lennaert's Forum Posts

  • I've been logged off three times now, even though I've set it to keep me logged in.

    Dont tell me you got posting errors and the posts vanished xD

    noooooooooooooooooooooo !!!

    Been online for couple hours and have not experienced that.

  • Arcade related issues:

    On "My profile"

    Game revisions show

    Previously deleted games show

    Apparently, missing game plays (counters) were added to revisions.

    I now see my games which I had deleted, of which I thought they were getting played poorly, actually did very good ... -,-

    edit :

    Forum related:

    Button with email friend link at the top (next to printer) :


    You are not permitted to send e-mail to this user.

    Encoding issues, I think you need to set UTF8 or something, cos several ascii like chars, such as exclamation mark and the single qoute is now showing the diamond figure with a question mark.

    Forum linkage has changed, you prolly need to nice-en the URLS

    Prolly needs some adjustments in either a htaccess file for url rewritting, or if the forum code supports its, update it to reflect the post names in the links.

    Unable to click usernames to view their profiles

    From the user information on the left, perhaps take out the time of joineing, and the sidebar with the avatar will fit better.

    My user location is not showing up in the left sidebar. (netherlands)

    Not sure but I think the post name notification method with the is not working.

    At least this : lennaert

    Signalling myself doesnt work anymore.

    Perhaps its an idea to remove the usergroups tab from the user control panel.

    Also, Enemies and foes ? really, we want to tag other forum members as foes ?

    The breadcrumb links are kinda double up ... you already have the forum link in the top (index) and when entering a sub section, the category name at the top is already clickable. (category/sub category)

    Can you place the new links (new posts, recent posts, active topics etc etc) in the template, so it appears above the forum in all categorys and threads ?

    Right now when i enter a thread, they change to a way too huge search option.


    Od colors mixed with new ... its really **** ugly.

    A sets of light-ish blue/green with a dark streak in the middle with lots of orange spots everywhere .... bright blue in the forums .... with orange too ... I might aswell take some lsd.

    Changing style in user controle panel to pro silver removes the rest of the website linkage and only shows the forum.

    Website related:

    I can access the multiplayer test lab, which is not offerng a working server it seems.


  • That is because the inspect tab checks a lot of things each ticks, it is meant to be like that, try to use the watch values when you can

    Thanks :D

    I was under the impression it all ran all the time, seems I was mistaken :D

    Recently I've been trying to reduce all my collision checks as close 0 as possible. And started monitoring the performance of the various sheets, and just now noticed the difference.

    Thats quite a huge gap I must say, 30fps or 60fps.

    It probably has something to do with all the automated zooming I have on the various layers. (seeing the layer scales number with like 10 decimals spin like crazy)

  • I just noticed something in the debugger with my current project.

    when I run the debugger, with the "inspect tab" open, I get constant 30fps ~12% cpu usage

    But when I check the "profile tab", I get 60fps ~13% cpu usage :

    Is it suposed to be this way?, cos I had not noticed that before.

  • I use the center of the tiles and mover objects, their image origin points to be precise (object.imagepointX(0) and object.imagepointY(0))

    When i click a tile which is eligible to have my object move to, I fetch the X,Y of the image points (from click on tile) and set that in 2 instance variable of the object needing to move (lets call them targetx and targety).

    on click tile

    set object.targetx = int(tile.imagepointX(0))

    set object.targety = int(tile.imagepointY(0))

    Then, I have my object.X and object.Y to compare to the object.targetx and object.targety

    Either during a loop or with every tick, you can now determine if the target locations are different from the object x,y location, and if so move.

    crude example:

    every tick

    compare 2 variables

    int(object.x) not equal to object.targetx

    compare 2 variables

    int(object.y) not equal to object.targety


    object move at angle

    angle: angle(object.x,object.y,object.targetx,object.tagety)

    pixels to move: 50 * dt

    This simply checks if the object x,y is differrent form the target x,y and moves towards the propper position.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I ran into this game, play to cure

    Your game play aids in cancer research !!!


