lionz's Forum Posts

  • Assuming playerprojectiles is the bullet hitting the enemy, the event should be Playerprojectiles on collision with enemy, so you can pick the projectile, then destroy it. That should also fix the hp problems as projectile on collision with enemy will pick that enemy and subtract damage.

    Although family logic can be used to reduce some code such as 'create healthbar for red' 'create healthbar for white' etc, you can still split out some code to define things for different types. To do this, create a family instance variable 'type' and then you can assign all stats to red type and all stats to white type on created. So if type=white it will have the appropriate health.

  • Nice game. I bought it, and Pinkman, to give you some support there.

  • Well one issue I can see is that you haven't made use of the family. The whole point of putting enemies in a family is that you don't have to duplicate code, which you have done. Your code should apply to all enemies so there is definitely some redundant code in there. The health bars at least should be in code like on Enemies created, spawn healthbar. Enemies set healthbar to enemies.hp.

    Anyway the actual bug, it's because your set position for the health bar is in its own event and it does the last one on the event sheet, so every tick it is setting the health bar to the position of enemy 2. The set position events for the health bar do not relate to anything and are independent events. The one above for enemy 1 is ignored, you won't see anything happen for that, and if you look in debug mode you will probably see several health bars in that enemy 2 location overlapping each other.

    As for resolving the issue, if you reduce the code as stated above to on Enemies created, spawn healthbar. You can then pin it to the Enemies position at that point and not every tick.

  • > I'm not sure what this is and I'm not installing it to find out...

    There's no install page lol

    It's a screen shot

    OP's question is what do you think of Clickteam fusions event editor? What I'm saying is I'm not familiar with Clickteam fusion, OP is assuming people know what it is and can deduce from the screenshot, I have no idea. If the post was something like what do you think of putting this event editor into Construct 2 with an explanation of its function then it becomes a discussion about Construct 2 i suppose, but there isn't enough information to go off in the original post for me to answer the question.

  • I'm not sure what this is and I'm not installing it to find out...

  • Please post a link to the capx, or some screenshots of the events.

  • "I use the AJAX command to fetch the JSON project file and then load it into the Array."

    What are the events you used to do that?

    It should be AJAX request json with a tag, then on tag completed set value in the array to ajax.lastdata

    The fact that it is still a bunch of 0s means nothing was successfully added to the array.

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  • If you pass the variables through the function as normally expected then there will be no spelling error as they are variable names. Send through player gold and the price of the item as params and compare them inside the function.

  • I can't think of a reason for comparing a function call like that..

  • You can use the pathfinding behaviour to have them path to a wall if it exists, if it doesn't exist then path to the enemy. Depending on the genre of game you could also use line of sight to the player and if they cannot see the player because the wall is there as a solid obstacle, you can have them look for line of sight of the wall and move towards it, then the player once it is destroyed.

  • When you duplicate a layout it is independent, so what do you mean?

  • You've described your game with too little detail if you want help like this, the ball has to hit 3 blocks at the same time that are the same colour so it's a huge ball? It bounces to other blocks that are the same colour? It sticks to a block of grouped same colour and they explode if they match? As mentioned above the Pop Lab code will be good to test out the matching behaviour.

  • Yes, I use an instance variable 'state' to choose what they are doing, and to ensure you have full control of the picking for any action they might do, such as an attack, I use a function in which you can pass through the enemy.UID and make sure it's definitely that enemy performing the action.

  • There's no reason to change it to a string. The text object will display the int by just having ""&Pulse_Tick_Heart

  • use timers. Have when randomLock = 0 ,trigger once, start timer with duration random(1,3). Then have on timer complete set randomLock to 1.