lennaert's Forum Posts

  • C2 is banging on three years old, I get the feeling there is some justified frustration about the lack of a "killer app" more exporters makes that more possible...

    I disagree, i dont think getting more exporters in the mix will brings us closer to better aps. In fact, I think the contrary will result.

    Seeing as more and more options and limitations to target platforms need to be kept in mind, and less and less available tutorials on how to decently export material to the new platforms are available.

    When I first started with construct 2 ... it was a piece of cake exporting through ludei ....

    But that is already giving me some issues now on occassion, relating to changes in construct 2 and ludei.

    With crosswalk I'm getting terrible results with all my apps, so stopped using it.

    The only options that decently work out of the box for me are the web variants. tbh, kind off of a let down.

    I would prefer having a stable base relating to exports.

    Meaning if I export something now, it would be nice if it behaved the same if I export it in half a year with the latest version.

    Which in my opinion, currently is not the case.

    whats happening with construct 2 atm, imo, is too many bells and horns trying to make it look its edging the latest market available tech ... but in reality, it performs poor due to lack of thurough usage and well worked out solutions.

    I am getting my hopes up on some of that multiplayer material, but I dread its support and compatability.

  • Compare HTML life time with any other script based code.

    I think HTML outlived 90% of other languages.

  • Serverless has another major downside:

    What about scores or leaderboards ?

    User registeration ?

    This sort of functionality, which generally goes hand in hand with online multiplayer or game play, will typically not be availble in a pure p2p gaming connection. (you can have scores and names exchanged between 2 p2p players, but not store it for later review or leaderboard purposes)

    Ofc, you can have some alternate means, like updating through ajax calls and what not ... but then you would still need a server.

    , the security measures you mention are sound, there is no decent method of checking without a server.

    I am curious as to a self host/server implementation.

    Having an active socket pumping data back and forth in your browser can causse lots of slow downs.

    Especially if your going to try more then two players.

    And to anyone saying that setting up such a host on a VPS server is simple, they might want to reponder about the majority of developers who choose construct 2 for its none-necessity for coding skills.

  • , you can extend a nodejs server with webrtc :)

  • Try using URLCheck > -1      (and make URLCheck an INT instead of text)

  • Sorry not been around over the weekend

    In a streets of rage type game as long as there is no platforming involved you can give the impression of a "jump" simply by having your animation frames origin points lower than the base of your sprite, this would have an added benefit of keeping your Y position constant,but your character going up...

    thats actually a good approach :) might require a couple eextra frames for smoothness, but should work decent :)

  • Shift enter is actualy a default function in 99% of existing text editors, it starts a new line without indent or new paragraph. (no blank space between the lines)

    Tip for people using ajax methods and debugging:

    Using firebug with firefox can give insight to posted data variable names and its contents, and the full content of the replies from the server.

  • boids flocking movement

    I think your meaning this

    There is another plugin to go with that behaviour called push out solid, preventing certain overlapses.

  • I found a way its a trick maybe help you too..

    just import png small image and put it somewhere outside of the canvas on the game board. Strangely it will make your font looks back in cool ..not sure the internal reason but now if i need to use good quality of fonts i just use any dummy bar or image and put it like this...

    try and let me know what you think.

    I tried this but am still having the same results.

    I made new project, added a text size 24 arial, and the E shows sharp edges/ugly corners.

    Added an image outside of he layout, but still the same.

  • Drat - too late ! <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    anyway !

    edit - forgot to say it would need better graphics !

    I always like your effects side of things rampack :) nice approach :)

  • add text object

    initial visibility invisible

    add event:

    every 1 second

    condition: compare text.txt equal to 0 - invert

    condition: compare text.txt equal to "GO" - invert

    action: set text.txt =   int(text.txt) - 1

    action: set text visible


         condition: compare text.txt equal to 0

         action: set text.txt = "GO"

         action: wait 1 sec

         action: set text invisible

         action: set text.txt = 0

    The above is a functional countdown timer with only a text object.

    As soon as you set text.txt to anything bigger then 0, then it appears and starts counting down to 0 and says Go.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Tried adding physics ?

    Simply apply impulse at an upward angle, and the gravity wwill pull it down again.

  • lennaert Pixel perfick thank you guys for help,it means alot.Im sure there are people that will hit the same walls im hitting so your help is always a great thing.

    One thing i would love to know how to do is implement JUMP in this 8 direction behaviour.Do you know how to make this happen?

    Sure, in my example, below the every tick, you could add any type of condition with a variable or on key press ... or, use your imagination.


    A variable indicating speed could determine, if the "walk" animations should be done, or "run" if a certain speed is set.

    Pressing a certain key could indicate that the walk animation should not be used, but another, jump for instance.

    Another approach,is simply have 8 animations named animation0 to animation7. (instead of walk0 to walk7)

    And use

    jump up    - animation0

    jump right - animation1

    walk right - animation2

    right down - animation3

    duck       - animation4

    left down - animation5

    walk left - animation6

    jump left - animation7

    For jump ofc, you would need to implement some mchanic to get a jump going.

  • I had the same issues :(

    Most contrasting colors really make it look bad.

    I toyed around with size fonts and background colors to make it acceptable.

    Avoiding thin circle shapes fonts and using same tints, slightly dark, worked well for me.

  • Add 8 animations to Sprite which also has 8 dir motion









    These should each have the frames for the directional movement.

    Then: (simplistic approach)

    every tick

    sprite set animation:


    play from current frame

    Voila ....