lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Haha, no worries

  • Make the audio checks Sub events of the LOS checks and change the cPlayer.UID to Drone.UID

    for each

    - LOS Check

    - sub event to LOS check - audio not playing check and action play "Drone" & Drone.UID

    - else (this needs to be below the the 1st LOS check, same level)

    - sub event to Else - Does not have LOS

    - sub event to Does not have LOS - audio playing check and action stop "Drone" & Drone.UID

    Hope thats clear, otherwise I'll make an example ^_^

  • Sorry, I misread one of your events, the cPlayer is just 1 ID I assume, so base the IDs on the drones.

    Perhaps, to make it more effective, loop it too

    for each drone

    - drone has LOS to cPlayer

    -- not playing "Drone" & drone.UID -> action play audio "Drone" & drone.UID

    - else

    - drone does not have LOS to cPlayer -> action stop tag "Drone" & drone.UID

  • That's because you use a tag that is limited to 1, namely, "Drone", combined with "Drone" is not playing.

    Perhaps extend it with the UID of the cPlayer.

    tag: "Drone" & cPlayer.UID

    The first event, would also require the Tag is not playing check below the LOS check.

    LOS check cPlayer

    tag "Drone" & cPLayer.UID is not playing

    play audio with tag "Drone" & cPlayer.UID

  • That's because of cross domain.

    If you put your construct app on the same server as the php page with the script fetching session_id, the ID remains the same.

    If you use the preview function, it becomes cross domain and each request will end up being a new session.

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  • I think their getting created outside the viewport area.

    Check your debugger, and see if the item is the list of objects.

    I am guessing you need something like:

    create object at

    x ViewportLeft(X.LayerName) + 63

    y ViewportTop(X.LayerName) + 17

    Assuming the X.LayerName is a layer in your layout with scaling at 0%, then this should position it somewhere in the top left corner of the layer.

  • As a company, who actually did increase its staff a few years ago, it is no surprise they look for growth in products they're able able to offer when an opportunity arises.

    From what I gather, this potential product sorta, kinda, fell in their lap with the activities of one of their relative new developers.

    I wouldn't be surprised, that a full subscription model to C3 will also include the animator, and for those merely looking to animate small videos, a lesser subscription model dedicated to the animator will see life soon.

    For those worried this will eat up scirra's development time, the core of the app is derived from CS3, the amount of "extra" time which will be consumed should be minimal.

    For those desiring other elements be build first .... make the suggestion more popular, and start moving people to vote/talk/discuss/request it. Scirra is not blind, they see and hear, and base their roadmap on a lot of that.

    As is in life, you can't please everybody.

  • How about using the bulge effect on a large Text object ?

    Big square text object, add a line, some blank lines, then another line.

  • Looks great so far!

    The intro set me a bit of, thinking it would be really cheesy ..

    But the game actually looks pretty decent !

  • Add an object to your top layer, or use an object already present in your top layer, and use that object, to reference the top layer.

    for 0 to someobject.layerNumber

    Hehe I know. There isn't anything like this, there really isn't a reason to use number of layers in events and logic.

    I use it a lot for zooming purposes.

  • Well then, here's a total noob reference lol



    Your info does not give us anything to go on really :P

  • Perhaps take a look through the examples, and see if any of them suite your needs.

  • Looks great, nice explanation ! Thanks

  • > If you are on the same domain, I would go with:


    > Parent window with iframe

    > <input type="text" id="meh" value="nada">



    > page in iframe

    > window.parent.document.getElementById('meh').value= "zoinks";


    > (changes nada to zoinks)

    Hi, sorry I don't know JS really. I only have a regular web page (not an iFrame) and this page shows the game inside the iFrame. I need to somehow send a variable (if the player won or lost) to the parent page from the game. How will it look in C3 events?

    This example requires some JS through the add script method, rather old fashioned dom approach. Gave the construct input an ID, gets fetched on button press and send to a parent, will give an error if not there.

    You can change the input in the app, then press a button


    Here are all the files packaged:

    - html page with iframe (pagewithframe.html Make sure to update the 2 URLs in the page to match your server.

    -php response page

    -c3p file, and exported


    unzip, updateurls in html page, upload the entire folder, or its contents to a desired server and open yoursite.com/pagewithframe.html in a browser.

  • If you are on the same domain, I would go with:

    Parent window with iframe

    <input type="text" id="meh" value="nada">

    page in iframe

    window.parent.document.getElementById('meh').value= "zoinks";

    (changes nada to zoinks)

    If its cross domain


    example at the bottom