lionz's Forum Posts

  • Add a random action to the save event for testing purposes, to see if it is actually running that event and saving. Also please share the screenshot of the events.

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  • That's working fine? Because each time the pick all would cancel the initial condition. Maybe you didn't notice because all the actions are the same.

  • My initial approach would be to store all skills in an array. A second column could be used for the level of the skill if required.

    When you want to generate the skills, using advanced random object, create a permutation table of length array.width. This creates a random order of numbers from 0 to the last row of the array.

    Then the first three skills would be the first 3 numbers i.e. if 271840536 is generated then the skills to show are at array rows 2, 7 and 1.

    Every time you can pick the skills with,,,

    Any skills that are levelled up you would delete from the array before all of this so they can never be picked.

  • My approach would be with a variable, initially 0, and a short timer (the gap allowed between key presses before it is determined that it's a single key press).

    When you press the key, add 1 to the variable. On timer, end if variable is 2 then it's a double click, if 3 it's a triple click. On timer end also set variable back to 0.

  • That's not me though I did originally pledge to that on kickstarter :)

  • My approach if I had to do this would be to give the dog the timer behaviour and change a variable each time it ends. So start a timer for X seconds, then use the condition 'on timer finished' and split out into two conditions if variable=0 set variable to 1, else if variable=1 set variable to 0, and start the timer again.

    This swaps between 0 and 1 each time the timer ends. Then you would have separate conditions for the left and right movement based on the variable. If var=0 simulate left, if var=1 simulate right. You may not need a constant loop like this but this is how I would approach a patrol type mechanic.

  • Check out the store

  • I've not used it too much but I guess you adjust the Z elevation? Increase and decrease over a few seconds.

  • You can add logging using the Browser object btw, I find that helpful to see if what I'm expecting to be triggered or picked is correct.

    So this sounds like when you press B it is sending through the name of the powerup overlapping slot 1 instead of slot 2. Sometimes the order in conditions matters, try moving Slot_ID= to the top of the condition above 'powerup is overlapping slot' to see if it makes a difference.

    If that doesn't work there are other possibilities like both powerups have the same name even though the animations are different. That's why the Browser logging I mentioned is good, you can see what powerup.UID is picked, or what parameter is actually passed through the function, you can log these things.

  • Make sure you have 'copy picked' selected on the function to retain the picked instance of PU_act_slots

  • The conditions in the function should be pu_name = instead of PowerUp.PU_Name =

    pu_name is the parameter of the function

  • It's because the collision sprite doesn't relate to the box, placing it near it is not enough to relate them in events. There are ways you can do it but the most useful is probably by putting the collision sprite and box in a 'Container' (check manual).

    When in a container, when you pick a collision sprite like when the player collides with it, when you also reference the box it will know which box to pick as they are in a container together. They are also created together so when you create the box, collision sprite will be created with it and they related. You can set the position of collision sprite using image point on the box. They are also destroyed together, destroying one will destroy them both.

  • I still couldn't work out the issue in the video haha but glad it's resolved

  • That's not the manual, it's a blog post from 2014