Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • After reading the tutorial you linked, my first suggestion would be to raise the size of your ennemies to 10X10 px and use the rts behavior. This will be the quickest, less painful way of doing things. ^^

    Else, if you really want to handle A* as construct's events...

    For starter, be sure that the hotspot is in plain center of your sprites.

    Your depart will be your ennemy sprite, the target is your player sprite.

    So ennemy.X and ennemy.Y are your first node.

    Save its position to an array that will act as your open list (prepare also an array that will be your closed list and another array in which you may save F,G and H)

    To find adjacent nodes you add/substract 5 to your actual node's X and Y to find the center point of your next node.

    From there, follow the steps of the other tutorial.

    You'll have to set and test F, G and H's values (as described in the tut).

    To adapat the manhattan method you'll have to determine its position in relation with the current node (is it on its right? on its left ? up ? down ?...) and apply the correct calculation.

    Using the example in the tutorial target node is right ahead from depart node.

    So the calculation would be: H = ((Target.X - Ennemy.X) / 5) * 10

    (The distance between the X is "reduced" to the number of nodes between Target and ennemy(/5) and then the cost is added (*10). 5 here is your node width.)

    The calcul would be different for each direction.

    Lets pretend the target is one case above than in the tutorial.

    Calcul would be : (((Target.X - Ennemy.X) / 5) * 10) + (((Ennemy.Y - Target.Y)/5)*10)

    Then make sure that 5 pixels around your next node's center there is no object making it "unwalkable". Save its status to the correct array (open or closed list).

    Depending on your level of confidence and ability with Construct this might be hard to realize.

    If it too much, by all means, stick to RTS behavior. This will be the simplest and most effective way to do.

    This answer is by no mean comprehensive but it should helps you get started if you really want to handle codewise.

  • Well ofc. The "take a screenshot" stuff was a bug which have been corrected and dealt with since.

    But as said in one of the articles I quoted, Graphic Cards drivers never had to deal with the possibility that an "external" source might have access to the ressources of the graphical card. So their might be potentially other bugs/exploits which haven't been discovered yet. (and this doesn't apply only to WebGL anyway, but also to silverlight, even if Microsoft won't point it out)

    I never meant to diss on WebGL, and ofc, Microsoft standing point is once again a commercial statement in the "Browsers battle". (even if it is, somehow, a lost battle anyway imo.)

    Unlike audio, I think 3D might be an argument, though, to attract more users to a peculiar browser.

    The "bad point" for Microsoft is that they can't win any monopoly over browser (seeing that FF and chrome are also available on windows OS and widely used).

    The users have the choice happily, the dullness falls back again on the devs that will work to make their app compatible with all available browsers.

    As a sidenote : Welcome back Ash, hope you had some nice rest.

  • Hehehe this feature would remind me so much of Visual Basic ^^

  • If you're looking for tutorials, you might check the tutorial section of this forum and look for C2's tutorial.

    In the whole, C2 and CC are quite similar, so what you learn for one does the trick for the other.

    There will be some little differences and subtilties, but you can safely go for the beginners' guide to Construct 2 and learn from what's there.

  • Phobos, the RTS behavior is A* Algorithm.

    Do you really want to reinvent the wheel ?

  • There is Newt's CodeStruct but I don't know if it contains code for the achievement.

  • 1. .jar files are java compiled byte-code. It has no interfacing with Construct as far as I know.

    Anyway, I think you could open it in binary, but I don't think that's what you want.

    2. I'm not sure to understand your question. Are you searching for the expression AppPath in System ? (System -> Get application directory)

  • Jayjay, don't answer spammers posts ^^

    For moderators, last message in page 1 needs moderation.

  • The bigger link catches more the eye. I'd still have filled its background with some light green to really make it stand out though ;) But I'm picky :P

    Dear Tom,

    I would like to suggest a reorganisation concerning Construct 2's forum section.

    Construct 2 general has been taken over by a lot of "help & support" type of topics. Maybe it is time for those topics to have their own sub-forum, alongside "bugs".

    Moving those topics might help clear the general discussion section.

    Following the same pattern as CC's section.

    In the long term, extensions should also have their own sub-forum. It might not be a necessity as of now, only two topics are concerned. But in the mid to long term it might come in handy hopefully.

    Also I think this "post your tests" topic should be stickied. This might lead the newcomers and ppl actually messing with C2 to bring some "positive" flow other than "help & support".

    orking on the site and other Scirra related things, there's a lot going on behind the scenes at the moment!

    Okay, now you have my attention and curiosity.

    You've either said too much or not enough. Anyway, what's going on behind the scene ? :)

    Keep up the good work ;)

    EDIT: Also when reporting a post, on validation of my reason message I get this error:

    The email failed to send. Please contact the Forum Administrator with the error message below.
    Server Error Message:-
    The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 No such user here

    And I don't think the post is being reported.

  • You mean some post-it over the code and/or layout ?

    Could be a good idea indeed.

  • Well, the k3d render library lucid posted about seems the good way to start. It's indeed not relying on webGL, and it renders pretty nicely in my FF5.

    I don't know, though, if the library can run alongside jquery, and how that would affect C2's exported projects.

  • I personnaly use the image editor The Gimp.

    There are other editors out there (, photoshop, much more...)

  • The "see-thru" effect is the purpose of "additive".

    Transparency in images is done by adding an alpha layer to them. The .png format allows you to export images with such transparency.

    You can get more infos by searching for the keyword "alpha transparency" in a search engine.

  • I don't see any "You have X PMs"? Does it appear only when I receive one?


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  • Suggestion: Make the "You have X PMs" message a little more visible.

    I think it is in a zone of the screen (the logout) which users tend to forget about. And as the display of the message is pretty much the same as the logout link, we don't tend to notice it very much.

    Maybe add a little candy like shadow css, or some background filling to catch the eye.

    I've sent a PM to Zack0Wack0 two days ago, he's been twice on the forum since (checking the last activity) but the PM I sent him hasn't been read yet.

    This leads me to believe he hasn't noticed the "You got mail" link yet. (I haven't had noticed it right away either the first time I received a PM)