LaurenceBedford's Forum Posts

  • ch00se

    If we use the enhance plugin for notifications does my app have to be open to display notifications or can it be closed and display them?

  • antares330

    I have sent you an email.

  • Nope, Google Analytics works only in HTML5 games. If you want to use it in Android you must implement Firebase but that's a different tech. I'm developing a plugin for that also.


    Also are you any good with Cordova plugins, as Im looking to hire someone to convert a Cordova plugin to work with construct 3.

  • Google Analytics and Handy Utilities (CSS and JS project import among others)

    I recently uploaded a small plugin called Handy Utilities with a couple of usefull date/time expressions for creating, converting and formating date/time values and another feature for integration Google Analytics directly in your project.

    If you'd like to free-track your visitors and event send events to your analytics console, then this plugin will help you up. You just have to own a Google Analytics property (your personal domain) and if you upload it to sites like Kong, NG and others you can still track it as long as you include this plugin.

    Another feature is the possibility to inject CSS and javascript code into your project, this is helpfull if you are in C3 using C2 Runtime. You simply have to create your CSS/JS files inside your project, request them with AJAX Plugin and then inject it to your game as a string, using the provided actions.

    Pluggin supports C2 and C3 runtimes

    Here's the link, is totally free and documented.



    Happy coding! or... no-coding in Construct 3 :D

    Does this work with android exports?

    • Post link icon

    Hi guys how do I use a corodova plugin with c3?

    - how do i make an addon that support it?

  • Hi Guys,

    I have been trying for ages to make a plugin for c3 but it has never worked if you are able to make a Corodova plugin into a c3 plugin respond here.

    The plugin is heavily documented so it won't take too much of your time!

  • I'm trying to add the receive share data function in android studio:

    What I'm trying to do is once the data is received call a predefined function in construct 3 and set a predefined variable to the reicieved data.

    How would I do this?


  • Ashley

    Is it possible to do this?

  • Hi Guys,

    How would I call a function I have created in Construct 3 in android studio?

    For example, let's say my event sheet looks like this:

    If I export this to an android studio project and I add my own code how do I call the function in the image above in android studio and how do I set the variable to a value from android studio?

    Also what file do I call this on in android studio?

  • Ashley I see more and more reports in different posts that safe area expressions return 0 on phones with a notch. I thought it was only my phone, but it seems like it's the same on all Android and Apple devices.

    Can it be a bug? Or maybe the construct-mobile-notchfix plugin causes this?

    Same thing happens with me it returns 0.

  • tarek2

    Same I haven't either - I have posted again asking how to use them:

  • Hi, guys how do I use safe area expressions to support the notches on a phone as at the moment my content goes behind the notch and it covers buttons on my UI, How can I detect the notch and move the UI according to the detection?

  • How Do I get a refund from the scirra store?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Yes I agree, the developer Is not responding, the plugins are sold as supporting c3 but it says nowhere that it doesn't support c3 runtime?

  • Unfortunately, the trick didn't work on iOS as it adds black marks on both sides like if we use letterbox Scale but much smaller Black bars.

    Also the "construct-mobile-notchfix" is not included on the config.json and config.xml when you export to iOS.

    Here are the results:

    Auto & ScaleOuter & Hide Statur Bar


    Cover & ScaleOuter & Hide Statur Bar


    Letterbox Scale & Auto

    Thanks for posting the results.