lennaert's Forum Posts

  • I ought to clarify. Photon can do more than two updates per second. digitalsoapbox - I am making a turn-based game so I don't know its speed limits.

    lennaert Surely Socket.io+Node.js is better but only for advanced users. Do you know statistics for photoncloud?

    yeah I upgraded my race game at my first dable with socket.io in the last two weeks Tank Racer

    Features things as player vs player racing, and a battle arena with deathmatch and team deathmatch.

    The data communication is really fast.

    I have a dedicated vps hosting behind it where I build my own nodejs server from source and a super simple application to handle all my games if I so desire :)

    And no, I have no experience with photoncloud. I am curious about it though :) Your command structure seems worked out, and decent.

    would be great if you took a glance at construct 2's current socket.io plugin and perhaps enhance.

    Certain details of your command structure are missing in the socket.oi one I believe ;)

  • I used Ajax and PHP previously, and made a semi live stream multiplayer game: Tank Wars

    Without plugins, from a mysql database by means of ajax, I got like 4 or 5 updates per second.

  • Exported to a mobile device, having multiple sets of graphics in your build .... will play havoc on your performance.

    Everything from your project gets loaded into memory.

    With a small game this shouldnt be that hard.

    But with a large game .. where you probably designed the high resolution graphics for, having all those extra images will bloat your program really fast.

  • you got it hosted somewhere ? can I take a look at the page ?

  • Event1: check condition : action

    Event2: Else condition : action

    but, you have a group between the two,with a lot of subs.

    does the Else needs to be for the last option in the group ? or the is Maio check ?

    If the else is suposed to be the last option for the checks in that group Condicao, you could add an else to everyone of the checks, and add the else to the bottom of the group, (if you not add them all, it would only trigger on the last if not true)

  • Looks solid.

    I use lots of groups for my event sheets, even if I do not need to turn them on or off.

    Gives a great overview

    You could look into checking at anything related through famlies, and wheter or not you need global variables, local variables, instance variables, or even webstorage.

    I was a bit late with exeprimenting with families, and while developing several things some weeks ago I came to find enormous power in the use of families. Eliminating heaps of events and checks just by using a simple reference.

  • You added the else as a Sub to the event, put it on the same level (ie not as a sub, but directly below it as the next event)

  • Apart from some sidewalls and 3d-ish arm with gun, you can make things which resemble that.....


    that was the first game I made with construct 2.

    Its principale is easy. Just have an object on screen that takes the touch.x,y or mouse.x,y when you click it and use that as your targeted spot to do whatever with (spawn bullet hole, calc worth of shot etc).

  • 1- Lose the interaction with the site.

    Thats only true if you dont know how to do it ^_^

    There are simple javascript approaches to getting info from a top window from within the iframe, such as .parent()

    You can even call functions from an iframed window which are defined in the page holding the iframe.

    I dont see how your trick would work any different by loading a less cpu intense layout ... the project is still loaded in to memory, images and all, from all layouts.

    An export to html5 stil has a simple index file which you can fill with any kind of javascript or even PHP if you like :)

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  • Hello,

    I exported a Construct 2 game to HTML 5 and uploaded it to a personal server. I noticed all of the images are publicly accessible in http://<game web address>/images.

    How can I setup the images where only the game can access them?



    You can set this up your hosting, if supported.

    Or you could add a htaccess file with the right entries to prevent direct folder access.

  • Just adapt your exported index.html file wisely

  • Did you start the preview in cs2 ?

  • No problems, I do.

    Im not sure, I dont see the benefit in it apart from good organising.

    generally, the images dont slow your processing at run time, it just takes longer to load. There must be something thats slowing your active performance. Perhaps double check up on the events of the animation.

    you could try and start with the debugger, and see whats happening, .. perhaps you see something thats a miss.

  • I wouldnt mind having a glance at your capx to look for bottlenecks

  • Check your events which run every tick.

    In a lot of situations a slight impropper use of a loop functions slows everything a lot.

    these events have this green circled arrow before them.

    They are events which run continously.