lucid's Forum Posts

  • [quote:6ff5jnkm][FIX] - Should no longer require python to be installed on your computer to use python. The necessarily files are included.


    thanks again devs

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  • im using 's' and the perlin noise plugin

  • hey arsonide

    btw, I've been using python heavily lately

    I think python gives a little more freedom than a plugin, since you have about the same amount of power and flexibility (at the cost of a little speed)

    but you can cater your programming to your specific cap file

    and also, there's a little more freedom with expirementation

    since you can immediately try out any changes, rather than closing construct, rebuilding the plugin, open construct, opening cap

    thanks again for the perlin noise btw

    also using that in my current project

  • I think Khuhnszchtrukt is kinda cool

  • kodu and construct actually have a bit of history.

    many moons ago there was a great battle with an evil kodu ambassador.

    in the end it turned out he was just misunderstood.

    but I will place this link here in memory of those who lost their sanity during those trying times, lest we forget:

  • already posted this to the tracker, ashley

    the problem is that if more than one object has drag and drop behavior, and one has it disabled, you cannot click on a spot that is occupied by the disabled object to begin a drag for a nondisabled drag and drop object:

    the red square on the left has no behavior

    the other two squares have drag and drop behavior

    the yellow one has the behavior disabled

    you'll notice that you can grab the black box and drag it from behind the red box

    however if you try to drag and drop the black box from behind the yellow box it doesn't let you.

    this happens even if you send the black box in front of the yellow box

    can anyone think of a simple workaround?

    I have a project I'm working on, where unless someone is holding alt they shouldn't be able to grab a certain type of object, these objects will frequently overlap objects that should be drag droppable.

    The only thing I could think of us replicating the drag and drop behavior with events or python

    or using sprites that don't have drag and drop at all that you swap out, instead of disabling the drag and drop

  • that cap was using pygame library

    i guess i shoulda tried it with a reglar no extra library python cap, too

    but alas...'tis too late

  • Pretty much what I found is that you have to install Python 2.6.4 to get external libraries to work (at least without more work). I tried copying over the python26.dll file but still got lots of errors for missing dependencies.

    does this mean it works on machines without python installed if you dont have external libraries...iwasnt sure if that worked or not...and if so, oes it still get the weird error?

  • he seems to move a little too slow, and the jumping looks frustrating for some reason

  • Is there any way to distribute PyGame to a player who an user who would like to play an exe that uses python with pygame?

    I've been reading, and Python libraries in general seems to suffer from "dll hell", in the form of dependencies and mismatching incompatible versions.

    or just automatically install python, when you select "Create Installer" when exporting?...or does it already do that?

  • there's alot of zdepth and 3d mesh problems, I've posted the transparency ones and the ones where it disappears near the edges of the screen, and I think I may have posted the effects one as well to the tracker

    you should report the other stuff you mentioned to the bug tracker

    the z stuff is the stuff I'm most excited about, my whole game is gonna be full of z_ness


    I didn't even know construct had that in it!

    to be honest, I wouldn't have bothered if just for the menu style, though I'm glad it'll be of use to some of you

    I just didn't realize it was already there


  • to be clear:

    you can sell your game commercially,

    you don't have to mention construct

    though I would


    welcome to scirra

  • that was the one link, thanks

    i think way back when i first saw it, i misread the part where it said create object by name

  • i suppose i dont really need it at all

    i was going to use python for the new objects

    i thought i had remembered someone creating a custom object creator at one point where you could specify names and such.

    its for an editor im making. itll still work just saving the object name, and then using those names to choose objects later. just one extra step. forget i asked.

    i am curious what that plugin i mentioned did though. it was back when iwas fairly new to construct, and afraid to try custom plugs