matriax's Forum Posts

  • Yeah i already checked and is what i mean, the analyzers checks something with the "audio" tag but:

    What if i have various audios with different tag? like audio1, audio2, audio3... on each one i manage individually adding FX,etc... then i will need to add an event for each one?

    My idea is if there is some "master analyzer" that reads the sound output of the app, not the single files by tag, so i can add any amount of audios for mixing without worry about add all the events for every tag.

    Also my idea was stop>record on silence, but if the SFX made has in some part silence(Like some tremolo with volume 0-100) i will get a cut version of it.

    IS there any way with analyser or other action get the "waveform" ?

  • I want to play a sound, add effects and record+save that sounds with the effects included.

    The "Get duration" from an audio tag not works due it gets only the sample, but if you add delay/reverb.... also because more audios can be playing at same time with different duration as a mixer option.

    So my idea is record+play the sound, then in some way get the volume or something from the app, and when there is silence stop>save. So that will record the sound and any sfx included that increases the final duration.

    Maybe there is a more easy way but no examples or actions found for it.

    Any idea?

  • And wonder, instead os messing with AA, will be possible limit shapes to 2 colors?

    I mean, one for the shape color and one for the transparency. In the same ways the palete FX limit works. ¿?

  • I know there is a template, but i have already a project started.

    I set sampling=Point, Pixel Rounding=Yes, also i tried with scale integer and other but still get some AA. I'm using the canvas plugin, which have AA but we added some option to disable it and works when we export some imge, 0 aa.

    But in runtime there is still AA in drawing objects.

    What other properties in rpojects or canvas i should check/disable/change to be sure the output will be pixel with no AA?

  • So, my question is:

    Is possible load an external sound in runtime and manage that audio like any others using tags to add FX or whatever?

    In that case, can you provide an example please?

  • Yeah, already talking with Eren but is hard.

    There is some audio temaple about Audio scripting on also we achieved play external audio in runtime but we can't manage via events, so looking how add a tag in js to the audio files to maybe use that tag as reference to use in events.

    The same for convolution, to set audio internal/external.

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  • I'm not talking about audio format.

    On FX there is one called "convolution". This one needs an audio as IR (Impulse Response).

    But the unique way is one by event which is a pain. The idea is found a mor easy workaround.

  • Looking the Audio Scriptiong project to see how sounds are played.

    I want to play external sounds on runtime, and adding an URL it works.

    But i can't control that sound in events for play, add, FX or whatever, due there is no tag.

    How i add in the script a tag for an audio file to be referenced in events to manage like any other sound for play/stop/resume/fx/ or whatever by tag ?

    // Audio manager class for handling audio playback.
    let audioManager = null;
    // References to loaded audio files as global variables
    let audioSfx5 = null;
    let audioSfx7 = null;
    let audioEpicArpg = null;
    runOnStartup(async runtime =>
    	// Initialise the audio manager. See AudioManager.js for details.
    	audioManager = new AudioManager(runtime);
    	// During the loading screen, load both sound files as
    	// AudioBuffers and the music track all in parallel, so
    	// they are ready for immediate playback on startup.
    	[audioSfx5, audioSfx7, audioEpicArpg] = await Promise.all([
    // These functions are called by the button click events.
    function PlaySfx5()
    function PlaySfx7()
    function PlayMusic()
  • So, no way?

    With "Play by name" i can use string to so with a variable and one event i can trigger and play all the sounds i want.

    Will be great the same for the convolution sound instead of select from a list, now i have to add an event for each convolution, also i have to reorder all FX chain again due the only way to change the convolution is by "add" action, the "set effect param" there is no convolution way.

  • Is possible fix this FX?

    In C2 format:

    But they not work as it should. More interested in the overlap one or SourceAtop in C2 blendMode but the idea is made it as FX, due allowing the plugin canvas FX on blend mode SOurceAtop activated if i try to add any FX like that ones the canvas object dissapear, so i need them as FX.

    Any idea?

  • Construct uses the Reverb Convolution to work. This means it needs an audio file. They are called "IR" (Impulse responses).

    I download a bunch of them, and there are packs with more than 100.

    The bad thing is that to change in runtime that IR, you have to use an event and select the audio file to use in a list. So i have to create an event for each one, if i have 100 or more, well....

    I was thinking to use some event like: Set = "IR" & IRnumber & ".webm"

    So with just one event, in runtime i change the IRnumber variable to select another one but seems is not possible.

    Is there any workaround to avoid add one event for each one?


    Edit: Also the audio use for convolution is on "add effect" , there is no "set effect param" to change the audio file, that will be perfect.

    And, there is no effect parameter to change "Normalize" / "Don't normalize".

  • I can import to the project any sound that is converted into .webm and then in runtime add any effect, remove and change the order they are added etc...

    But i can't find or maybe can't be done:

    Import sound in runtime and apply audio effects

    I'm missing something or just is not possible? In that case, with the actual engine will be possible add that feature? Or via plugin? No idea.

    So i can give the chance to users to import/load their sounds to the app, apply effects/mix with other sounds and export.



    Web Audio API offers two kind of Reverb:

    Algorithmic and Convolution

    Convolution is the one used actually which needs an audio file. Wonder if will be possible add the other one too, who no need an audio file to work?

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  • I'm not using any conversion tool, i just want to export the audio as max quality possible, that it means .WAV .

    After that, any user can get that wav and compress to the quality they needs for their project or format.