Mikal's Forum Posts

  • You need to specify an output path also.

    I am specifying an output dir (the command line is wrapping above in the code window.)

    Here's another example with a shortened commandline:

    D:\Projects\NormalExtended>C2C3AddonConverter.exe -effect .\OutlineC2 .\Out


    Processing: OutlineC2

    Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

  • Looks like everyone, including me starts out trying to build C3 addons in the same sequence in which the manual reads. This is definitely NOT the way to start C3 addon development. The C3 SDK manual is upside-down. You MUST first setup a local plugin server, go through the process of getting that working. Then you MUST develop your plugins in "developer mode" per the manual. After you get your plugin loading and working in developer mode, you can say "it's working" and then do the normal .zip/.c3addon import into C3. DO NOT keep trying to import any custom plugin with even one single bug! In addition to no debugging info in the console, you will also lock up C3 editor addon mamanger and object import dialogs. Sometimes you will lock the main addon loading screen.

    Get your local plugin dev server working FIRST and dev that way.

    Here is my working C3 plugin server. If you don't know Node/Express, Google and you'll find a million articles and tutorials. Very easy to install. Below is a link to the zip of the c3-plugin-server app folder. Make sure you run your command window as admin. Unzip the app. Then run npm install to update/install all the packages you need. There are helpful comments in server.js. nodemon server.js will start the plugin server. Node provides good error messages on install. If you see any you should be able to fix.


    const https = require('https');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const path = require('path');
    const express = require('express');
    const cors = require('cors');
    const corsOptions = {
    	origin: 'https://editor.construct.net'
    // You will need to use openssl or some Windows app
    // to generate your own self-signed cert files. C3 
    // developer mode plugin loading will NOT work in Http 
    // mode. Plugin server must be Https
    const serverOptions = {
    	key: fs.readFileSync('./key-20171101-071835.pem'),
    	cert: fs.readFileSync('./cert-20171101-071835.crt'),
    	requestCert: false,
    	rejectUnauthorized: true
    const app = express();
    // Put testing and non-plugin static content in this folder
    app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static')));
    // Put all plugin related code and static content in this folder
    // Put each plugin in its own folder like: /plugin/mytestplugin1/
    // In C3 addon manager, in developer mode, load plugin like... 
    // 	  https://localhost:49200/plugin/mytestplugin1/addon.json
    app.use('/plugin', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'plugin')));
    const port = process.env.PORT || 49200;
    https.createServer(serverOptions, app).listen(port, function () {
    	console.log('Construct 3 plugin server running. Listening on port: ' + port);


    Thanks for this, I'm trying it out with nodemon server.js, but I am getting errors when trying to load the addon. It looks like the server is running (I can get the addon.json file via a general chrome browser request via: https://localhost:49200/plugin/example/addon.json ). I installed self-signed cert/key and updated server.js (otherwise the previous would not work.)

    C3 reports the generic, 'unable to load, go check server, etc.'. Checking the chrome console, this is the error:

    r69-2/main.js:154 Error loading addon JSON:  TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
        at d.ǃvcY (r69-2/main.js:73)
        at <anonymous>
    ǃG.ǃEA.then.then.catch @ r69-2/main.js:154
    If I put in another bad filename, I see a different error message on console, so I think the file is being server to C3. but then something seems to fail on parsing (I also tried the C3 EffectSDK example and get the same error.)
    Any hints?
  • blackhornet

    Trying to use the -effect switch as a start, but I'm getting an error. Just as a test, I am starting with an old version of the Outline.

     Directory of D:\Projects\NormalExtended\OutlineC2
    11/27/2017  04:15 PM    <DIR>          .
    11/27/2017  04:15 PM    <DIR>          ..
    11/27/2017  04:15 PM             1,547 outline.fx
    11/27/2017  04:15 PM             2,100 outline.xml
                   2 File(s)          3,647 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  395,019,923,456 bytes free
    D:\Projects\NormalExtended>C2C3AddonConverter.exe -effect d:\Projects\NormalExtended\OutlineC2 d:\Projects\NormalExtended\Out
    Processing: OutlineC2
            Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    D:\Projects\NormalExtended>dir Out
     Volume in drive D is New Volume
     Volume Serial Number is 805A-25C1
     Directory of D:\Projects\NormalExtended\Out
    11/27/2017  07:59 PM    <DIR>          .
    11/27/2017  07:59 PM    <DIR>          ..
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  395,019,923,456 bytes free
    I'm trying to convert over [url=https://www.scirra.com/forum/effect-normal-map-extended-1-01-updated-13-jul_t149650]NormalMapExtended[/url]
    Originally, since I thought effects conversion were not supported by your converter yet, I starting writing yet another c# hacky helper tool to convert over the most tedious parts of the effect xml (parameter section for addon.json and parameter description section for the en-US.json). I thought I got them working (looks like valid json for both), but C3 crashing after adding the addon (I've been going back to safe mode to uninstall, then install again in normal mode.) I found a couple issues like setting id to lowercase, but then I was stumped. I guess I should go jump into developer mode.
    However, seeing that you are now on your way to include effect in your conversion tool, I shall stop and be patient! Thanks for all your work on this.
  • Testing Paster in C3. Jump in the water bunny...

