lucid's Forum Posts

  • luckyrawatlucky I'm so sorry, I had updated this thread (and its title) back when it was updated, but I forgot that the plugin description said that. The first version with the c3 runtime was 3 months ago:

  • luckyrawatlucky I didn't realize it still said that. I've updated the description, as the C3 runtime has been supported for a while now.

  • 5-29-2019

    • Fixed more z-ordering bugs (There still isn't a supported way to change z-order in the sdk, so there are likely still issues that will be resolved when the sdk is updated. Ashley has been made aware of the missing functionality)
    • Fixed a bug where default pivot points were not being applied to animations when using separate sprites
  • Morganov Thanks for reporting back. If you'd like, please send me the project file with a link back to this thread to Please also give any relevant instructions on how to see the bug taking place quickly, as well as where I might find any events that might be contributing (if you think there are any). I'll take a look and see what I can find.

  • New version, yall.

    Seriously, thanks for your patience. Hopefully, this fixes most of your issues.

    Let me know how it goes.



    • added support for z-elevation

    bug fixes

    • fixed a crash that happened when restarting or switching layouts
    • fixed a bug where actions or other update activity needed to be taking place in order for animation to work
    • fixed multiple z-ordering bugs
    • fixed a bug where animation blending wasn't working
  • Hey again everyone. Sorry for the long delay. I was able to make a lot of progress on some tough, but very cool upcoming Spriter 2 stuff. I should be able to get started on the C3 stuff by next week, hopefully sooner. Thanks for your patience.

  • Sorry. I've been tied up with a few things, including some rather complex Spriter 2 functionality.

    Hopefully it won't be much longer before I can take a look at this stuff and release the needed fixes.

  • Thanks for the kind words and support, everyone. And thanks for your patience.

  • Setting it to predraw just made all the effects make everything invisible, instead of some being black boxes.

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  • Thanks

    Ashley - Is there a simple way to support effects for drawing plugins, or is it a very involved process? Almost any effect I try to apply just makes every quad a black square or invisible.

  • The drawingPlugin edittime instance.js has this.GetInstance().ApplyBlendMode(iRenderer) in Draw(iRenderer, iDrawParams).

    What is the runtime equivalent of this? (even if I have to cache the blend mode setting on creation or something like that)

  • thanks Rable - try this version

  • The C3 runtime version is now in beta:

    • Fixed a whole lot of bugs, freezes, general nonsense

    Download here

    This appears to be fully working with our Platformer Engine, which is is a pretty wide ranging test of many features. We will be marking this version stable after we fix any remaining issues the community finds in the next couple of weeks. Enjoy!

  • Thanks I had found the UpdateRender(), but hadn't seen the ZIndices one yet. Also you can do GetRuntime() instead of _runtime. I'm pending over whether to include them at all. They were to fix a bug that occurred in C2 and I'm not sure yet if they're needed in the C3 Runtime.

  • Not sure what's going on with the addon downloads, so I'll just dropbox it for now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please download here

    and yes , as soon as we iron out the remaining bugs, I'll release as stable.