lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Put your pawns in a pawnsfamily

    board tiles should have origin point in the middle

    add pawnsfamily instance variable: targetx,targety

    on click targettile, set the pawnsfamily variable for the active pawn

    targetx = targettile.imagepointX(0)

    targety = targettile.imagepointY(0)


    for each pawnsfamily


    compare 2 variables

    distance(pawnsfamily.X,pawnsfamily.Y,pawnsfamily.targetx,pawnsfamily.targey) > 5

    action: move pawns family at

    angle: angle(pawnsfamily.X,pawnsfamily.Y,pawnsfamily.targetx,pawnsfamily.targety)

    pixels: 50*dt

  • btw, here is a little tip to make isometric tiles easy to place.

    Simply set a grid size half of your tiles size. (half width, half height)

    Activate snap to grid.

    Now when you move tiles around on your laout, they easily snap right next to another tile, pixel precise ;)

  • cant this be done with families ?

    Stuff all balls in 3 identical families.

    Families instance variable color

    3 way collision, same color balls


    fam1 overlapping fam2

    fam1.color = fam2.color

    fam2 overlapping fam3

    fam2.color = fam3.color

    fam3 overlapping fam1

    fam3.color = fam1.color


    fam1 destroy

    fam2 destroy

    fam3 destroy

    In theory this should be able to destroy the 3 balls with the same colors overlapping.

  • I am building something like that too.

    board game development

    Pin hidden movertiles around the player, which should exactly overlap your background tile. (same size etc) These are indicators as to where or how many steps a player can make/move.

    Then, on click movertile, have the player move to the movertile.imagepointX(0) and movertile.imagepointY(0) (the exact center of the tile)

    I put the x,y coordinate in some temp variables, cos as soon as the player moves the movertile location changes too.

  • you can combine 1,2,3 in 1 loop


    for each enemy


    distance(enemy.X,enemy.Y,player.X,playeer.Y) > 100


    enemy move at angle

    angle: choose(0,90,180,270)

    pixels: choose(50,100,200) * dt

  • Families.

    Stuff your objects in a family, add the behaviours to the family and voila.

  • Simplest way I can think of is:

    Create a global variable counter

    system every 0.5 seconds

    system compare two values counter < score

    - system add 1 to counter

    - currentscore set text to counter

    Perhaps add something like:

    maxcounttime = 180 (3 sec x 60 ticks per sec)

    scorecounter = int(score / maxcounttime)

    every tick

    sub int(text.text) < score

    action: set text.text = int(text.text) + scorecounter

    This theoretically would give a 3 second counting function to count from 0 to your score.

    I suggest this because, if you would have a very high score, the counting could take long. this function dynamically reduces counting to 3 seconds (180 ticks).

  • > Mind you, windows xp is well over 10 years old, and its publisher released 4 newer operating systems which was supposed to replace XP.

    When Windows stopped supporting XP Service Pack 2 (and announced they would shortly do the same with SP3), they revealed that around half of all computers still use XP. This was last year.

    They claim it's a piracy issue, but in truth they've put out sub-par products, and many simply won't trust a newer version of windows unless they have to.

    Actually ... it could very well be partiallly a piracy issue ...

    Even now, millions of people still offer the cracked windows XP versions through torrents and what not.

    Later windows system have better security in regards to the wga checks, which is getting harder to crack every version requiring more skills to apply them ... and more frequently.

    People stick with what they think they know what works ...

    There is an enormous amount of old PCs that lagg with newer OS versions and would require money for hardware too in order to upgrade. These systems are often given to relatives or children, keeping them in circulation. Its a bit like with semi old cars.

    Also, many people think windows is too expensive and dont want to spent 150/20 bucks on some software thats being sold by the 100s of millions.

  • I use a simple and effective audio control.

    I have 1 group called: Audio, somewhere in the menu sheet, no subs, no actions .. no events ...

    Events requiring sound:

    add a sub event: is group audio active -> action play sound

    add a sprite with audio on your layout

    event: on click audiosprite

    sub: group audio is active -> stop all, set group audio deactivated

    else -> set group audio activated, play background music

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There isn't really a server feature.

    It's taking advantage, for preview, of Windows' tools to provide a local server, that's it.

    The preview server is not something packaged with Construct2 or maintained by Scirra.

    And once again, SVN server is a different/external feature as well.

    Ohw, didnt know about that, I figured with preview over lan it did provide it, cos a little server binary is only a few mb. :)

    I know SVN is a different server, I suggested using a web enabled server to mimick its functionality.

  • Kyatric

    Yeah I dabbled with svn already, with construct2 and before.

    Seeing as there is already a server feature in construct2, its very feasable to implement a web access connection, potentially enabling construct 2 program to talk to other construct 2 programs.

    With the mentioned approach, it would be a native build approach within construct 2. At least, thats how I envisioned it.

  • Katala

    Oi, thanks for that :D

    That I missed that, silly <_<

  • lennaert Both systems are Dual core, The XP system has better performance, with virtually same spec as the windows 7 PC...

    256 video ram is small agreed, My point is, it should be enough to run a game that would probably embarrass a 16 bit SNES, with it's massive 64 kB video RAM...

    A bad comparrison though, a ness was hardware based with the program ran directly from a chip.

    And it didnt had to mainain a system that requires a minimum of 1500mghz to decently run the operating system. (whereas XP only requires roughly 200mghz) Not to mention supporting the eyecandy in the backgorund.

    Also, the operating system needs to run the browser too.

    I think its far more likely that your windows 7 is not living up to your expectations, and you prefer to blame it on the perfromance of cs2.

    Perhaps check out the video requirements for windows 7.

    Grafisch DirectX 9-device with WDDM 1.0 or higher

    Something tells me your 256mb video card is not up to par ;) (or barely)

  • There is a quite a huge difference with "old" PCs ...

    You ran windows XP, what was it, a Pentium 4?

    Mind you, windows xp is well over 10 years old, and its publisher released 4 newer operating systems which was suposed to replace XP.

    Also, does your old video card support webgl ?

    256mb video memory is rather small.

    4 gig memory, in an old PC, all the same modules ? what speeds ?

    These differ greatly.

    Windows 7 has a LOT of eyecandy crap inside (taking up video performance)... perhaps disable all that before you run a game ;)

    I consider a relative old computer something from ike 2 or 3 years ago.

    By now that would at least be a dual core system.

  • The images are only really bloating your projects size. It doesnt directly affect your performance.   It does however, if its simply way too big and the device it runs on has small memory or a terrible (or none) memory manager.

    In my time with construct 2, the only real performance problems are programming approaches and flaws made by the developer.

    That board game of mine, 50mb, on my laptop it runs 50/60fps wwith only ~10% cpu usage :)