Lazernaut's Forum Posts

  • Acquire said music theory smarts. You can't make music without it.

    There are free courses in music theory on - I highly recommend it. It's very good.

  • Since you can set up the same logic in C2 as in most programming languages I think the only limit to complexity is in you and how well you can keep track of everything.

  • In case anybody else needs it I found a solution:

    This way the File Chooser is invisible, but still reacts to being clicked on. Some objects can be put on top of the File Chooser allowing you to fake buttons by using a Sprite or whatever.

  • Hi there. When I put a File Chooser object in my layout it displays a simple button with the text "Choose File" when I run my application. Is there a way of hiding the button and still make users able to click it, or at least a way to customize it? The default look of the button is honestly kinda useless for most purposes I think.

  • You'll need some clever math to do it I think. The library that does the physics calculations in Construct 2 is called Box2D. What you want is in a 3rd dimension I think, and as such is a lot harder to do.

  • I've searched all over for this and couldn't find the answer though I'm sure it's been answered before. I want to limit the palette in my game so I only have the same colors as a NES would have, like this.


    I'd like it to be like this:

    Is this possible?

  • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

  • Hey all. I'm working on a roguelike game. I want to use arrays to manage things like monster types, their health, attack values, defense, weapons, drops etc.

    Thinking about how I want to structure it I realized that if I built it all directly using arrays I would in effect be creating a manual relational database. I was thinking, for example, to have the class the player chooses represented by a global variable using a number. Then I'd want to make an array that had the information about the class' names and their data (attack etc.). The same would be true for items and monsters and such.

    Making that directly in Construct2's event sheet would be a hassle I think. My most preferred method of entering the data would be to just write out all the values manually in an Excel sheet and have the game import this. If that's not possible then maybe write out the data in text files and separate the values by commas.

    I'm interested to know what you guys think would be the best approach?

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  • Alternatively you can use the tilemap feature as well. If you make the object itself the size of 1 tile/sprite you can change the image in the first tile according to what you want displayed.

  • if your global variable is a number then that is the reason I think. A number is a type called "number". The text object only takes data in the "text" format. If you want to use data of the type "number" in text you might need to surround the number with "str(...)" when you set the text. Like this:

    • Green box = player
    • Orange dot = collision detector

    The black tiles are fog. These are supposed to turn invisible when you explore them. The red/green dots on the black tiles indicate whether a boolean has been set or not. Not sure that's relevant here.

    I hope that made sense, otherwise I'll try and explain it more

  • Maybe you can use the function object?

    on function "resetVariables"

    • set variable x to ??
    • set variable y to ??
    • set variable z to ??

    Then call the function each time you need to reset the variables.

  • Hello. I'm making some line of sight code for a roguelike game. I'm not sure what the best approach for such code is so for now I'm hardcoding it with the intention of optimizing it with loops and such after I figure out the best approach.

    If you look at my screenshot I've got a problem. If I nest the checks only the first one evaluates to true. This is a problem as I need the code branch to stop if a wall is encountered (the player shouldn't be able to see through walls of course). As you can see from the attachment the 4 code blocks only work if they're not nested.

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or how I can do it differently?

  • You should probably use Construct Classic. As far as I can tell Construct 2 is only for games. There's a seperate forum for questions regarding Construc Classic that you might have more luck on.

  • This might help. If you have 2 sprites just so 1 object can change the way it looks I recommend you use 1 sprite with 2 animations.