matriax's Forum Posts

  • First of all thanks for the fast reply R0J0hound .

    Yes, the best is add the features to the plugin, but i have 0 idea of javascript(or any language), how the SDK works or where to place this features in the actual structure of others plugin(15 plugins & 21 Behaviours) so i'm totally lost in that way :S .

    So, an easy way i had in mind was if there is any chance to use real code, so i can test online in the engine editor of Babylon.js (like this one: and if works add on the C2 events like the code i posted in the first message. Not much worried in case i can't minify really.

    Then or "execute javascript" or add/create a plugin that allows comunicate with the babylon.js to use real code so i can access/use any function.

    Other idea (Again if is possible) in case the use real code not works, maybe is create a blank plugin called "Babylon Enhanced" and add there only the missing features, personal structure, but i don't know if needs some communication with the real plugin and can be an option.

    What you think? Any other ideas?

  • Hi!

    Released my last game that started as a prototype and finally ended in other finished game.

    The game has been released for Windows(32/64bits), Mac(64bits) and Linux(32/64bits).

    30 levels from easy including the info/control/tuts to know the mechanic until the most hardest and challenge levels on you will need to find the correct timing.

    Added the Windowed mode as requested. Just press "Alt".

    To keep update about possible changes, more leves you can follow me on twitter:


    Link to game:


  • You can create an instance variable on the enemy sprite called "time".

    In events set that:

    Enemy is overlapping X object


    every 1.0 second

    Then >> Add 1 to "time" instance variable of the enemy


    If Enemy "Time" instance Variable is 3 = Destroy enemy

  • I'm using Babylon3D, a plugin to create 3D games but has some missing features.

    Talked with the developer and due he dropped the support for the plugin everybody can use/share/edit for free.

    Is possible use that missing functions via "execute javascript" from the engine "Babylon.js" that are not in the plugin?

    For example, this Babylon.js code adds AO(Ambient Oclusion) to the scene:

    var ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline("ssao", scene, 1.0, camera);[/code:2c7q5rka]
    So, Is there anyway with "execute javascript" that i can use that missing plugin features?
    If not, is there anyway editing the plugin or whatever that allow me use any engine function on C2?. I mean, for example add to the plugin some action that on C2 give me the chance to add real Babylon.Js code, so i can use anything.
  • I know i can use 2 sine behaviours and make one horizontal and other vertical with same values to make an object moves in a circle but i'm looking any math expresions to do all that in events so i can apply to sprites, effects, layouts or whatever.

    Also know the Sine behaviours have a "value only" but i want do the maths in events to have more flexibility in use this values.

    For example i already have the maths for a ScreenShake if somebody needs:

    max(0, screenShake/1.1 - 0.01) ["ScreenShake" is the number of power]

    Is really useful to use with the layout angle or scale and make the screenshake more spectacular or with effects like RGBA channel separation on colisions.

    So, i'm looking maths to do things like that, sines, circle movements or any other things so i can make my own movement system with instance variables to apply on sprites.

  • 99Instances2Go Oh great! Thanks for the help and explanation!

  • 'Pick all' is what you need. ... .capx?dl=0

    Oh! thanks! In my case use an instance variable because can be various numbers and the text object have to show the sum, hope this solution works for my needs.

  • Here the screenshot:

    Instead of a red line i use the TextObject adding a larger area that overlaps the sprites so there are less objects involved.

    Without the "On Any click" works perfects but CPU intense. I also added a it on to a funtion and call it with a click or keyboard or whatever and nothing.

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  • Well, thats the problem, i tried using a function to when is call execute this one time or just update on "Any mouse click" then do that, but never updates ¿?

  • Sorry, no idea, but the game looks really cool! , How you made that glitch-screenshake effect when the ship collides? Looks awesome :O

  • How i can show in the Text object how many Sprites with a Instance variable: Active: 1 are overlapping the red line?

    I actually do this:

    For each Text Object

    Sprite Value=1

    Sprite Overlaping RedLine >> Set Text to Sprite.PickedCount

    Works but is CPU intense, and having lots of lines get my CPU at 80%. The sprites are activated to White/Green on mouse click. I tried "On any mouse click" and do a function that does this but not works.

    The sprites are static and the line always pass over the same ones.

    How can i fix it?

  • If i remember well the .ogg and .m4a are generated due some browsers accept one or other format or something like that. I don't know if still exist the problem.

    BTW, if the game is gonna be only fos desktop, is there any problem if only use the .ogg format to save space, organization,etc... ?

  • Here a simple .capx of what i'm trying to achieve ... sp=sharing

  • I'm working with sounds and trying to have a 3D effect .

    This is an image of the default setting of what i'm using.

    In the description "Outer gain" is for sound reduction but seems only works for directional sound. Also i not understand very well how the angles works with that.

    With this setup i can place the sprite anywhere and using the player as listener when more far i go the sound is reduced = Ok.

    The problem is i don't know how customize that sound reduction. I tried adding positive/negative values on "outer gain" or put 359 as angle or any other values but nothing seems to work.

    I want change the sound reduction, because i put the player in the other side of the layout and i can still ear the sound. So, How i customize thad fade-out/reduction to make dissapear more soon?

  • I'm trying to figure how add various sounds to a target/object , one looping and other "one time" each X seconds with multiple instances around the layout.

    I have an enemy and i want this enemy have:

    Looping sound for footsteps

    Every Random(1,3) seconds Choose(1,2,3,4,5,6) for different roar SFX.

    Also i want to customize the fade-out sound when the player is far the object but is always the same reduction. The unique way is create another event using an expresion like "0-(distance(hero.X,hero.y,spritetest.X,spritetest.y)/50)".

    But having lots of sounds that reproduces one time and others looping for the same target/object what have multiple instances around the layout is a nightmare, i have no idea how organize to keep all clean and simple.

    Somebody did this before? Any template or idea how manage to do this? :S