Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • You probably want to play with the layerscale / layoutscale.

    Those are system expression that will help you to zoom in, zoom out on the object.

    Could you post a capx of what you already have setted up ?

  • That was fun Kyatric, really helpful to include all that history aswell thank you for that! I have a lot to say and only a short time because i spent too long making a stage lol.

    Haaaa I'm glad, I've been playtesting the game so far, but most of my testers strictly sticked to the "Play" part. Glad to have at last other feedback than mine for this part of DDP ^^

    GenkiGenga: For the release, at the beginning of the contest (like for the last) I was planing on releasing a full commented "final" capx.

    But as I went along, I have other ideas I'd like to implement in the long run, and maybe monetize, so I'll only provide the "early" capx, keeping some "secrets" under the hood for now.

    ?What confused you ?

    The scoring system, it seemed a little bit compicated at first (I confess to only having skimmed the instructions). I had more fun just trying to get the ball into the basket then I did trying to achieve the best rotations (But for the sake of competition i can see how this is vital).

    For the stage that I created i would have like to have players scored on the amount of bounces the piew does (Less the better).

    The game is still a WIP. By that, I mean that I plan on making more progressive levels before the deadline.

    The difficulty of the levels, in my eyes resides in the fact that a level might or might not have more than one solution (I take it is what you mean by "achieve the best rotations").

    When you move a handle, movement points are added to your score (bottom left).

    Jumps add 45 point at once.

    When the level is completed (the Piew has reached the Nest) the smaller your score is, the better.

    If it is smaller than the current best score for the level, it becomes the new best score.

    The scoring goal is to move the less handles possible.

    Karma is more a ratio of try/success for the level.

    It's more an indicator than a true score.

    This is maybe what caused the confusion. I shall get rid of the karma for the final version.

    ?What did you like ?

    That you can have users add content to the game is a MASSIVE plus.

    Really innovative design i love that users can compete against each other. (It has that side of me wanting to go back and kick your *** on a couple of your high scores! haha). :)

    For now though, the fight is only local.

    You can only beat the best score of the author of the level, that's where the comparison ends.

    If you want to compare scores with other players, for now you'd have to do it by posts on the forum or something like this.

    I'm planning on having a website to host the game and your account as well as the levels. I could handle and develop the competitive side better this way.

    Glad you like it so far though <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    ?What did you dislike ?

    The only thing I disliked were the blocks that turn you upside down, perhaps the orientation switch is too quick when you hit them i dont know.

    Those depends on the visual FX option "Hexagons rotate device".

    By default, it is supposed to be off.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Did you turn it on on start of the game ? Is it displaying like in the picture but still turning ?

    The effect is an option. As you said, it's making a bit dizzy. But slower isn't better either unfortunately.

    I may totaly remove it for the deadline though.

    So far I left "in case" someone found it more helpful, but I have had similar returns on IRC about this point already.

    I guess this won't even be an option in the final entry.

    Overall the graphics are fairly pleasing, the Piew is fantastic. The music (novelty points for the theme!) is really nice, I think i turned it off after about 20 mins (lol... piewwww piew piew!) The actual collision sounds from the Piew is really good. Ill be back to see if anyone has beaten my stage :)

    Thanks, glad you liked the music, voice made ^^

    I don't know if I'll make more music before the deadline. Glad to know that it can last for 20 minutes, that's not bad.

    I did it so it is quite soft not aggressive, as it is only a 28 sec loop.

    Glad you like the gfx, an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction runs through me. *Mission accomplished*

    But for now, I'm afraid no one else but you have seen your level ^^

    To make it public, you have to export a validated level.

    (Click "Valid" in the editor, play the game and vote it.)

    It will appear in the levels list :

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Click the "Ex" (export) button and copy paste the content of the textfield in this topic.

    I'll be glad to test and try to beat your score.

    Thank you a lot for your feedback.

    Thank you too harrio <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Spirantula: The "Your creations" forum is a good place for the WIPs.

    anthonykojima: Salut

    Welcome to you guys and to DalekAddison too (no jealous <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">)

  • Cool game.

    You still have up until the 5th of March to complete this entry.

    Cool mechanic indeed, it makes you think a lot ^^

    There's some missing feedback imo to make the game a bit more accessible, and the rotation mouse+keyboard isn't very easy to get at first.

    Also I felt the third/fourth level was easier than the second ^^

    Good job overall.

  • <center>


    This is my entry for the Rotary Competition.

    A physic puzzle/game adding the twist of rotation.

    he goal in each level is to Drop the Piew in the Nest.

    For this, you rotate the layers of obstacles that will free a way for the Piew.


