Magistross's Forum Posts

  • If that init happens once and never need to run again later, I'd personally go for a dedicated loading/transition layout.

    If it needs to be done on a layout per layout basis, I'd go for a "Start of layout" kind of mechanic like you said.

  • And if you feel adventurous, you could try your luck with scripting. Maybe by iterating through the "localVars", since parameters can be found there. However, a serious caveat, if you have actual local variables, the indexing will most likely be off somewhere along the way.

  • Also, notice the stop-watch icon indicating that the action is asynchronous. After each "Load image from..." you should add a "Wait for previous action to complete".

  • You have to replace them one after the other. Prior to your call to "Load image from...", stop the animation and use "set animation frame" to manually select which frame you are trying to replace. Once every frame is done, you can resume the animation playback and it should be using all your newly loaded images.

    Side note : Your sprite needs to already have a two-frame animations (with placeholder images) for it to work.

  • LiteSnacksIf you have the string readily available, you can simply use a sprite's "Load image from URL" action to display it directly from it.

    Like this:

  • That's basically your only way. If you want the web client to know about your variable, you have to send it. Now if that data is sensitive, HTTPS will be your friend.

  • The AJAX.LastData, using your PHP page will return exactly the same thing as if you opened it with a browser.

    So you might want to "echo" your variable somewhere along the way, so the AJAX call can return it.

  • Just for clarification, my template is Dictionary and Array based. The JSON is simply said Dictionary and Array "AsJson" representation.

    I could probably rewrite it completely to use a pure JSON solution and be a lot more flexible and expandable. However, JSON wasn't "natively" supported back then as an official Construct plugin... so I settled for a more rigid approach with arrays and dictionaries.

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  • I have quite the background with Construct 2+ so I know a lot of thing firsthand. ;)

    However, the documentation is complete and easy to comprehend. From your original question, I suggest you read these articles from the manual :

    Project documentation

    Tilemap plugin reference

  • Viewport size has nothing to do with the map size, it's basically the size of your game's window.

    The actual tilemap should be sized to 128*TileWidth X 168*TileHeight.

  • Newly created objects becomes available at the next top-level event, not at the next tick.

    I tried recreating the problem but the count expression in my case always returns the expected value. I must be missing something I can't see from those screenshots.

  • Objects are actually created at the end of the tick.

    Not quite, objects are created directly with the action. However, they are not available to be filtered/picked until the next top-level event. The "Pick by unique ID" condition is the exception to this rule, it can be used to pick any object, even if it was just created within the same event stack.

    That said, I still don't understand why the "count" expression is acting so weird, and I can't seem to be able to reproduce said behavior.

  • Function with return values cannot be called with actions. So if you don't see your function in the list, that's most likely the reason.

  • "balance="&balance&"email="&email

    This is incorrect.

    "balance=" & balance & "&email=" & email

    This should work. The space characters are superfluous but help a ton with readability. As Ashley said, preview your data string in the debugger or console and you'll see if it is valid or not.

    • Post link icon

    But why would you avoid loops ? They are one of the fundamental building blocks of coding !