Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Lots of fun, it can be quite a battle when you folks with similar skill. Great concept and haven't hit any real network lag issues, etc.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • So fun, nice style. Good luck with the early release!

  • Nice example.

    One slight variation I am using is replacing the Dictionary object with a JSON object, which I have found to be more versatile for structured data (objects within objects, arrays, etc.)

    An example with a JSON object named PlayerData, change the save and load actions, then use JSON plugin expressions and actions to access the data in the JSON object.


    -> PlayerData: Parse JSON string LocalStorage.ItemValue


    -> LocalStorage: Set item "PlayerData" to PlayerData.ToCompactString

  • lucid - yes thanks - I figured that out too (using dev console to explore the available functions.)

  • lucid thanks for the note on AssetManager SDK, was waiting for the fix before I moved my project over which has also uses that API. Also thanks for all the work on the plugin from an active C3 / Spriter user.

  • Thanks for this, it is nice to have a good class example. I hope that we start building on these and have a repo somewhere to easily share them, as we do for C3 addons.

  • Thanks for this, nice clean example. With later versions of C3 we can also use the new 'Wait for previous actions to complete' action and put it all in one block with a few 'Wait..' actions after the snapshot and screenshot async actions.

  • Thanks for the C2 effects import feature, it works well.

    After import, typically I have to do a couple changes to the effect shader code to make it compatible with C3 uniforms and sometimes C3 sprite sheeting, but it's not too difficult.

    Here are some notes on C2 effect porting, based on some of my recent experience:


  • Ask, and ye shall receive.

    It is a tool people have found useful, so I've stickied the IDE thread :)


  • You will love this tool...


    It will also load existing plugins for you to start with (and comes with some templates.) It includes a webserver built in for developer mode. It creates .c3addon for release. It makes everything so much better when creating a plugin. It even creates templates for doing c2 conversions (you usually need to do more JS work to complete the conversion, due to SDK changes for c3 runtime.)

    I wish that Nepeo or other mods would sticky the c3IDE thread in this forum, it's so useful for plugin development.

  • Ah, learning slowly but surely, this works in preview:

    async function go() {
    	var projUrl = ''
    	projUrl = await c3_runtimeInterface._GetLocalRuntime()._assetManager.LoadProjectFileUrl('j.json')
    	var loadedJson = {}
    	loadedJson = await	c3_runtimeInterface._GetLocalRuntime()._assetManager.FetchJson(projUrl)
  • Ashley

    I'm trying to use the AssetManager, but I still get a CORS error during preview.

    Did I read your below message incorrectly? Does fetching not work at all during preview and AssetManager does not help for fetching during preview?

    I have this in my events (and j.json project file in the project.)

    + System: On start of layout
    -> Run JavaScript: var loadedJson = c3_runtimeInterface._GetLocalRuntime()._assetManager.FetchJson("j.son")

    The above fails with a CORS error during preview.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Thanks Ashley, I will take a look at the AssetManger SDK.

  • I am integrating the face-api.js into C3 as a plugin, but I am having an issue with preview. It works fine with the export of game to HMTL5 and hosted (locally or on a remote server.) It also works fine when exported with Electron and run as a desktop app (https://electronforconstruct.armaldio.xyz/).

    The issue occurs when the JS api requests a file via a fetch URI (that's included in the root of the plugin and the root of the exported HTML5.) The error on the Chrome console is:

    Access to fetch at 'https://editor.construct.net/r151/preview/ssd_mobilenetv1_model-weights_manifest.json'
    from origin 'https://preview.construct.net' has been blocked by CORS policy:
     No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
    If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch
     the resource with CORS disabled.

    However, preview fails any suggestions? Is it possible to enable CORS between preview.construct.net and editor.construct.net or is that a security issue for construct.net?

  • If you are only looking for a reflection you could try my reflectY effect.


    Comes with an example. Place the sprite with the effect higher in z order than anything you want to reflect. Offset parameter must be set based on sprite location. Gradient fade parameter can be set to 0 for no fade.