maxwell88's Forum Posts

  • Hello, im wondering when i add to my game, window with video (YT, vimeo or other? i dont know which is better)

    how can i avoid right clik and copy url adress ??

  • From the manual, there is an expression to get the size in pixels of the text.


    set text to "my text"

    wait 0.1

    set text object width to expression get text width

    works good BUT

  • on image you see, part of characters are moved to down because size of text object is 250.

    how do i event to resize width to ammount of typed characters?

  • Behavior scrool to have nice option 'shake screen'

    how can i do this same via events?

  • Not sure I understand your question.. Do you mean something like this?

    Sorry prabably because my english is not very well

    After repeat 10 times gun should be destroyed BUT not earlier

    when i set repeat X times

    Events should wait for last bullet fired

  • After LMB click i use REPEAT condition with wait 0.1s included to shot bullet

    How can i run other action when REPEAT is finished?

  • my game have sprite with sine behavior, sine is moving this sprite smoothly from left to right

    every x second this sprite spawn coin

    But coins should always swap his position every 32pixels after create

  • From the Construct manual:

    "Set canvas size

    Set the size of the canvas area in the page, if appearing inline to the page (i.e. a fullscreen mode is not used). If a fullscreen mode is in use, this effectively changes the size of the Window size project property, which adjusts the size of the viewport."

    As I said before, you can't set layout size dynamically. You are mixing Layout and Viewport/Window. These are two different things. Imagine your construct app/game as something you look through an actual window:

    >      +--------------------------------+
        /             B                  /
       /          +--------+            /
      /          /   A    /            /
     /          +--------+            /
    B is the full Layout, A is the Window through which you see the Layout. As far as I know you can set the window size dynamically, using set canvas size, but not the layout size.

    i see, its not possible set bigger 'B' area? poor c2;/

  • This is not what i expected <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ... 3.wmv?dl=0

  • why when i try use

    WindowHeidh x2

    and also try

    layoutHeight x2

    always my window is grows not game area

  • i dont see anything like that in events options, only set canvas size but dont work

  • for example when ball falls from top to down and its outside layout height of layout should double

    On start layout size is 480x854

    when ball is outside layout add to height 854

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  • Most behaviors already use dt.

    But if you want to control dt you can use On-Start of Layout>System set dt

    "System set dt" i dont see anything like that

  • I know how looks lerp function

    but i dont know how use lerp with numbers/counters

    how do i add score using lerp?

  • how events should have to run all project in dt?