Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Hi, the link you provide is a local link (on your own computer, no one else can access it).

    What you should do is follow this tutorial to upload your game on dropbox.

    You need to copy all the files of the exported project (making sure c2runtime.js is in the same folder as index.html) and share the public link to index.html.

  • Ashley ^^

  • Yes, because both subevents are consecutively true.

    Consider logged = 0

    Your first subevent happens and so sets logged to 1.

    Than right away, you test if logged = 1. It is, since you changed it in the previous subevent.

    So it switches back to 0.

    What you need is to add a global and/or local variable.

    You test it along the value of logged.

    Something like :

    Logged = 0

    Var = 0

    -> Set var = 1

    -> Set logged = 1

    Logged = 1

    Var = 0

    -> Set var = 1

    -> Set logged = 0

    This way, you are sure that if a subevent was already ran, the second won't be running as var won't be equal to 0.

    You also have a conditionnal expression

    On button clicked

    -> set logged "logged=0?1:0"

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  • Link corrected.

    Please upload your capx on dropbox and copy the public link in this topic.

  • Please post a capx that display this error and let us know on which system/OS you are (win XP, win7, etc...)

  • Daryl is a cool character in the TV show.

    There is also a walking dead game in the making, and it looks pretty interesting, not shooting all the way, more cerebral/interaction with the characters, it makes me curious.

    Glad you had a good time peeping lara croft's cheeks. ^^

  • K.I.S.S. is a good moto, as well as "Is this meaningful, does it make sense in the context of this game".

    For example if I'm making a snake game, what will the snake eat, is it apples ? snakes don't eat apples, they eat mice and here you go, switching the design from "random bonus item that your character has to overlap" to "something irl snake do eat to survive".

    It helps giving consistency and context and may engage the player more easily/naturaly.

  • could not create arrays that contained properties

    Greg: I've just opened the fixed capx, went into the layout "gregs_adventure2" and inserted an array in it.

    The new "Array" works as intended when I select it either in the project tab or the objects tab it is a regular instance, with properties.

    I really don't experience what you're talking about, and I don't think the project is corrupted, it works as intended here even after having saved to a new capx and opening it back in a new instance of C2.

    Also all the stuff about trasnfering arrays from another project is bad usage. You should report exactly the errors you get on crash though but it's definetely not the intended way to use it.

    Create arrays in the "final" layout directly, not elsewhere.

  • Allow users to expand/shrink all sub events for top level events. to make it tidier.

    All i set all sub events, i can hide/shrink them so the layout is less cluttered

    I think it's already on the todo list as this was proposed months ago already.

    In the meantime, you can do that with groups. For organization, it helps a lot.

  • Bump *

    + Info : When i put my Physics behavior on the sphere, the sphere starts to vibrate and my Camera Layout to bounce... anybody knows what is the reason?


    When physics objects are colliding without much speed/movement, apparently the physics behavior tries to "shake" things up since the recent versions.

    You should read the tutorials about basic and advanced physics.

    Play with the "stepping mode" and "stepping iterations" (check the manual entry).

    The ball hasn't enough momentum to move and just ends stopping on the plane surface of the box.

    The camera shaking is probably due to the "Scroll to" behavior that is probably set to the physic ball.

    But to really help you we have to see your capx, you should post it.

  • Pode had developped the cutsom unistroke gesture recognizer plugin.

    That's probably something you want.

  • Use groups.

    Make them deactivated by default and name them something like "Wave0", "Wave1", "Wave2", etc...

    Then let's say we are in "Wave0" group (the group is activated) and the wave is finished and it's time to pick another one.

    The conditions of the event depends how you want to set it (change after a certain amount of time, of mobs spawnt, etc...) but the actions will look something like :

    system - group "Wave0" (the current group) deactivate

    system - group "Wave" & int(random(NbMaxWave)) activate

    Where NbMaxWave is a global variable that holds the highest number of wave you have programmed.

    The expression will pick a random number between 0 and the max number of waves (for example 500) and concatenate it to form a string that is the name of the next group that will be activated. (From "Wave0" to "Wave25" for example).

  • Greg : fixed capx

    Your array "girls_response"'s instance did not exist in the layout.

    Actualy, the name of the array had been replaced with the object type ("Arr"). C2 tried to initialize an instance, but it didn't know what project object type to use. Quite strange.

  • Turn the 4 unique sprites into a single one, setting the animation speed to 0 and differentiating each instance with its initial animation frame.

    That would allow to write a bit of code that can affect all 4 instances at the same time (using a loop) or separatly if you need (picking a specific instance).

  • Not really.

    Webstorage is more about string type of datas.

    You can use it to store the progression in a game, store values about the player that you will to keep consistantly between two times he might launch the game/close the tab/open it again, etc...

    In my game Drop Da Piew I used it to store the levels/scores/configuration options...

    A PNG 8-bit compression on most textures will keep alpha channels (transparency), keep the quality and still majorly reduce the size of the images.

    And if their original size is adapted to their display size you won't use more size than necessary.