    [quote:k1t1zbqg]Play to Cure: Genes in Space is the worlds first free mobile game that uses the collective force of players to analyse real genetic data and help beat cancer sooner.

  • 1. One the binaries would give me an indication of CC performance. I have no use for that. Thus comparing to c2 means nothing to me.

    2. It is obsolete. It is no longer being development and there is a newer version that has taken its place, which is being further developped with far more features.

    3. objects created/manipulated every few ticks in a continious stream, thats not a game mechanic, thats more like a stress test.

    4. I meant exactly what I said, like the mechanic used in point 3. Its not the program (cc or c2) thats flawed, the created mechanic for the test is flawed in relation to comparring it to something usefull like parts of an actual game engine.

    5. yes I did read it, and rendering is fine, but i just called the aqcuired information through these tests useless. Thats why I suggested doing similair tests with programs that actually mean something to the majority of developers here, providing relevant information. That is why people are not interrested. At least, I think.

    And because your not porting an entire game, you will not see the performancce difference in rendering from one game. which is something I am betting a lot more would participate in.

  • Comparing games performance from the high end gamer industry to web based html5 games.

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I will say there is quite a bit of difference ...

  • png32 is the way to go with construct 2.

  • -,-

    right click example images, save as .....

  • lennaert is this turning into the "How do I" topic, mentioned in first post?

    Your loyalty to C2 is commendable and I share it, but don't let the rose tinted glasses fog your judgement...C2 under performs on average spec hardware...

    And yep, agreed background knowledge really helps, been working in the gaming / PC business for what, about 25 years now...

    Haha, Im simply firing away, as mentioned <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    ~20 years here, mostly IT tech related and programming, only been into game creation the last few years :)

    You say it underperforms, that suggests you have an equivelant to compare it to ?

  • BUT,all the tutorials i have viewed totaly suck,

    Thats your problem right there really, you think it sucks !!

    I am betting it is just your imagination.

    Perhaps if you take the time to actually do the beginners guide, you will understand a lot more :)

    edit: littleninjad <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • In relation to the cc vs bit

    Perhaps a lot dont want to install an older construct version.

    Me neither, the tool is absolete and would require me to learn some basics from an older tool which I will not be using in any near future.

    In relation to the c2 tests

    Looking at the details fo the benchmark test, I see no comparision to how I would run and use things. In fact, I would probably make my programs opposite of your test whahaha <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Seriously, when creating events I tend to check the effects of each piece trying to create every event to work as efficient as possible.

    Knowing the max limitations of a flawed programming approach is useless. Not calling your test flawed, but, if someone would implement something like that in his or her game .. that would simply be bad.

    Once a project starts to get more shape and getting bigger, then its about time to test that programs effects on different hardware.

    You could perhaps, make or take an existing game, which works and runs decent, and use that for tests.

    You could do it with different engines and game types, now that would be usefull information.

  • Pixel perfect, I'm guessing he is saying that in order to develop a somewhat best optimised game you should program in code, but that it takes up a lot of time to do it decently.

    I do however see a major advantage in knowing other scripting languages ... understanding those basics, and seeing how contruct interfaces the ide to create exported code, can give an huge leg up in skills and understanding how to apply any potential possibilities, options or approaches and the know how in bug/problems tracing.

    And you are right, you can not tell a customer to upgrade their hardware.

    That is why there are requirements specifications and device limitations.

    Thus testing is crucial on a variety of hardware in order to determine a good hardware range. Preemptively, informing a potential customer what is needed to run th game.

    I some times get the idea from new developers that they look at construct 2 programs like cars, and exepct all cars to be able to run at the same speed. But in fact, the car itself (program) determines the speed, and is obstructed by bad roads (hardware).

  • On the mirror action, set the required angle to self.angle -180

    Also, in many similair cases, developers pin that sort of things to the player. And when they mirror, that objec is mirrored too.