megatronx's Forum Posts

  • If you share capx, I could have a look at it.

  • I would strongly recommend you simply do not use big images. As the blog post mentioned, professionally-designed games don't do that.

    Is it possible to replace sprite image using ajax on mobile with the technology that we are using?

    Edit@ Also, it's a bit off topic, but what's the average load of the images in the background on desktops? Cheers

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    yes rayman jungle or Rayman Runner

    Ok, you don't have permission to put links in, so separate it like this websiteadress . com /something /something and we will get it.

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    > you can make game like rayman with construct 2 ? "you can not"


    Lol, not in a month no, a game like that will take a year or more to make.

    I've been following this fantastic game...

    ... yes its made with construct 2.

    You are only limited by your ability.

    generalhak probably meant Rayman Runner the mobile game. generalhak right?

    On the other hand, had no idea Raven was founded. That's really neat.

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    > > Ughhhh, not another one of these...

    > >


    > Agreed, just wasted 1 min of my life reading his rant.

    > Feel kinda sorry for him, he is about to waste another month only to realize that there is nothing wrong with Construct 2's performance, but rather that the fault is his.


    you can make game like rayman with construct 2 ? "you can not"

    Of course you can, even on mobile, but for that you need to learn efficient eventing and overall setting things up. I understand when English is not your native language ( neither is mine ), it's much harder with limited resources in your own tongue.

    Share your capx with us, we will look at it and at least we can tell you what you need to work on to get better performance.

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  • Spindraft

    It was easy to realize for everyone that you just starting with the software by the fact that you have issues with communicating its basics. You had no reason after my first post to come back at me with your pseudo-intellectual offense, assuming I'm so stupid I won't get your sarcasm. It's hardly possible to help if other person is not using same terminology. Expect people not to help solve simple problems that can be resolved quickly with manual, tutorials and some >experimentation<. So sending you back to manual and tutorials was right thing to do.

    I write my code's logic on paper. Then doing it in C2 is fairly straight forward. But I already know what I can do in C2. If the workflow is not suitable for your liking then there are alternatives like Unity or GM, where you can script the code in a common fashion.



    I know that moving things around in event sheet can get clunky, that's why in my first post I've send the man to the manual. Even if it wasn't the answer he was looking for, Spindraft struck a nerve with me with his passive-aggressive, egocentric response.

  • Neat idea and nice graphics, but I'm having hard time figuring out how to play it?! :/

  • >

    > > Mega, you are a real treat. I am a college instructor (although not in computers or academics) and you strike me as the typical type of soul who cannot help anyone else because they are all beneath you while at the same time being the one who disrupts the class with your superior knowledge of all things.

    > >

    > >


    > In that case, use your collage instructor power of deduction to solve the problem yourself.


    Nothing personal but you are a straight jackass Mega, do me a favor and go help someone else.

    That's all right, bro, keep whining.

  • This is almost certainly a scam, at the very least it's not what it says it is.

    You can pay $30 to have access to these 'tools', without knowing anything about them at all.

    Check out their 'latest reservations' scrolling thing. They've just given one or two default stereotypical names to each country (except the U.S. where they randomly sample all names) and have them scroll across at a constant rate. Pretty hilarious actually.

    Have a look - everyone from Australia is called 'Nathan', everyone from Saudi Arabia is 'Ahmed' etc.

    This is really great actually, I'm enjoying this

    EDIT: Check out their twitter, it's full of people demanding refunds for what appears to be 'nothing but thin air'.

    Oh yeah, haha, that's hilarious!

  • Mega, you are a real treat. I am a college instructor (although not in computers or academics) and you strike me as the typical type of soul who cannot help anyone else because they are all beneath you while at the same time being the one who disrupts the class with your superior knowledge of all things.

    In that case, use your collage instructor power of deduction to solve the problem yourself.

  • > Dude, you got to go to manual and tutorials section and learn the basics of how editor works. You can drag and move, copy and paste, call functions and there is search too among many others.


    I appreciate the response but I have tried copy and paste ten different ways and being that thus is truly not a scientific issue in terms of user functions it stands to reason the system is flawed here by the fact that anyone should have to address this as a problem at all. Further more a tutorial of any kind should not be required for the most basic of functions, for instance ones they teach in grade school now. Also I do read the independent and highly scattered (topic wise) tutorials, I am knee deep in several right now so it does not seem unreasonable to me at all to ask for help or to make suggestions on certain things. I know about drag and drop with the icons and such but was unaware of this feature in the code blocks. Nice system and dude sorry if I caused you any grief by answering my humble post.

    HA! LOL

    Forget about what they taught at school. You have a tool, you got to learn how to use it.

  • megatronx [quote:1h1bayzn]When you have more, let me know, and I can make you some killer soundtrack for it.

    Really? That would be great. C&C games are my main inspiration . However I think I'm going to mainly concentrate other, a bit more simpler game for a while. All my projects tend to get somewhat complicated. So it might be take some time.

    Also I know next to nothing about this Dune game, but the soundtrack is quite awesome.

    Yeah, cool. I know Dune too. Yeah, I do complicated things too, that's why I first write what i need to do. There are some exceptions, like when I 100% know what I'm doing, but for new things I plan in advance on paper.

  • Ashley Cheers

  • Depends on how your parsing. I suspect your tokenating. So every time you tokenate the search begins back at 0. If you tokenate your self by actively tracking your current character position. compare until next comma then you can save time. But otherwise your going to lose performance. So as an example mega, super, fun happy, time If you for some reason need time while(word != "time") word = tokenate( srtring, loopindex, ",") **** let's ignore the permanent stuck loop this would require. anyway this would search through your string 5 times to find time. What the system has to do is create a string for eaching parsing into a word. So the system is going to create an array every tick. then destroy the array. So your asking for an array to be created an destroyed. Where as if you broke it into an array at the start of layout you could just do array.find("time") and then avoid creating a tokenized array at the beginning of the layout. now however if you instead did if( string.find("time") ) then that would be faster than tokenized parsing. Where as in an array. once you compare the first you move on to the second.

    Ok, working on understanding it. Let me show you what I have, and you'll let me know what you think about it. This part is being called on function.


  • Depends on what you need. If this is an occasional search. Then just stick with parsing text. However if this is action you need to do per tick. Then turn your text into an array by parsing the string at least once.

    I see. Yes it is an action to do per tick. So you're saying that there is a performance difference between those two?

    EDIT: let me elaborate. So I have array with Items in it like this one [["Mace'Mele'60'50'30'30'200'A mace"]], and then when my character is attacking, function is being called to check what weapon he has, and then acts accordingly, parsing trough this line of text to get the data... hmm so now when I'm thinking about it it is not per tick... hmmm... I might need to take a day off ...