I made a global variable TRIGGER = 0, in correct answer -> Add 1 to TRIGGER but where i set the check ?
I made a global variable TRIGGER = 0, in correct answer -> Add 1 to TRIGGER
but where i set the check ?
The check is another condition on the event where you check the answer.
Right click on the Event and click add condition.
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> You can have multiple copies of a sprite created and they will only respond to a hit on a specific sprite without affecting the other sprites. > > You can also choose sprites of the same copy by the unique UID and destroy or affect them through events. > many thanks, but how do i create an event or action using UID? like if spriteuid26 dies....
> You can have multiple copies of a sprite created and they will only respond to a hit on a specific sprite without affecting the other sprites.
> You can also choose sprites of the same copy by the unique UID and destroy or affect them through events.
many thanks, but how do i create an event or action using UID? like if spriteuid26 dies....
Pick Unique UID in the sprite commands.
Sounds Reasonable, any more ways of doing this?
Yes you need to set up a layout and follow what I said and learn from doing
Background image shouldn't cause noticeable lag.
You can resize it to fit your layout in the editor.
Is there a way for toy see my capx?
You can upload it to dropbox and PM me the link and I will look at it.
Ok here is the code player-on collision with key-destroy key-set HUD key to animation frame 1 but i wont appear if the parallax is 0.0, if anchor is on or if it is pinned it will appear just won't follow me. and if those are of it wont follow me And i said spawn cause that what popped into my head
Ok here is the code
player-on collision with key-destroy key-set HUD key to animation frame 1
but i wont appear if the parallax is 0.0, if anchor is on or if it is pinned it will appear just won't follow me.
and if those are of it wont follow me
And i said spawn cause that what popped into my head
I would have to see your capx. Not even sure what you are doing from that.
no if i had it on anchor the object woudn't spawn at all
OK why are you using spawn for an icon and are you pinning it in the same event when you spawn?
Do you have it set to anchor by any chance?
If you do take that off because that will prevent it from moving.
You can make a rope swing animation and give your player the pin behavior and make an animation of the player swinging.
When the player collides with the rope pin it to the rope and when you want it to jump off unpin and set the player to jump so it looks realistic.
You can try it with physics but that is an easier way.
You can pin it to the player and just make it visible when needed.
If your player is going to the top your icon is probably off the screen.
if i type the same correct answer ,the score goes up as many times as i type it. how can i make it stop?
Use a global variable as a trigger to stop any action.
If they answer a question correct add 1 to that variable so it won't repeat.
On answered correct: Set AnswerCheck = 2
AnswerCheck = 1
Are you resetting persistent objects when you go back to the game?
Why are you going back to the main menu after a game is ended?
If you mean you want to save a score that is a whole different question.
Well, unless you have some other events where CargaEscopeta is being reduced that will never work.
You have it set to 8 in the global variable and I do not see anywhere where you are reducing that number so your time event will never happen because it is looking for that variable to = 0
You would need a variable for each slider bar to store the current value and then compare them.
Variables Slider1 = 0 Slider2 = 0
On Slider1 = 5 set Slider2 = 5
On Slider2 = 6 Set Slider1 =4
and so on.
Finally i understant what you mean.Thanks a lot man.you are the best!
No problem. Now study how that was done because you will use that over and over in your games.