    Current version: ScirraArcade_1.0

    Changelog for Pub_b_02-03-2012

    Changelog for ScirraArcade_1.0

    For the brave and curious : History archive

    <font size="2">(format 7z (7zip), ~2Mo compressed, ~12Mo uncompressed)

    This archive is a collection of the early capx of the game. You can have a look at them, pick up a few coding tricks and basicly see the evolution of the game over time.

    This represents about a bit more of half of the development</font>

    You can edit and export your own levels.

    If you want to share them, don't hesitate to post them in this topic (or on

    If you feel like leaving some feedback (feedback is greatly appreciated), please be so kind to answer those three questions :

    • What confused you ?
    • What did you like ?
    • What did you dislike ?

    If you could also give a quick note on those criterias :

    <font size="2">0 being the worst; 5 being meeh, average; 10 being wow, the best</font>

    Be sure to leave any comment (even if you don't want to note/follow this "format").

    I'll be glad to read you.



  • Don't understand why I'm getting the sarcasm. Freedom of speech is something we all still have.

    : The only bit of my answer that was sarcastic was using

    greedy ******* big corporations" and the "nice cute game maker acting out of passion and love"

    Also notice the quotes.

    It was more matter of using an image than a direct attack anyway.

    If that's all you retain from my answer and feel your "freedom of speech" endangered because of that, once again, accord to others the same rights/privileges that you expect.

  • So just cos a game is free it means it's crap or it shouldn't be allowed into the stores?

    Funny, I went through the topic again, and nowher I've seen this idea evoked.

    People talk about "crapps", about free games full of adds and f2p item stores, but not simply "free apps shouldn't be published" so have a chill pill.

    The moment you get greedy

    Wanting to make money out of an app you took time to make is not necesseraly greed. And today's internet and consumer's habits make it so it is believable/viable to make a living out of making games and selling them on internet. Like the way you are defending free games, accept that people may want to make a living (a couple thousand ?/$/whatever a month). There's not just the "greedy ******* big corporations" and the "nice cute game maker acting out of passion and love" only. You have to consider the whole spectrum of behaviors in between.

    I'm trying to show the 5 apps limitation is not the right model in this case and will scare 99% of our community.

    Well, seeing by this topic only, most of the people who talked so far seem pretty much OK with appmobi's pricing. Only a couple of people has been vehemently opposed.

    Sounds to me your numbers/impression are incorrect.

    I understand that in your optic of releasing free apps, appmobi's model is not the best. But from their point of view, their pricing/service including a hosting of the app, it makes sense that there is a limit to how many apps they host. Space costs !

    Let's hope that in the future/long run other ways will be available to publish apps from a "free game" perspective. But honestly, I don't see reason to evilize appmobi the way you've been doing for 4 pages now.

    Finaly Arima also said, this debate should be held in appmobi's forum, not in C2's. This is kind of irrelevant.

  • Since the origin of your image (its x and y coordinates) is centered, if you add or remove half of its width to its x coordinate you get the coordinate of the left/right border of the object.

    This way, staying in the range (38, 602), you are sure that your image sticks to the boundaries of the screen horizontaly.

    Same logic verticaly.

  • Probably linked with the reported other bug, this has surely something to do with the recent changes made to subevent handling.

    Ash will probably issue a new release soon when fixed.

  • Merge event 2 and 3 into a :

    + On left clicked on 1Gold

    + Pick random 1Gold instance

    --> 1gold destroy, etc...

    This will pick only a single instance amongst those clicked and you can get rid of the sprite "click".

    For "one-shot" you have to spawn a new Particles object, not reuse a previous one.

    So instead of Particles2 set position, use system action

    Create Particles2 Mouse.x, Mouse.y

    This should fix it all.

  • Possibly related to this bug.

  • You can use tokenat and tokencount system expressions.

    Import your list as a single string with separators


    Instead of a number, make ChooseName a text variable. Assign it :

    ChosenName = tokenat(List,int(random(tokencount(List,","))),",")

    This will put a single name in ChosenName out of List.

    Check the last page of this topic they pretty much propose/explain this solution.

  • This one slipped my mind, sorry.

    Well your "Level 2" wasn't a right duplicate of the "Layout 1" layout. You were missing having the same layers in "Level 2", adding a "GAMEOVER" layer and putting the objects on it worked.

    Make sure that all the layouts are made in the same way for the events to work accordingly. If you apply an action to a non existing layer, nothing will happen hence "bugs".

    You can redownload the previous capx it works now.

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  • Then in that case, on pause you need to store the values




    and set those to 0

    Also set immovable to "Immovable"

    On unpause, you set them to the value you stored and set immovable to "Movable".

    VelocityX/y are the "vector" speed (translation of the object) and AngularVelocity is the rotation speed.

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