lionz's Forum Posts

  • Yep got it. You could try something like :

    On start of layout (first one you enter) and global variable=0 (see below) : load slot "save"

    On load failed : do nothing (it means the slot doesn't exist and player never saved)

    On load complete and global variable=0 (see below) : go to the starting layout, set a global variable to 1

    You say if global variable is 1, set continue button enabled

    Then you have your continue button enabled if a load happened (player has a save game)

    Then you have logic : on continue button selected, load slot "save"

    Try that. Note the global variable will be 0 every time you launch the app stopping any loop happening when you tap the continue button.

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  • Now that I think about it, what are you doing here? It's a side scrolling game that fires a laser upwards and the bullet is a physics object? So it's like something from the game Worms?

  • I can come back with something but firstly do you need local storage because you mentioned saving the state of the game with system save/load. This can work well for checkpoints. If it has to be local storage then what kind of things are you trying to save for the player?

  • Applying a physics force will just push it, you need to set angle of the projectile toward target.x,target.y. The target isn't even mentioned here.

    • Post link icon

    Applying a physics force will just push it, you need to set angle of the projectile toward target.x,target.y. The target isn't even mentioned here.

  • You won't need the name of the object but you can create an object and set it to mouse cursor position. You didn't really provide enough information though.

  • Correct - signed apk not really for testing directly on device, only for publishing to store.

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  • Your picking is a little off, you should pick the enemy in both the condition and action. So you say if enemy.x > player.x set enemy direction left etc.

  • The variables you're pulling out appear to be "0" "1" and "3" but you can't set those to be an int with the "" present, so they just become 0. A possible fix is to remove the "" around the numbers in the room variable, I think they're unnecessary anyway?

  • You said hitting a brick wall but not really what the problem is haha. Do you just mean the animations are not working as expected in all scenarios? This could be a problem with another set animation action overruling these ones. Do you have other logic elsewhere to set an animation on the pathing object that could be interfering? If not this then there could be a problem with the object angle, check that it is changing for the pathing object by using debug view.

  • In speech synthesis action instead of the 0 use loopindex

  • You add them to the same event and right-click make it an OR block. Or you can use system : is between values, or say is less than/greater than a value.

  • For example, this ugly piece is trying to get this parameter works:


    where short_desc is instant variable of object room with UID 11.

    Then you send through the UID and short_desc variable through the function as parameters, and on the function end you pick the room by UID with param, and set text to param short_desc or whatever you plan to do with that.

  • Explain as simply as possible what you are trying to do with the function because this isn't making much sense The original explanation given is too vague and doesn't really say what you are trying to do. You're trying to pass an array object through a function? It will be possible to achieve what you want to do but I cannot work it out from the information given.