lionz's Forum Posts

  • Looks like on the normal shooting you were setting the bullet to the position of the gun and firing. If you want to fire more bullets you have to create them with the create action, or you can use gun spawn bullet at image point 1.

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  • It's because you cannot set a boolean to a value, it's either true or false, those are the 2 options you have.

  • The food=0 event is a little messy and it won't be picking the things you want. I would try having an event on enemy created, enemy spawns food detector. That will create a detector at each enemy.

  • You kind of answered your own queries there near the end, families are good for minimizing redundant code in some scenarios like when you have the bullets hitting all 'enemies' as one family, but sometimes they are not useful for picking. If you create a family it will create a random object not one of each, you'll need to do something outside of the families such as set a variable to a random number and each number corresponds with spawning an individual enemy object type.

    I'm not sure about the detector logic, are you saying enemies detect all other enemies but not themselves? You could do something where each enemy(family) has an ID, it's an instance variable set when they are created, assign it to the detector they have and say that the detector detects all enemies besides the one that matches its instance variable ID.

  • Think about the design of the game. How can you set the paddle to the mouse cursor while at the same time moving it freely away from the cursor with arrow keys?

  • If you're talking about something that shows damage taken then I guess you create it above the enemy on hit yes, I had a health bar in my mind.

  • Way to set latest would be to push 'correct' to front of X, so the row is 'correct', then set 0,1 to 'incorrect'. Everything else moves down in line with this.

  • Yes the pathfinding uses the full layout, you can regenerate obstacle map to a small section but this is still kind of CPU intensive sometimes. Take a look at the 'extreme pathfinding' section here to make sure you are not making any of these mistakes.

  • This is just going to be a lot of guessing where it's gone wrong. Do you have set text event for both layouts or only the menu layout? Are both layouts linked to the same event sheet? Check in debug mode if the variable is correct but the text is showing 0.

  • Do you mean its set to 0 initially or you set it with events?

    Does it change correctly when you select a character then change to 0 in the new layout?

  • You can do this with a global variable for char. You can create your player object and set animations based on selected character with variables. Say char=1, 2 or 3. If you have different attacks you limit it by char=1, you do elf attacks, char=2 you do knight attacks etc.

  • For dmg above a unit you can put the txt object in a container with the enemy so when you spawn enemy it has a txt object with it that you can pin above it.

  • Good luck with this, looks great! I love the cactus enemy he's cool.

  • Yeah that's fine, for this instead of pushing at the back as described above you push to the front. When you push to the front, the old data moves down and becomes 1,0 and 1,1 and the new data becomes 0,0 and 0,1. Does that help?

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