lucid's Forum Posts

  • the way you can split objects into categories like in hiddenfeatures2:

    they should be split up the same way in the object pane of the action window

    so if I want to find sprite2 so I can double click and access a property, I can find it by category

    also, that bottom pane where the objects are listed gets cumbersome if you have more than a few, and you have to scroll through it. it should be resizable, and it should remember the window size

  • I think it's a directx thing

    cuz on a side note, they also don't show up if you make a movie with Fraps

  • wow


    no seriously, I guess there's no way to report this bug and it probably doesn't happen often, but that wasn't there yesterday...also yesterday, the private variables that I added for the first time while setting their value in the set value function weren't appearing in the properties pane, and now they are there

    I swear. I'm not going crazy

    what day is it?

  • it'd be useful to be able to make boxes checked at startup, I'm making a test environment where I have a bunch of controls I want to toggle on and off through checkboxes

    I want them all visible when you startup, and you can uncheck them to make them invisible. also, I wanted to make it, so you can check or uncheck 'all' and it will automatically check or uncheck the rest of the checkboxes. but there is no action to control the checking of a checkbox, so I can't do any of that.

    also, I tried to make an action where if mouse is over a button and left button is down something happened, since there is no "is pressed" action for buttons, and I wanted the button to continue to change a value as it was held. even though it lets me set these conditions for mousekeyboard, it doesn't acknowledge them

  • yeah, thats the one im talking about. its very easy to use, and i think it or something like it should be built into the next version. at first i thought it was awkward that it was an object with one action instead of a behavior, but it works out perfectly. now if i need to apply ik to 50 different objects, only some of the time, i dont have to keep enabling/disabling it or adding the behavior repeatedly. not having to bother with creating an ik function i have to keep calling, or learn python script got me from scratch to biped animation synthesis in a few hours, totally convenient, quick, and awesome like the rest of construct, so i think it should be part of it....besides, ive already seen several posts pointing people to it. it seems to be in demand,probably even more if more newcomers had ik explaind to them in a wiki...ill find the link later and post it here in case anyone wonders what im talking

  • And another thing

    the ik tool when integrated should allow you to adjust the angle where it locks and won't bend backward, and remove it altogether, that way it can be used to make tails and robot joints, and snakes, etc

  • I don't think that's much of a catch.

  • no, I've contacted valve about it recently (earlier today actually), but haven't gotten a contact back yet

    but you can still use all the steamworks services (like antipiracy) for free without selling your game on steam

    I'll post back when I get a response

  • Kay. Let me suspend reality a bit here and assume I can sell a game on this service.

    selling your game on steam isn't free

    steamworks is a separate suite of services, separate from steam distribution, one of which is antipiracy

    and why not? there are free versions of corporate antivirus software products, I can have a free library of pictures online, multiple gigs of free webspace, free online networking sites, free music distribution, free mmorpgs, there's alot of great stuff for free on the internet. we're all on a free messageboard where we can get free tech support from the developers of a free game creation IDE


    steam benefits from having a larger library of games connected to it. if people log in to steam for the first time to play your game, and see other ads, and end up buying other games, and telling their friends about steam, it's all win win. having some server somewhere generate something that gets downloaded alot is quite commonplace on the internets

    [quote:3o78fo9a]-Free multiplayer (how do you handle THAT with Construct?)

    it doesn't provide multiplayer, if your game already has multiplayer, it allows other players on steam to be aware you are playing and join you, either by joining the exact server (like valve's own team fortress 2), or simply launching the game, and letting your software do the rest (like valve's own left4dead)

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  • The IK tool floating around that everyone knows about should be a part of construct. it's just the kind of 'wow, I can't believe I don't have to bother doing this' thing that construct is all about. if it could be integrated with bones and ragdolls eventually, where you can name bones and turn the into animation ragdoll and ik mode, that would obviously rule..

    also, this next one I'm not expecting to be possible, at least not anytime soon, but I would've said the same about bones period, or the physics behavior before I saw they were included, so here goes.. the main reason I haven't used bones, is because there's no timeline I can scrub back and forth, and visualize what I'm doing. without previews either, it becomes very cumbersome if you're trying to make a high quality animation. maybe it's because I have some digital animation background and I'm spoiled by animation software, but pressing preview before I can see how 100 frame speed going into 30 frame speed is going to look for some arm moving animation, makes the process much more technical than artistic. and since I'm making ridiculous requests, an easy-in-ease out feature for the keyframes where it starts faster, and slows down or vice versa would be nice, too.

    but yeah, mainly, the easy one. that ik tool floating around should really be built into .99

  • oh yeah. I haven't read all the specifics

    but steamworks is free, doesn't require you to distribute through steam, and has antipiracy protection:

    Steamworks is entirely free. There are no licensing fees and there's no charge for bandwidth, retail copies, or OEM distribution.

    Steam Anti-Piracy

    Steamworks' anti-piracy suite combines three approaches to anti-piracy: (1) Custom Executable Generation, (2) Retail Encryption, and (3) Valuable Platform-Dependant Features. These work together to provide a seamless end-user experience, protecting your game and giving real value to customers.

    1. Custom Executable Generation

    Custom Executable Generation creates a unique build of your game for each user, making it difficult for any one user to share the game with any other user. Each individual copy of a CEG-protected game is only playable by the Steam account authorized to access it. CEG is transparent, and does not impose limits on users. It lets users access their content from any hardware, and allows unlimited hardware configuration changes without the content becoming unplayable. In fact, no changes are made to a user's computer for CEG to work. Instead, CEG works in tandem with Steam authentication, enabling content access based on user accounts, not arbitrary hardware-based "rights-management" restrictions.

    2. Retail Encryption

    Protect your day-one release by shipping encrypted media to stores world-wide. No need to worry that your game will leak from a replicator or stock room - your game stays encrypted until the moment you decide to release it.

    Encryption technology also allows you to preload your game to users on Steam. Download encrypted data weeks in advance so that players have access to your game the moment it's released, increasing player numbers and satisfaction during the critical first days.

    3. Valuable Platform-Dependant Features

    Customers won't want to pirate a game that's connected to 20 million gamers and a feature-rich platform. Features like Steam Achievements, Anti-Cheat, Auto-Updating, and Steam Cloud simply don?t exist outside of Steam.

    Furthermore, constantly updating your game with upgrades and content leaves the pirates in the dust ? they are relegated to a featureless game with no community of players.

  • I agree, steam is the way to go. antipiracy measures don't work much, but it does allow you to sell a few copies before the pirates kick in

    the best thing is to make it easier to buy than to steal. if you can click 2 or 3 times, enter a credit card number, pay 10 bucks or less, and be playing the game in minutes. alot of people will buy,

    the main thing though, is to have enough web presence that they hear of your game from your site or someone linking to you before they see it listed on a torrent site

  • yeah yeah! that too!

  • yeah, in a more complex game, it wastes alot of time to preview the whole thing

  • there is a workaround for this:

    first clone the object

    disable rotations in the clone

    when it's time to toggle rotation, you spawn the nonrotatable object

    disable collisions between them, and destroy the original

    this cap demonstrates this. of course, don't draw an arrow on your clone or it'll be obvious what you're doing