  • Testing Paster in C3. Jump in the water bunny...

  • Saw blackhornet post on updating Paster for C3, had to try it out...

    This is my new favorite plugin/addon. Also thinking about using it for tracks in snow for the rabbits hopping around in winter scenes, etc.

    Now we have a nice reflection in a pond, near the fire (didn't paste all objects, but most to test this out.) Hmm, maybe the rabbit should jump in the pond to douse himself!

    Another thing, thinking about making all level art design with processed / painted backgrounds instead of doing tilemaps, I am straying away from pixel art a little and the typical tilemaps push me back to that style. However, need to resource from affordable picture sources w/ post processing (and perhaps also ask a friend for access to some of his watercolor paintings or better yet have him paint some scenes for me.)

  • do you think you could like this "celshaded" style for an RPG?

    Getting there, I like it!

    Could you also implement some 'interior' cell shading to make it feel more consistent (for example in the edge of the V-neck of the tunic/shirt, the edge is too 'thin'. Would it will look better if that is also a thick line (is that a texture you can change or is that separate meshes?)

  • tried to record a cool gif to showcase all the new juice/game feel stuff added.

    Very nice and juicy, lots of great effects, feels like a Warner Bros cartoon character! One effect that feels a little strange to me is when it gets really narrow, doesn't feel quite right, maybe not the right context for getting narrow? What's is it supposed to represent, running out of fuel?

  • Good pointer to a nice example, and this is my new favorite plugin/addon, it's great, thanks for doing this! Also thinking about using it for tracks in snow for the rabbits hopping around in winter scenes, etc.

    I did have a couple of crashes, but did not collect the debug info, if it happens again, I will and post.

    Now we have a reflection in a pond, near the fire (didn't paste all objects, but most to test this out.) Hmm, maybe the rabbit should jump in the pond to douse himself!

  • I am a source control junkie (git currently), so it definitely makes me all antsy to put the [Project].c3p file exported from C3 into source control (basically throwing a binary zip file into source control.) Yes, it will allow me to go back to older projects, but with no detailed history of changes, files added, etc. and each push/commit is the entire project, instead of just the files that have changed.

    What are folks current best methods for doing 'real' source control for C3?

    I started to experiment with unzipping the c3p file and checking in the unzipped results, but all the resulting files have the same date/time as the *.c3p file which will not work for source control (it cannot determine which files are newer / older.)

    Ashley is there a general solution coming? (Even if the unzipped files kept their 'original' date/time stamp I could work around the *.c3p file, but I imagine that this concept of date/time may be different now with local storage / cloud save, etc.)

  • Great, thanks for doing this I am sure I'm going to need it in the future. Any chance for an example C3 project (e.g. what you used to test this?)

  • Wow, nice job getting the Addon up and running in C3 so fast! Thanks.

    Tried it out, looks like it works at least from my simple test, I am just switching animations w/ a little blend.

    Obligatory request for Mesh/FFD to be released w/ Spriter2 soon

  • Thanks for posting the gameplay, I really like the _speed_ of the play.

    Bought it.


    • App store: add a video, part of the appeal to me is the speed of play and you can't see that in a screenshot
    • Control scheme interesting! The tap with opposite touch for jump works, just need to train myself to think in context of direction
    • Add a timer, this begs for a 'speedrunner' mode and leaderboards on time to complete each level, ranking, names, etc.
    • I suck at precision jumping (see 'train' comment above.)
    • Price, I think should be $0.99, I think for this level of game, $1.99 is too much.

    Congrats on releasing it!

    Warning: a couple crashes on ios11/iphone 7, on level 5 and level 9. Screen freezes. Having to start over, I am one crash away from stop playing the game, because I need to restart from level 1 each time after a freeze.

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  • Cool minimalist style, how about posting a vid / GIF, so we can see gameplay?

  • Adding a map to navigate begin major scenes / levels. Hotspots on the map allow for actions beyond just travel, like 'info' which lets the main character Spout Lore. Could have a mini game for each time you travel, depending on the location you are going to, if it does not get too tedious (or perhaps just a one-shot mini-game.)

    The map was created using Google Maps, 3D views of a farm in Sebastapol, CA, then used Underpainting 2 Filter from befunky.com. Lots of GIF color munging here.

    Original Map Source

    Processed Map: