The important thing to note about your capx is that you run the Pin operation (in esUI) every time you go to a new Layout, which you must do if you want the Pinning effect to remain. That is what I wanted to point out: that the Pin operation requires to be repeated, which is not logical in a workflow sense. However, I also understand that you are demonstrating a workaround for me, and I appreciate that very much. Thanks.
In the way Construct is working, it does make sense.
The global layer is global in the sense that any modification you make to it will happen over all layouts you use it in, without having to go by yourself modify each of said-layers in each possible layouts in your project.
But again, keeping in mind that objects are destroyed between layouts (if they are not set to be global), initialising in each layouts does make sense from Construct's perspective.
In Construct, you need to do some initialisation on every layout.
It also allows you to make any modification for special case (imagine in Layout 3 you would want a different animation frame to display. Or to change some text, with this, you can and are not blocked to an UI you have set once and cannot modify afterward).
On the other hand, I understand also how you would like to set your UI once and not think about it anymore.
I'm not sure how to set it "easier" considering Construct is an engine that has to cover a lot of possibilities and minds at once.
TBH though, with included event sheets, it is working pretty OK.
If you add a new layout, all you need to do is add the proper layer and include the event sheet, and your UI is done for this new layout.