petals, now working on an 'end' level, which will cap the 'narrative.'

    Branches with fewer blosssoms:

  • I am not sure if it's any better than screencastify, but I am using GifCam

  • Played it, I had a good time and I liked the ending (it seems very personal, which was good.) The music was tied nicely to the theme.

    One quick note, there seems to be a clipping problem when the moon is placed (at least in my browser, the top tip of the moon is cut off.) I also clicked too quickly on the end screen, so only got to see part of the message, I guess I'll have to play through again! Great job getting it out.

  • Ah! So are the controls basically touching the different color bands in the background? Clever! I think the checkerboard texture is distracting, I like the original better without the checkerboard (or is that an artifact of your video capture?)