Excellent! I would really like to be able to download this app.
I have also seen that annoying black line on some sprites when running the game.
igortyhon Great, that is really ingenious.
Ruskul I posted this topic about a month ago to talk about the sound volume, and that issue has been satisfactorily resolved. If you insist on talking about color spaces here, I personally have nothing to say about it, and I'm not going to argue with you now either because that was never my purpose.
How can I continuously change the pitch of a sound at runtime to simulate, for example, the noise of a car engine at different rpm?
This is very necessary for making car racing games.
Ok, I have found a solution using the "Set drawing blend" action.
However, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add the "Clear ellipse" action.
Why does not the DrawingCanvas object have the "Clear ellipse" action?
I need it to make these kinds of classic games:
Really, the Hierarchy feature is fantastic.
Rotation is a basic property of any particle generator. If Construct had the particle rotation property we could easily achieve much more realistic and beautiful results, as you can see in these videos:
dop2000 Thanks. By the way, your starfish is funny.
It would be interesting if the particle properties included the "Rotation" and "Rotation randomiser" options.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Use Hierarchy:
In the layout editor, enlarge the text box by dragging its edges with the mouse pointer.
Use the Follow behavior.