lucid's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone. Just an update on the status of the C3 runtime version of the addon. We're currently testing it. The runtimes have quite a few differences to take into consideration, so there may still be many issues we haven't found yet. If you want to help test it:

    This is not yet an officially supported build, and most likely still contains bugs. Please don't base your important game around this version of the plugin, and backup any projects before adding this to them. Report any bugs here, please. Thanks for your patience.

    download here

  • Eren - Thank you kindly

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  • I found GetWorldInfo()._SetLayer() and GetWorldInfo()._SetZIndex(), but I was hoping there was an officially supported way. Also, I'm not sure how to get _SetZIndex() to do anything. Do I need to separately splice into layer instance arrays or anything like that? (Edit: it does work with splicing)

    I also see sprites still have the changeAnimFrame variable, but don't have C2 runtime's .doChangeAnimFrame() function. Is there an equivalent? (Edit: there is, as Erin pointed out below: _DoChangeAnimFrame())


  • yes macube, you can find the private forums at the bottom of our forums for more info.

  • Hello everyone. There's an updated feature test of Spriter 2 as an alternate version for Spriter Pro owners on the Scirra store. This version includes an automatic updater/patcher so you won't need to download new versions from the store anymore.

    Here's a preview of some of the new stuff to test

  • Hello everyone. There's an updated feature test of Spriter 2 as an alternate version for Spriter Pro owners on the Scirra store. This version includes an automatic updater/patcher so you won't need to download new versions from the store anymore.

    Here's a preview of some of the new stuff to test

  • 1-12-2019

    • fixed a bug that made it so the plugin would continue attempting to load a file while a load was already in progress (with Cordova exports)
    • fixed a bug where changing layouts to one where the project was already cached could cause it to ignore the 'starting animation' property and default to the first animation in the entity instead
  • 1-12-2019

    • fixed a bug that made it so the plugin would continue attempting to load a file while a load was already in progress (with Cordova exports)
    • fixed a bug where changing layouts to one where the project was already cached could cause it to ignore the 'starting animation' property and default to the first animation in the entity instead
  • Anonnymitet and everyone - new version:


    • Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from initializing on Cordova iOS builds

    Thanks again to chadorireborn and Ashley for their help getting this working.

  • 1-10-2019

    • Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from initializing on Cordova iOS builds

    Thanks and Ashley for your help getting this working.

    Working on testing the C2 version now. [Edit: C2 version updated]

  • here's another if anyone can gets a chance to test it before we do:



    For this one, please wait a few seconds, and then tap the screen and report the results. There should be no character on screen (but hopefully not a black screen either) until you tap.

  • ok. Thanks again.

  • Anonnymitet and we're currently having apple developer account and update woes on our end. If either of you wants to test this version to help this get out sooner, please let me know if it fixes anything.

    The cap will no longer respond to the clicks/taps, but it will just hopefully switch from "none" to 1, or more hopefully, actually show the animation:

    capx (same as before if you still have the previously downloaded one)


  • It should hopefully be soon. And yes will update the C2 plugin with the same fix as well.

  • Anonnymitet, it seems like it's Cordova specific. Thanks for the info.