luckyrawatlucky's Forum Posts

  • sometime people like me who are not good in English and who knows only simple words of English, sometime faces very complex words which we don't understand and google also didn't help us much.

    some of the complex names are below

    1) 'Seed' I have seen this word in Advance Random Plugin. I don't know what it means and when i did search in google then i found this image . Now i am confused what this does in Advance Random.

    2) 'Permutation' this word also can find in advance random plugin, 'Seed' word i have listened/read before many times but 'Permutation', I have never ever seen/read this word before. When i did google then it says permutation means 'Change'. Now I don't understand what actually 'change' or 'permutation' do here.

    3) 'Threshold' this word i found in 'BHTsmartrandom' plugin. when i google this word then it says 'Threshold' means "gateway" or we can say that a way which passes through doors. I don't know what 'Threshold'actually does.

    Currently i remember only these 3 words. Please if anyone can explain me what exactly these things does and what are meaning then please

  • I have placed 10 instances of a object in layout, How do i pick randomly 5 instances ?

    please help

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  • i also earned good money by making games for people.

  • Zelevation also need to be include.

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    Currently Timeline only works with Object which we animate but i think it should also work on multi instances of same object. and if we delete object from the layout Animation also removes from instance.

  • Yes thanks this is working.

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  • you can watch this video i want to make this type of throw.

    So i can tap and drag with touch and when i slide UP then ball throw but i don't want to push ball out of layout it should bounce from the wall.

    any idea how can i achieve this ?

    thanks in advance.

  • hi

    thank you so much for your kind help

    i am using construct from 3 years but i had never used arrays till date.

    and now I have learned something with your help.

    Thanks again

  • I don't know what is proper way to store data in x0y0 and x0y1 using push.

  • still i am unable to find any solution

    I am able to store data but need some help

    my array size is x = 0,1,2,3,4 and y is = 0,1

    Storing "correct" in y0 and incorrect in y1

    i am able to store data in this and now i want to store first value of "correct" in x0y0 and first value of "incorrect" in x0y1 then i want to move this x0y0 to x1y0 & x0y1 to x1y1 and move the previous data to next cell. I mean always new data will be store in x0y0 & x0y1 and the older data will move accordingly.

    I hope now you understand.

  • Sorry for my bad English (all 5 slots means arrays table 0,1,2,3,4)

    okay i am making kids games where a 3 character appears with three different color and a there is also a Sprite which showing color which kids will select.

    those character will come 5 time in screen means they have to select Correct color character 5 times.

    So i want to record how many time they choose correct and how many time they choose incorrect.

  • I didn't understand

    How to put value in x and y

    okay let me tell you what i am trying to store data

    on Correct set at xy (x selecting index number 0, y selecting index 0 and then value

    on Incorrect set at xy (x selecting index number 0, y selecting index 1 and then value

    is this right?

    now what i have to do when all 5 slots are full of values?

  • and thanks for your kind help