Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Isn't LAN preview there to remove all the tedious compiling process ?

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  • Families are still missing behaviors.

    They can be useful already though.

    Simply add object type (the same one, sprite, text, one object type per family) in a family folder and use the family as if it was an object type in events.

    For now, experimenting is the best way to get used to families.

  • For "More event sheet features", that would mean:

    - usability improvements (folder organisation in event dialogs; switch action/condition object quickly, etc)

    - function-like features

    - 'Else', 'While', 'Any' / 'OR', for-each ordered, etc.

    Functions !!!!

  • Before complaining, I think you should explain more clearly your issue, and see if you're not just doing it "the wrong way".

    What do you mean by "replace all instances of something" ?

    What is your current setup, what are you trying to do ?

    What have you tried, what did you expect and what actually happened ?

    As mentionned in your other complaint topic, post a capx of your issue so we can help you out and discuss about the point you are making.

    Frustration is natural during the course of learning C2/making a game but this forum isn't the place to vent it out.

  • Please post a capx to illustrate.

    Also you shouldn't multiply the "on every tick" conditions.

    Have one event that will contain all the actions that need to be performed every ticks.

    If you want an event to fire in the order of execution (from top of event sheet to bottom of event sheet) every tick, simply make a blank event with no conditions at all.

    It is the same in subevents, you don't need to put a on every tick condition, simply have a blank subevent.

    It will execute as long as the top level executes.

    Also are you using "wait" actions ?

    The offset you're talking about sounds like it could be offseted grops of wait actions firing one after the others.

    Remember to always post a capx it makes it easier/quicker for the rest of the members to see/experiment what you are talking about.

  • Ashley: sounds like it is still relative to the original instance of the object "bug".

    Cloning an array doesn't seem to create an original instance in the layout, and the array appears without properties like already reported here.

    Example capx following aridale's steps.

    Create an array, clone it (right click in object's bar) set the code, executes, ArrayCloned apparently only contains 0s and displays none of the array properties (width, depth, height) in the properties bar.

  • Pretty nice indeed.

    Though there might be confusion with the already existing Pathfinder behavior, maybe have a different name to prevent confusions. (Maybe a shorter one too, like "PF" to have expressions like "Sprite.PF.Whatever" which would be even nicer).

    This behavior will surely take over the old one though, it appears to work far better. Good job, looking forward to see it released.

  • Another way is to check the How do I FAQ at the sections "AJAX" and "Facebook".

  • A commented capx presenting a possible implementation.

    I made mobs that shoot each others, but this should display some ways to control many instances on screen, with different projectile types, etc...

    Another implementation could be to use families.

  • Post your capx.

  • Weazl: Those are conditions.

    In your example, select the player and select "Compare Y position".

  • Isn't possible to export a cross platform for win, mac and linux?

    Joannesalfa: HTML5 IS cross platform.

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  • Awesome demo

  • Awesome Cpryd001, thanks for the wrap up.

    I smiled at the "hackers". You can always expect one or two "smartasses" to go a little faster/further than the rest of the group ^^

    Sorry about the spring course that did not work, it looks though you made quite an impression.

    Keep up the good work and keep us informed.

    Maybe Tom will want to have your testimony or promote this report.