Well one issue I can see is that you haven't made use of the family. The whole point of putting enemies in a family is that you don't have to duplicate code, which you have done. Your code should apply to all enemies so there is definitely some redundant code in there. The health bars at least should be in code like on Enemies created, spawn healthbar. Enemies set healthbar to enemies.hp.
Anyway the actual bug, it's because your set position for the health bar is in its own event and it does the last one on the event sheet, so every tick it is setting the health bar to the position of enemy 2. The set position events for the health bar do not relate to anything and are independent events. The one above for enemy 1 is ignored, you won't see anything happen for that, and if you look in debug mode you will probably see several health bars in that enemy 2 location overlapping each other.
As for resolving the issue, if you reduce the code as stated above to on Enemies created, spawn healthbar. You can then pin it to the Enemies position at that point and not every tick.