lionz's Forum Posts

  • Looks nice. Thanks!

    But how can i navigate to a complete menu where are on one side is the inventory, on the othder side is a character-sheet, on the bottom is a toolbar, etc.

    You use the same kind of logic for set position and adding 1 to a global variable but instead you group all objects in a Family and set Family instance variables.

  • I thought about that too, but what explains at the bottom of the layout the player correctly colliding with the object in red?

    Are they different animations in each screenshot? Even different frames of the same animation can have different positioning or collision.

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  • Maybe the Y position is correct but the collision box of the player is lower than the graphics? That's what the floating looks like to me.

  • I don't think so, it's just generic programming stuff. An instance is a copy of an object in Construct, you can create lots of copies of the same Sprite for example. An instance variable is a variable that applies to the object but can vary between copies/instances. You can check out the manual for more info.

  • Which bit are you specifically stuck on? The gamepad object allows you to select which button or stick is pressed as a condition. To move across an interface you could use instance variable on the objects and as you press left and right, add or subtract 1 from a global variable and compare this variable to the objects instance variable, set position to the one that matches.

  • Looks like you did a lot already? Store the NPC starting position in variables and path to those values

  • You can use what's called a Container, if you have the hands and body in a Container, when you create the body it will also create the hand. The hand then relates to the correct body in events when you use set position.

    It depends if you need to pick the hand later on. If not, you can use body spawn event hand at an image point and pin the hand to the body. If you need to reference the hand later then better to use Container.

  • Nope that didn't help sorry :D just looks like a screenshot of two identical instances of an object?

  • Can you elaborate or provide a project file? Not sure what you mean but of course you can see it.

  • What is the gameplay you're trying to achieve?

  • You shouldn't need to use both the dictionary and the array, just use the array. As for the array the number 5 at 4,0 doesn't mean too much. Better to have the name of the stat at 4,0 so "Str" so you can search for it, then once found you have the array.curx, you can then use this to access the other stuff. If I was to do it though I would not use an array for character stats, global variables are fine. You mentioned an inventory, this could be done with an array.

  • Redo all the events without the families and only the 2 objects you need that are in a container. When you pick all family and apply to family it takes away that relationship between the two objects.

    If you want to continue with families you could do something like have a family instance variable and when the object in enemies is created, set the variable also on the enemiesanimation object. Then in these events you can pick enemiesanimation that has a matching variable with enemies.

  • Yes use Persist

  • You should deal with the objects that are in a container together not the family.

  • I was going to say use a container but looks like you did that and there shouldn't be a problem with it.