megatronx's Forum Posts

  • <img src="">

    It doesn't look real. I would say it's CGI. It's a bit sad and funny at the dsame time though.

  • Ambitious. I wish you good luck. I would like to donate you guys, but i'm verry poor

    edit: What will be your statement on importing 3d objects function - are you planning to include it? And if yes, will it be possible to import animatins of those objects as well? The way i see it is that the game would still be 2d running on x,y axis but with 3d gfx.

  • Concept video for ICO:

    That's the first psx version of the game, not concept video.

    last night i compared both video and image and i can't see any diference. it must be original.

    hd video ... deo-leaked

    Sony ad with picture ... hesis.html


    two scr.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    I want 'evil shadows' again

  • honestly, i don't have ps3 but i'll borrow it of my mate when thise game came out. Can't wait!

    edit@ watched news on thet.

    it could be faked.

  • >

    > Um... have you actually played ICO or Shadow of the Colossus? They're two of the greatest games ever made, in every regard. Not just looks.

    > eah once friend visited me with PS2 and played both, not so impressed i must say its bassicly puzzle game and Searching-Climbing game in Colossus.

    You should play it by yourself, than you would appreaciate thise games

    Yeah, it does takes a lot from Neverending Story. I'm a bit thorn with the trailer. don't realy know what to think. BUt anyways, it's year old, and the game probubly changed a lot since then. Got no Ps3 but probulby buy a game and borrow the console from my mate.

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  • Team ico new project trailer from last E3 08 ... t=featured

  • Old concept grappling arm i made like 1.5 years ago, never finished it because bionic commando completely ripped it off (coincidently of course) oh ya its done with mouse so its pretty rough looking

    <img src="">

    I'ts realy nice you should get yourself a drawing tablet!

  • Artiz@ Realy cool

    Photoshop does have somithing similar 'bleed' , you just have to set up one option ( i don't remember what is it called ^^' ). Or if i'm wrong there might be a plugin.

    Caspis Sinclair i haven't used blur/smugde. I think it's rathe matter of choosing right brushes.

    edit@Artiz@ sorry forgoth answer your question - This is a action adventer game i'm working on since 2004.

  • Nice one megatronx. What type of game are you doing?

    My very first quicksketch just done today with Artweaver.

    <img src="">

    Could you show me original size pic please?

  • > ...


    Hehehe, from my experience, software is never done, or it at least takes you much longer than you ever anticipate... Construct has probably been due to reach 1.0 by Christmas every year since 2007, and even when we do reach 1.0, that's far from the end! It's only just the beginning...

    It's the same with everything that's being created: webs sites, films, books, songs - creators would alweys change something after relising their work.

  • Hi,

    So i've just draw my first concept art/artwork i ever did with using tablet ( cheepest Wacom I've bought last week). So i thought i'll post here my work. Looking forward for your opinions. If anyone of you is doing artworks/conept arts/etc ahould post your work here as well. Maybe we could start 'Graphic Artists' tread.

    And for those who would like to see it in original size

  • <a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a>[/code:31pv55ut]
  • Anyone one remembers Nirvana's 'Heart-shaped box' video clip? Maybe some of you know that this clip was first filmed in colour, than black&whiten, and after that peaple at technicolor painted each frame manualy. What i want to say is that if you have big budget for your game, you can experiment with what ever you want, do what ever you desire and maybe go hard way. But if you a small developer who is doing its game in the time betwen day job, this person have to find the most efficient and felxible way to work. And Art has nothing to do with it. For me games like Gears of War and Unreal 3 are Half Art, becasue they just over-realistic, wshich means shallow. Shadow of the colossuss and Ico on the other hand i could be able to call art, becasue of it's overall taste to each of it's elements. Weter you have multimilion budget or not, if you want catch fill to the gfx and the gameplay, it will never become even half-art. Creativity, skill and good idea, that's what creates art.

  • thomasmahler@ I'm so impressed with your approach. Since the gfx in old demo i've played ( the one that i had 3 fps ) you have improved on the vissual taste so much! I'm waiting with inpatience for your project be relised.

    Ps. i wouldn't mind doing a sountrack for it

  • I sugested export to XNA long time ago if any one remember.