Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • If Construct crashes, make sure that you have updated your graphic card drivers.

    As DuckfaceNinja said, Scirra is a two men team (not a mutlinational with billions of employees) who's probably taking some well deserved time out during those end of year holidays. Give them a few days and they'll come back right at you.

    Also you're complaining over the fact that the version you bought requires Steam to run, than in this case you shouldn't have bought the Steam version but bought it directly from Scirra's website.

    For this it's nothing but your own fault as there are lots of threads on this very forum (an example in this very first page) that states the pros and cons of buying on steam.

    I'm sorry you're having a bad experience but please give it a bit of time to get solved. It's Christmas/holidays for everybody.

    Just out of curiosity, when did you buy your version, when did you send Scirra an email and what are your computer's specs and OS ?

  • Check out the "Pathfinding.capx" example bundled with C2 (in the examples folder, or "Browse examples" from the start page) and check out the "Show Path" group.

    You have access to the nodes in an array with the expression pathfinder.NodeAtX()/pathfinder.NodeAtY()

    Pathfinding behavior manual article

  • <center>- The most beautiful day of her life -

    A game made for and during the Ludum Dare #28 (Dec 2013)

    Play the game now</center>

    You only get one chance to enjoy the most beautiful day of your life.

    And for this bride-to-be there's only one minute to get to the church and avoid the despicable plot that has been planned against her.

    Use your slaps and your purse to make your way to your wedding in time.

    Play the game now

    See the post mortem

  • With the number of tutorials and examples in the how do I FAQ, using the "search" function of the forum and your browser, you should find what you're looking for.

    You also have example capx bundled with Construct directly (be sure to click on "Browse example" in your start page).

    THe beginner's guide shows you how to handle HPs, which are the same logic as score.

  • All images are loaded before the start of the game.

    You could use the Sprite "Load image from URL" action to download "on the fly". I'm not sure memory releases it after use though.

    For the sounds, sounds are either preoladed through the Audio action "Preload" or downloaded on the first use of the "Play" action. I believe they stick in memory as well.

    Music/(ambiance) is streamed as long as you follow the correct usage. (see the manual article 'Audio' linked before).

  • I see the mod's point of view. It can be taken as baiting an argument.

    A conversation about prices will anger most people. People who are cheap and don't want to pay full price will argue the price and cheaper alternatives, and people who are loyal to GM will defend the quality of the product and price. An experienced mod would see that coming a mile away.


    Please note that some mods not employees of the company and might just be responsible community members who volunteered.

    Well, moderators on Scirra's forums are only volunteers, and we've never closed any thread that could lead to a debate.

    You can find numerous posts of people who will find C2 too pricy. And it never degenerates in sterile flame war.

    Mostly because the "complaint" is invalid to start with when you compare to "the competition".

  • I've never used GM products, but for the last years I've been part of Scirra's community, I've been hearing about this kind of behavior/moderation on their part, this seems like nothing new.

    Also, I doubt they will read this thread and change because of it. ^^

  • This is the modularity feature that has been talked about months ago (here or here and that will be eventually implemented.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Merry Christmas 2013 to all C2's community, whether you celebrating it or not, and keep on making great games.

    Also keep getting C2 updates every week, for it feels like Christmas every week <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'll develop further more on my comment on your ludum dare page, as I'm aware it may sound a bit harsh.

    It pains me that "you shot yourself in the foot" with the idea of "one single life per browser".

    You set up a huge logistic (a team of people, SVN server, "multiplayer gameplay"), some nice graphics and animations that definitely build a sweet ambiance for your game and only allow the player to enjoy it for a few seconds.

    Instead, "forcing" the player to be a ghost for a limited amount of time before being able to restart the game could have been a good way to get your idea across and bring an enjoyable experience to your player.

    Permadeath in such a way and in a "platform" game full of traps is kind of teasing your players. "We've put much effort in building a gorgeous game but we don't want you to enjoy it".

    That's one of the biggest mistakes you've made on that project I think.

    I think you really were too ambitious (multiplayer game, when you don't already have a working framework for it is really a huge task in a week end. And it needs other players to be meaningful). I remember a few LDs ago, I and Yann tried to make a multiplayer game as well, building a "simple" HTML server at the time that C2 didn't even have WebSockets in. We built the server, had the logic working through AJAX requests, we made it work/had a proof of concept.

    But we weren't able to make the client/game in the end. It was still too ambitious, and still it wasn't our first game jam.

    But that's how you learn I guess.

    As you mention, the artist did not know how to use Spriter before starting the jam, it is another mistake. I concur that Spriter is a wonderful tool and quite quick to get the hang of, nevertheless, in most game jams, the keynotes/advices always state to know/be familiar with the tools you're going to use before.

    In the end you managed to release a playable game, so all kudos to the team.

    It made for a first take on jam and that's nice.

    But, imo, before thinking about getting more ppl on board, you should rather take out of this jam that you need to set for an idea, make sure the idea is fun for your players to play and then for you to make.

    Then make sure that all the features that are essential for the game, you can put in the game in set time.

    If you can't, rework the design and don't hesitate to cut useless features off.

    In this peculiar game for example, you could very well have done without Spriter and simply go for drawn frames.

    Considering the time the player actually gets to see/use the spriter animations and that the ghost is a single frame, it would have won you a great amount of time.

    Keeping it simple is always best.

    Once again, congratulations for making a game anyway, that's a great success in itself for a jam. But having more members would only have lead you to try to get more "non essential" stuff in whereas you should have focused in priority on what was required for the game to be fun for the player.

    After, that's what game jams are here for, test, experiment, make mistakes and learn.

    Also, one last note on a personal fight of mine : controls.

    WASD layout is fine on QWERTY keyboards. Unfortunately, the whole world does not use QWERTY keyboards, and the WASD layout on an AZERTY keyboard is just a pain to use.

    Always think about providing an alternative (arrow keys possibly, or allowing for an option for the player to chose between WASD and ZQSD, or ESDF which works the same for both keyboards and is only one key offset).

    Your game wasn't the worst on that aspect, but I'm putting it here in case other game makers are reading those words, so that they consider their international audience.

  • A few days and a few more entries (than listed here) later, I'm really impressed with what C2's community is able to produce during the LD.

    Great job everyone !

  • The forum "Tools/resources" holds all the lists you might need.

    Instead of just expecting an answer, you should have probably used the search function of the forums.

  • Check out the "How do I FAQ" for the Thumbstick example (it's a sticky in the how do I forum).

    For the second question, you should add a condition "Touch:Is in touch" to your event otherwise, once the touch is over, the value of touch.x;touch.y is equal to 0 which ends up being the top-left corner of the screen.

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