Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Random(40,61), just try it, the expression will return a number between 40 and 60. (a float actually ie: 40.001, 52.004548040, etc...)

    (to round use a cast expression like int(random(40,61)) )

    More info in the manual

    Also for your question about deletion check the How do I FAQ at the section "Picking/selecting instance(s)" (Understand how to use instance variables to pick specific objects and Even more about picking with UID and IID)

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  • Object is ToDisappear 
    -> Object.width = lerp(object.width, 0, 0.5)
    -> Object.Height = lerp(object.height, 0, 0.5)
    Object.width = 0
    Object.height = 0
    -> Destroy Object

    Where ToDisappear is a boolean instance variable that you turned to true.

  • Not yet. Family variables and family behaviors are to be implemented in a future release.

  • The very same question was asked some time ago.

    I made this capx to answer.

  • Here's a possible implementation

    The trick is to use a third object with the scroll to behavior, and switch between the characters, starting/stoping the user's input depending on which character is to be controlled.

    Simply cloning the character's instance is possible too, but sounds like way more trouble imo.

    And also, if both sprites have the scroll to behavior, the program will struggle to try to put the view on both at the same time.

  • 0plus1 : Check the page7 of the beginner's guide

    Your text should be on a separate layer.

  • A loop (repeat, for, for each) happens in a single tick (in a single tick, the actions get repeated as many times as required).

    The wait 1 second action will delay the execution of the "add 1" action without blocking the rest of the execution of the page (and so the rest of the loop too).

    Here if what you want is for 100 seconds, each second add 1 to the variable, then what you need it to "wait loopindex seconds".

    For each iteration of the loop, it will wait more and more (according to the loopindex which is the current iteration of your loop).

    Oh, and for a fadeout of opacity, you should rather use lerp(object.opacity, 0, 0.5*dt) (the object will disappear in a second)

  • If you go back to the german thread, you can notice that it is a german member who simply said that on the forum it's prefered to have english only posts.

    The thread wasn't overruled with an iron fist by any staff member as you seem to be saying.

  • Apparently there's an issue with using different animations frames with the physic object. For now it only uses the collision polygon of the first animation frame.


  • If in event 1 you add another condition "Platform has wall to right" and invert it, the animation stop trying to be updated.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Also, you really should remove the physics behaviors as they don't work/interact with the platformer behavior.

    Finaly a little look at Ashley's tutorial about making platform games should be of help, giving you the good practice of using an invisible sprite as the "controlled character" instead of the sprite with the animation directly, this might be helpful later on in your project.

  • Also people should keep on putting a star on the issue to keep telling this issue should be fixed.

    Also "blocking" the res of the page is some kind of bandage for this issue but certainly not a definite answer (imagine the scirra's arcade if you were only able to click in the game canvas and not the rest of the page...)

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  • Your layer middleground has its parallax option set to 50,100.

    If you set it to 100,100 it's back on screen.

    Guess you should look that way.

  • You should try to post in the topic of the plugin you used, try to see if rexrainbow can update things or propose a solution to your issue. (he or gonzdevour)