Kurjuus's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to create a system where you can grab a total of 3 keys and they'll create a queue in your back, following you anywhere. Once you touch a locked door, the first key you grabbed will be used and destroyed, and the rest will take the next place in the queue. I used an array to make this possible.

    Now, the problem comes with the order in which I grab the keys. If you coincidentally grab them by UID order, lower to higher, the system works perfectly fine, otherwise it will take 2 keys or even all the keys to open 1 single door.

    I've remade it in a new clean project and the issue keeps happening, here's the C3P


    Thanks for your help!

  • Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I've tried with the new family and also removing the else condition but it didn't work. Both objects keep getting destroyed at the same time.

    Am I doing something wrong here?

    Thanks for all the help!

  • Hi there,

    I know this must have a simple solution so I've already searched through the forum but I haven't found anything that helped me, so I must be doing some silly mistake.

    When 2 objects of the same kind are overlapping and both collide with an explosion sprite, I want to destroy only one of those. I've chosen to pick the closest to the explosion but it's not working.

    I've also tried using "Pick top/bottom" without success.

    I'll appreciate any helpful hand.


  • Hi there,

    When creating a new object or adding a new behavior/effect, would it be possible to just type right away that what you're looking for instead of clicking on the search bar and then type? We can already do that when adding a new condition/action and I think it'd be a great QOL addition.


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  • Hi there,

    I want to randomly spawn enemies in a specific kind of tile.

    In my case, it would be any X/Y coord that matches the tile nº 32.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you!

  • newtI discovered you can actually use both at the same time. It wasn't working for me because my tweens and stuff were using 'Every X Seconds' and 'Wait X Seconds'. So now I'm using the timer behavior instead and it works.

  • newt Hi, yes that's what I used for each object, but it's not working :(

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to make a pause for my game but I'm struggling with making my menu animations to work while the game is paused.

    These are my events:

    I'm setting the global time scale to 0 and the objects I want to have their time scale untouched to 1, but it's not working this way. What am I doing wrong? That's the only event working with time scales.

    Thank you!

  • ooooooh didn't know that existed, thank you so much dop2000!

  • Hello!

    I wonder if there's any way to do this:

    I got 1 string variable color with 3 values: blue, green and red. And I got 3 int variables for each color: blueTimer, greenTimer and redTimer

    Depending on which value you have for color, I want the action WAIT X SECONDS to have its respective color timer.

    I tried doing this:

    Wait color&"Timer"

    but the action won't take strings (totally comprehensible, you can't wait blue seconds). Is there any way to achieve it with a single action or do I have to do 3 separate events, like this:

    if color is blue, wait blueTimer

    if color is green, wait greenTimer

    if color is red, wait redTimer


  • I finally fixed it! I don't know why but it was the deceleration. I changed it to -99 and now it works.

  • But I did, initially my events didn't have any angle action except the loopindex, which is necessary. The bullets wouldn't keep their original angle, that's why I tried to fix it with the stored angle. Doesn't work either.

  • shameful bump.

    Does anyone have an idea why the bullets are not keeping their original angle?

    I recreated the same events and actions in a new blank game, without anything else, and still happens the same. The bullets won't keep their original angle no matter what.

  • Yeah that's what I initially thought. It should continue at its current angle because I didn't touch anything related to their angles (except for the loopindex), but they all go either 0 or 180. That's why I stored their angles.


    I've changed all the actions to "Set angle" instead of "Set angle of motion"

    and now it works only for SOME of the bullets, randomly. I don't know why.

    I've also double checked if there's any other event affecting the angles.

  • Thank you lions_! I still have got to grasp this programming logic, it escapes me easily :P

    That fixed the issue with choosing which bullet survives. Do you have any idea why that bullet doesn't keep its original angle?

    It always goes either 0 or 180. That's why I stored their original angle into that instance variable (iniAngle), but still doesn't work, so I guess something's off.